Warning for those who want to do sound mods, do not use the official guide, it is really bad, as to why?, read this post and you'll see why

the official guide sucks (official guide: Guide:Installing and creating sound mods), as to why?, well is because the guide literally SKIPS entirely VERY IMPORTANT STEPS such as:

how to put your custom made sounds into the asset.bank file, and replacing the one you created with the old one

how to even extract your custom file as a zip file

HOW to make all your mod changes as a file


guides are meant as a step for step, how to do something, and are meant to never have ANY assumpitions on the people following the guide, such as: knowing what to do next, knowing what you’re doing, etc. which this guide DOES!, thus, this guide is trash

NONE, ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THESE CRUCIAL STEPS ARE IN THE GUIDE!, so, if a dev reads this or a community manager or who whatever reads this, if you can make a better guide and make it be the official one, than do that, because the official guide isnt a guide!


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