I was probably one of the first, who, during testing, warned ppl that tier 3 being allowed to meet tier 1 and 5 would only create a bunch of issues. I was answered: “It’s fine, because we can add another queue In ThE FuTuRe if need be! (why correct now, when we can soon)”
I was right, of course.
As a result, I created a doom team min max tier 3 using the most powerful things avaible, and auto desert Berlin and Normandy. (I warned them, i’m only using this flaws like many already do)
Which will tank even more their primary goal for the war thunder update (lack of players).
Because nobody likes being punished BECAUSE OF A GAME FLAW. It’s THEIR fault if this happens. Not the players. Cannot expect players tier 1 enjoying being destroyed by tier 3, or tier 3 being destroyed by tier 5. It’s really common sense.
something that… someone forgot and made tiers III face pure madness.
as one would have thought, it goes without saying.
but apparently not.
even though i’m having a blast so far on lower brs.
it’s pure chill.
players don’t try hard too much, you face occasionally br III ( which can be daunting ) but a pure bolt action fest. smgs are full of dispersion etc
like the good 'ol days during moscow CBT / CAT.
somewhat afraid to play top tier though, i’ll be honest.
and… a bit of a shame my volkssturms got reduced to be visually recognizable only on the premium label squad.
since you have most of the volkssturm weapons on early tiers, but berlin is top tier.
proud to made HA paratroopers too for top tier though.
won’t be really efficient against meta folks, but that’s alright.
i’m keeping them for my pves etc.
( which i can’t still upload because no customs improvements were made )
not all sunshine and roses, but it could have gone worse.
at least, imo.
I played 8 matches today, all of them in Normandy. All with Germany BRV.
Its a spamfest, its not unbearable and can be actually quite fun but certainly not the experience I started with in this game. Ghost town Stalingrad where I was shooting bots and occasional KV-1 farmer.
always having an enemy tank in field and a plane in the sky makes it thrilling.
The greatest joy of I ever had in this game is finally repaying the P-47 spammer by shooting all them down with FW-190 D12.
6 out of the 8 match was balanced and fun.
But I would also like this experience as well.
I will try low BR next time I play.