
It got it 2/3 updates ago iirc

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My apologies. I didn’t know you already known about that and tbh I haven’t read all previous comments here before.

I wonder what would happen if a f2p player had a 3 para squad in his lineup and this happened to him.

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Ages ago, at least 6 months. But it’s one of my favorite camos. It’s sad that I can’t use it on multiple squads.

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No, this is not a fix. That gun is absolutely superior to many of the so called ‘primary’ weapons. If the devs are going to be this ignorant, they really do need to allow us to leave the ‘primary’ weapon slot empty. Mostly for shuffling weapons/troops around between battles, this is just another prime example of this bug in action.

Why do the devs keep doing the 20k in two days? Can’t we go back to when there were no level caps, and you could pursue an event as much as you wanted with a gracious number of days you could skip if you were too busy to play Enlisted every other day?


Please bring back the recoil on SMGs and all automatic/assault rifles.
I don’t why you had to make this change.

You also just consolidated the meta even more by almost removing recoil on AR.


If you crash on Zeplin’s wire you are considered a kamikaze. Please change this.

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Why did you do this to our Kurz? Bring Burst back!


Ahistorical feature of the weapon, it’s not coming back


Played earlier, an enemy plane clipped my own plane right wing, so I crashed on the ground (because flying with just one wing is veeery difficult :stuck_out_tongue:).

It counted as a kamikaze and I could not spawn another plane OR paratroopers.

Is it intended?

Also, spawning paratroopers from a plane automatically lock all planes for your next spawn. Because reason.

Yep, as expected, I suffered the kamikaze penalty a few times already after accidentally crashing by hitting a tree, building, or pancacking, after a successful attack on the enemy. Not cool

Now this where we are going to draw the line. But it doesn’t matters that semi functional prototypes are meta in enlisted.

This HA argumentation is such a joke. People want to feel like they’re in right just because they know how to google up stuff.
Even tho the overall picture stays ahistorical af anyway. It’s just so bizarre.


Joe, I just realized they removed the ranks completely from the scoreboard. Pre-game (+mid-game) and even on the end-screen!

Don’t know if that last part is intentional though since gold ranks pop up in the kill feed.

Obviously, I hope they remove the ranks completely from the public - an absolutely unnecessary thing that only creates negativity. Nothing good stems out of it, like we said so many times
(steam reviews are the latest example)

Remember the days when they showed both teams ranks pre-mid and after battle?



They should remove them completely. It’s a failed concept that has accomplished nothing other than incentivizing desertion.
These rewards could easily be reallocated to BP.


yeah, there’s nothing really positive with showing then what I can think of.

So much negative energy that has been spent on this rank system since they first release them.

Not only that. PPL analysing scoreboards after the game. Shaming others for underpowering or whatever. Also blaming the bad matchmaker for creating unbalanced teams (an MM wich isn’t even based on skill to begin with lol).

just remove.

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Horrible update fix this redicolous gamma color not no man Sky broke all experience unplayable full of lag stuttering texture another time goes low in dx 12 stop play fix

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it looks like a cartoon you ruined the view it’s horrendous but how the hell do you manage to touch things that work well and break them all the time you’re number one in this the game ran smoothly and was nice to look at now it’s horrendous I have a 4090 and I feel like I have a 1050 nvidia full of delays fps drops tearing unplayable it amazes me to see people playing it but I think 90% of people have salami on their eyes

In a certain way, by requiring victories in order to advance, ranks work in the opposite direction of the recent (and most appreciated) “join any team” bonus.

If I’m not mistaken, ranks are now the last remaining mechanic that encourages following power trends in order to maximise progression.

There is no need to scrap them altogether, they could even stay a form of “marathon” objective as they are, but maybe they could be simply reworked in order to remove the victory requirement, and the step back for losing. So, as long as you complete a match, you earn one point forward no matter the result, two if you also score a battle hero award.

OR, INSTEAD: want to be sure that active play is encouraged? No problem: just shift the “step back” penalty from victory/loss to the battle hero award!
Completed match? +1 no matter what
Battle hero award achieved? Extra +1 (good work soldier!) = net +2
No battle hero? -1 (you didn’t even try, you lazy!) = net 0

In this last way, the system stays basically the same, but the focus is shifted from victories to personal effort. Less desertions, more activity in matches. Win-win.

Edit: you know what? I’m making a suggestion.


I personaly looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the fact mine are nerfed.

Played as Japs and was fighting a chronic mine user and its so much better not to have your squad die because of mines. It feels way more balanced that your soldiers gets damaged.

Also other balance things are nice. FG II is absolute monster again!!!

(now nerf grenade launchers → while also fixing their bugs and I would be so happy)