Update "Rzhev"

yes I reported this 2 years ago.

If you pick secondary on your guys in a premium squad the engineer gets fucked up since he can’t utilize it (and losing his backpack slot)


oh ok i understand now im so god dam dumb

Can you update loadout of free Soviet paratroopers? PTRS-41 at BR2-3 is very bad we should get M1 Bazooka or Panzerfaust 60 , and at BR5 they should get Panzerfaust 100 just like paid squad.


Also Sturmpistole needs a reload buff, any newbie that plays as the Germans would love that change, right now every single nation has quick reloading low BR launchers that you could unlock quickly except them, Grb39 shouldn’t be a mandatory grind.


And premium paras should get Maxim tokarev instead of DT-29 for BR5 preset.


so maxim tokarev is decent after all?

That’s for sure i guess they haven’t retouched those squads since release. Americans and German paras got rebalanced but not Soviets. Even Japanese paras got their smg as BR5 Assaulter loadout

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With working bipods, it is definitely better than DT-29.


Only if you have -horizontal recoil perk

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ah ok i will grind it out when i have time

Here are the updated uniforms for the 227th Jäger squad. I’d honestly prefer to have the paid for customizations still available rather than these new generic defaults.


Here’s the last one

New map can be played at any BR?

As we always say customization really needs to be refined.

One day…………

This is also the case for AT-gunners. At least in the silenced MP 40 and silenced STEN event squads.


I think this deserves to be shared here. As it has a lot to do with this update.

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Severe bug report:
I can’t upgrade my German 2nd Radiomen squad, even if it’s not fully upgraded. I played a battle and I dind’t get any squad XP. Plz fix. Here’s pic proof.


just restart your game, I had the same thing. Pretty usual stuff on update day.

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known issue
to fix it do the following:
open the research tab
play another battle
You can also try restarting the game


The map creating team respects history a lot, recreating the locations as best as they can to give the players historical immersion, but the ones that set the BR for the maps have no respect for it whatsoever. I wonder if it’s so hard to set BR range from I to III in the locations that deserve it? Tunisia has it, Moscow has it, so why disrespect Stalingrad and now Rzhev as well?

Enlisted’s Creed: Black Flag
(This is the Pz.IV G Stalingrad. The bugged flag existed in the editor for a long time.)