Update "Rzhev"

looks great.

about time we could customize vehicles :slight_smile: .

still… apcs and bikes are not customizable as of yet, and few others features not present, but that’s “alright”.

no editor nor custom matches updates?

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it’s a lod issue.

mine looks fine:

that happens if your pc is slow, and/or not on a ssd

EDIT. at least, that happened to me on the test server which it’s not on a ssd.

although, it appears sometimes the flag goes black for other users to.

so… i mean, it’s still a issue, but.

Developers are aware of that issue on the flag for pz4 tanks.
Example : Community Bug Reporting System
Thank you

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fixed, thx comrade.

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it’s fixed just now, thx for the advice!

Not true, my PC definitely isn’t slow. As I have this game on very high graphics settings with added Nvidia filters + on SSD.

There must be a problem in the game. Because this kind of thing only happens with this flag specifically to me.

For anyone interested in finding this in the mods editor:



first time i hear about this.

on my end, the black flag appeared on the test server because it’s on my harddrive.

but in the base game, which uses an ssd, works like a charm.


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This image was on PlayStation actually (otherwise I should made a screenshot to get people comfortable watching), but I have also encountered this on PCs (somehow strangely, before this update only seen in editor, but this time in the game so post on forum). Thanks the advice anyway.

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Sure but premium MG squads for example can swap to secondary MG but engineer looses the backpack

Thats the current premium issue


That’s why it’s necessary to add a possibility to replay past events to get the rewards that are very cool but unobtainable. At least one event replay every few months could be reasonable.

@James_Grove P.S. for The Devs - by every few months, I mean every Battle Pass Season - and it could be for those who bought Elite BP. Most players would be eager to buy a bit of missing gold for the Elite BP if they knew they will be given another chance to unlock the Stummel APC, the Fallschirmjager squad or the anti-air vehicles from Moscow. And it costs almost nothing on the dev side - add a button in the BP interface, a Simple code for the event replay mechanic and harvest dollars for additional gold that new players (and many weteran players including me) will be eager to buy in order to unlock the forever locked event treasures. It’s a win-win.


weird how veekay havent pop up this entire time tbh hope he didnt do what parrot did

They want to add silver/paid lootboxes with past event squads but since our silver gain is garbage i doubt anyone would be able to afford buying 200 of them just to get 1-2 squads (if it will have same pitiful drop rate as in WT). In WT at least you can grind millions of SL even as bad player but in Enlisted it’s impossible unless you play every single day for 18 hours and for the duration of the year.

Only problem is the cost (price should be halved that’s why i only buy them during sales) and how much they push those features as the premium first and event later or maybe even never event since Japan and Soviets still doesn’t have free APC and trucks are no way in hell a replacement and even event APCs are inferior to premium since your squad is smaller (straight p2w).

Good! It’s been some time since we got a mayor update! Can we expect a new event anytime soon?

:timer_clock: :timer_clock: :timer_clock: :timer_clock: :timer_clock: :stop_sign: :question: :timer_clock: :timer_clock: :upside_down_face: :timer_clock: :timer_clock: :timer_clock: :helicopter: :fire_engine: :checkered_flag: :timer_clock:


I’m disappointed by the latest “Update”.

Its been long awaited and delayed because DF wanted it “perfect” instead its an update promising more updates of the things that were meant to be in this update. (will be available in future updates).

You kept delaying this update but then didn’t include half the things that were meant to be in said update.

  • Where are the bug fixes?
  • Where is the roadmap?
  • Where is an update on Steam and further expansion on other platforms (ie Epic games etc).
  • Where are things like night maps or just more maps in general? The zombie April fools event proved that you got the lighting right for there to be night maps, so where are they? Yes we get one new map with a handful of different modes with this update, but its not suffice to what the playerbase requires.
  • Where is transparency on the games direction, is the game finally out of open beta or did this not happen since Steam failed?

Player retention is slipping, it use to be a case of FOMO (fear of missing out) but with the latest copy pasta event quite a few have chosen not to bother with it, which is fine but its because they have finally got to the point where its too repetitive (and for some too grindy) for too little reward, they also aren’t happy with lack of communication and aren’t willing to spend on something (the game) that is showing lack of direction, old bugs are beyond a complete joke since many still fester and have remained unfixed for years.

You want us to bring friends into the game but we just get stonewalled on general complaints and for every complaint thread on the forums or reddit, theres usually 3-5 more dating back on the exact same topic, I do see you try new things in game with some new feature/squad mechanic but you never go back too it and its often gimmicky and half done.

Weekends are great to gather around with a bunch of friends and do things like custom games, however the custom mod games servers are often down for a large part of weekends and suffer serve lag. Even the Enlisted streamer team on twitch rubber band around, so its not a geo-location based issue, its in house.

The playerbase has given many ideas on things regarding monetization strategies that they actually would partake in, for them to yet again be ignored, even with multiple threads by different users all suggesting the same ideas.

Game core features and technical design improvement suggestions have also been given in the past, things that if we’d had feedback on, we (the community) may have been able to bounce ideas back and forth on or just generally stop asking for since we know they wouldn’t work. Some AI squad improvements, such as path finding could be as simple as slight map edit tweaks, which would requires no time messing around with code, but instead with the map editor and possibly the navigation mesh, improving the path finding has been a huge complaint dating back years and while it has been improved it still needs work, i believe the above could be a huge improvement with minimal effort.

I’m tagging @Keofox @James_Grove in this post so that it doesn’t get lost in this thread and ignored, I feel theres key elements in this post that are worthy of replies and I’m happy to expand more as needed.


They will be, we re-sent a big list problems that community remembers and reporting them again and again (thanks to everyone for that).

When it will be ready.

We still have community manager for Steam.