Update "Rzhev"

Here are the updated uniforms for the 227th Jäger squad. I’d honestly prefer to have the paid for customizations still available rather than these new generic defaults.


Here’s the last one

New map can be played at any BR?

As we always say customization really needs to be refined.

One day…………

This is also the case for AT-gunners. At least in the silenced MP 40 and silenced STEN event squads.


I think this deserves to be shared here. As it has a lot to do with this update.

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Severe bug report:
I can’t upgrade my German 2nd Radiomen squad, even if it’s not fully upgraded. I played a battle and I dind’t get any squad XP. Plz fix. Here’s pic proof.


just restart your game, I had the same thing. Pretty usual stuff on update day.

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known issue
to fix it do the following:
open the research tab
play another battle
You can also try restarting the game


The map creating team respects history a lot, recreating the locations as best as they can to give the players historical immersion, but the ones that set the BR for the maps have no respect for it whatsoever. I wonder if it’s so hard to set BR range from I to III in the locations that deserve it? Tunisia has it, Moscow has it, so why disrespect Stalingrad and now Rzhev as well?

Enlisted’s Creed: Black Flag
(This is the Pz.IV G Stalingrad. The bugged flag existed in the editor for a long time.)


looks great.

about time we could customize vehicles :slight_smile: .

still… apcs and bikes are not customizable as of yet, and few others features not present, but that’s “alright”.

no editor nor custom matches updates?

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it’s a lod issue.

mine looks fine:

that happens if your pc is slow, and/or not on a ssd

EDIT. at least, that happened to me on the test server which it’s not on a ssd.

although, it appears sometimes the flag goes black for other users to.

so… i mean, it’s still a issue, but.

Developers are aware of that issue on the flag for pz4 tanks.
Example : Community Bug Reporting System
Thank you

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fixed, thx comrade.

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it’s fixed just now, thx for the advice!

Not true, my PC definitely isn’t slow. As I have this game on very high graphics settings with added Nvidia filters + on SSD.

There must be a problem in the game. Because this kind of thing only happens with this flag specifically to me.

For anyone interested in finding this in the mods editor:



first time i hear about this.

on my end, the black flag appeared on the test server because it’s on my harddrive.

but in the base game, which uses an ssd, works like a charm.


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