Battle Rating III PSA

Keep it as is, let the babies play BR I and II, let the sweats play IV and V, and let the people who know how to have fun play BR III and everyone’s happy

Low Tier doesn’t fight the big bad V, High Tier sweat their balls off, and then those of us who enjoyed Enlisted before the Merge can continue to enjoy the Enlisted we know and love in BR III

Huh, maybe this is a symptom of how unbalanced BR3 is?
But no, it’s the players who are wrong, they just don’t how to have fun…

I really don’t get your point.
Even without the current BR3 solution, you could “own BR5 nerds” every match by just equipping a single inconsequential BR5 weapon.
And you can get a ton of variety by just switching between squad presets.
And if it’s about the randomness, use the ‘join any side’ button.

The only thing you lose with a better matchmaking system is the “BR3 seal clubbing BR1-2” experience.
Maybe that’s what this is all about?


Pfft. Trust me, I have far more fun owning people with “better” equipment than 5 minute matches where my team just steamrolls without restraint. So there’s that struck down right here, right now. If I wanted to bully a bunch of I’s and II’s then I’d run II and dome kids with my Springfield and mag dump into them with my M1 Carbine

And my point still stands, if you have an issue with how BR III is set up, don’t play BR III. You have 4 other BR’s to have your monotony and “muh balance,” leave my favorite BR alone

Equipping a single BR V gun ruins the point of playing BR III for me, which is the UNKNOWN. Playing in BR V is a known. I know exactly what I’ll fight, exactly what my allies will have, exactly what maps I will play. It’s boring. Monotonous. Repetitive

“Just change your BR” isn’t a solution. How BR’s work is X fighting with X against X. Changing your BR only changes X to Y. It’s no different. BR III gives me an out of that situation. Plus I love the weapons in BR III

“Join any side” doesn’t give me a BAR and Thompson…plus I have a source of pride in the fact my battle count for Japan is 0. Small thing, but still

You can always purposely take stuff from lower BR into BR5 match. But players with only BR3 or BR4 would not suffer against BR5.

Your argument is kinda dull. :man_shrugging:

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That doesn’t change anything. What I bring literally doesn’t matter if what I’m fighting will always be the same regardless. I love current BR III. Let’s keep it as it is

What? There are only 2 types of matches. High BR and low BR.
It takes about one minute to recognize which one you are in.

Maybe I just cannot relate to the gambling aspect of it but all of this just because you are romanticizing the very first minute of a match is very strange to me.

So you love farming enemies that has objectively worse equipment. At least we know now.


What? When did I romanticize the first minute? I just like having variety

Objectively wrong. I’ve expressed several times how much I love fighting V with III

Yes, but I bet majority of players who play BR3 and don’t have a higher BR wouldn’t be on the same boat with you.
And you selfishly want to force these players to face BR5 even though they don’t want to.

Yet if BR5 was locked in its own queue, you could still use BR3 equipment in your BR5 line up.

You’re against fair balance just for selfish reasons. And I do not respect that.


No, I want people who are scared of the big bad V to get out of BR III so they stop taking up valuable slots in lobbies and leaving me with a team of bots. Man I must not be making this clear enough

“If you’re not going to play my way, I don’t want you to play at all.”



It’s not “ playing my way” it’s literally playing at all. Explain what the point of playing BR III is if you’re just going to leave over half the matches. Go on, make your case for encouraging this behavior

Have you considered that you might be the solitary Rambo in the game?

The point is to play the other half of the matches.


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So lobby DF to make a more sensible MM system.

Getting all cry-baby because people aren’t all clones of you is a bit childish.

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Look, the system in place has a very clear ruleset, and to whine and complain about the single exception to that ruleset is borderline braindead behavior. You have 4 different BR’s to enjoy. Leave the one I enjoy alone

That’s the situation in the lower tiers, I only have some BR2 equipment on 1 nation, been playing for over 2 weeks.

most of my matches are up against All Marshals and Generals vs my team of Lt’s or less.

These people know every inch of the map, they know where the best spots for rally points are and get behind enemy lines to break them.

All their gear is maxed out while the grind for new players “when losing” is oppressive, making just a couple of hundred silver per 8-15 min match if you’re lucky.

I guess when all new would be Enlisted players get tired of getting farmed and go back to playing COD or any other MMO, then all the generals can have the game all to themselves once again.

once I complete my Battle Pass which I regret buying, I’ll be taking a break and see if something changes in the MM system. Totally sucks to be trying to level a GD squad of 4-5 members with 1 or 2 star BAR’s and trying to get daily objectives all the while your team is getting steam rolled in a matter of minutes by an army of Generals, ridiculous.

Yet someone is complaining about BR3’s leaving their matches… I wish they left My matches, :wink:

I somewhat get what you mean BR III was supposed to have balance some of your battles would be against lower stuff, some against higher, but people just leave the higher ones until they get a lower one, negating the "balance of BR III. While I agree that BR III can be very fun, it can also be very frustrating, especially if you are not on the higher end of the skill spectrum where you can compensate with skill and map knowledge.

The unfortunate truth is that even if you enjoy BR III, the current way BRIII is used by a portion of the playerbase and how it is viewed by many in the playerbase is a detriment to the game’s long term health.

Personally, I think BR III and IV weapons and vehicles is where this game shines, and BR V is somewhat toxic, … hence why I love Japan high tier, but because of how it works, there is a lack of opponents.

The thing with the merge was to reduce the amount of queues to make less bot matches, from your statements of you getting 50% bot matches because people are leaving in bulk would indicate there is a problem here that needs to be addressed by the game mechanics. So how do you make it so that it works for the most amount of people and is good for the health of the game? I personally think the solution is simpler than people think.

Make it BR 1 -3 and BR 4 - 5 BUT add a checkbox to the settings that allows BR 1-3 to voluntarily uptier without needing to change their loadouts (IE if it is checked it works how it is now). This would I think be the most adequate solution for all as it would remove the issue of BR 3’s that dont want to be uptier out of the equation.

But that leads to the issue of seal clubbing new players … This is where I think expanding the NPE matchmaking a bit comes into play … Make a BR 1 NPE matchmaking that is more than just the Rookie match … until you have reached BR 2 you only play BR 1 … that way you avoid the seal clubbing of brand new players.

This is acceptable. It fulfills my desires at least

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