
I had a similar error a while back and updating my GPU drivers worked for me. Unfortunately thats the best advice I have.

Not enough, the recoil should continue to increase. The recoil of current weapons is still too large,You should enable everyone to experience real gun control through the mouse.

This screen crosshair looks cool, how can it be done? Can it be used in PVP mode?

Don’t ask for 250 is HA but knowing DF the only that Will give us to stop complaining is at least 100 rounds

Or DF Will get mad and add another 100 sov/american Machine gun

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Oh You are the type of guys who like “realistic experienced” well personally i like th too but short answer: “No”

Large answer: No, because enlisted is a arcade Game with some realistic elements like the armor on tanks, obviously ridicously nerfed to make the Game enjoyable so no realism don’t fits as it is cannot be added, besides that i would like a “realistic Game as separated Game mode”

Silly question I gotta ask, does successfully landing an undamaged plane also kick in the kamikaze penalty?

I would hope not!

Please make the “Join random faction” default OFF, since new players who have done none research in other factions than the one they chose at the start are being “equally” spread, while this setting won’t be benefit for their grind as it is just “random”.

This setting should actually only be available until the player has finished Tier I research for every faction or at least unlocked engineers.

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Is DF only capable of balancing from one end to another? They buffed all the guns to lazer guns and the next day nerfed them to completely uncontrollable just because the cry of some white skin baby

Sad news is DF never said things like “Enlisted is an arcade shooter”, but quite contrary.

It clearly says enlisted is a game and not simulator.


A minute of silence for the useless… White Phosphorus grenades, Impact Grenades, and the new addition, AP mines.

Nerfing is one thing, but you guys know no middle ground…


A realistic game :upside_down_face:

Of course it’s clearly a makreking BS, at least when it comes to the infantry gameplay (vehicles are actually very realistic for an FPS).


Things will change when the topic was switched to “simulator” from “realistic games” - afaik “simulator” titles are being re-defined these days for those shop management games or else.


(Apart from that, there is a trend that people can call any FPS with historical background but except CoD and BF a Milsim game)

FG42 II (max upgraded) used to have 44/8 recoil, now its 17/6 which is decent among SF rifles.
It had so much recoil before that values are permanently burned into my brain.



only through the editor and / or custom missions.


as for this update, very good.

people keep shitting on the new AP mines, I dont think their that bad, still hella abusable by trapping rally points, or even chokepoints, but instead of squad wiping with a single mine, its more severely injuring a few or at least killing the guy who stepped on it, which tbf is realistic. Saying that have seen otherwise, so might be nice to see at least a guaranteed downing for someone running over it.

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I think they definitely feel too weak.

I ran through 2 ap mines in a trech with the same trooper yesterday. Guess the result was maybe 50% health loss? No knockdown or anything.

I think they should at least increase the knockdown radius to the previous lethal radius.

Should be fixed now c:


Thank you, will forward this one.


Only going from one extreme to another,Going back on your word, is this your three-month effort?

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