Update ( - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Quickthrow became slowthrow, fix it or roll back.

Throwing 3 granades takes 3x longer with quickthrow than with just changing to granade slot.

Otherwise mostly nice changes, though more bugs were added too

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Yeah. Because even CoD has better working machine guns than Enlisted.
And just look at the full matches to see how mich people like the current thing.

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Now overall good update, performance seems ok, not going to say better on ps5, but how it should play.

Now please please allow us to sit on tanks
Faction specific AA like AT
HMG is a tad weak but maybe a few more shots to break?
Bullet holes in planes and cockpit when downed
Right faction victory Marks please

Long termer here, keep up the good work, and looking forwards to next dev blog about progression, hopefully not the exact same and a bit of thought into it this time :wink:

:fire:Flames on planes back that’s all I care​:fire:

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So, my game and several of my buddies have been unable to play due to these popping up. Has only occurred since the update. Perhaps adding the wind and such wasn’t such a good idea…

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There is few bug:

  • One with the grenade that don’t get thrown away with the quick throw (i manage to throw 5 time the same grenade that desapear when it touch the ground and get reset in the inventory) (easy to reproduce, one way to cancel the bug in game is to left click just after the quick throw)
  • One with iron sight aiming when crouch. for a very short time it stop using the iron sight. it’s very anoying when it’s happen for it’s look like it’s shaking again and again. (I manage to replicate it with MP44, crouching, on a small angled ground).

I may make a bug report… with video and everything…
For a Rommel profil icon


agree. everyone talks about balance when every weapon can effectively kill the same way as the others. Maybe there are some easier to use, but every guy has a chance to counter the enemy and that’s a fact.

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Well, its what the devs want. Iirc it was a gunner weapon in the Alpha and should be one again since the Germans dont have many light machine guns outside Russia and Africa… at least for now.

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by the way, CoH3 made his choice:


I just played two moscow battles and in both I saw a tank spawning and the crewmates spinning out of them while levitating up slowly. I am not kidding. This happened to me too.

I cant seem to add an image here. The glitch is super annoying.

The grenade throw is super buggy, please return the normal quick throw. Gunplay does not feel smooth anymore at all, the sights do not align anymore and everything feels so clunky with animations acting weirdly.

I didn’t realize how many good changes were implemented until I started playing today. Excellent job. A summary of the most requested changes would be nice. There were no heads-ups for how good this update has been!

No, this is a great change to reduce grenade spam. I have more grenade kills than with any other weapons, I always get the “grenade master” medal after each match, and even I agree this is a necessary change. Enlisted maps are densely packed with soldiers due to the squad system, making area-weapons and explosives an obvious choice and excessively powerful. They need nerfs, and doing this is an excellent way to achieve this, without reducing the power of the grenades. Besides, the old system where you could cook grenades while running and so forth, was no realistic at all.

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Totally agree.
The temptation to spam nades in some situtions is less compared to before.

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Mmm fantasy time travelling borderline p2w paywalled MG casually becomes 30% more accurate

Also the ironsights on some weapons like G43 Kurz seem broken - the gun is pointing up and the bullets go lower, while the hit markers are also below your reticle


шагов противника так же не слышно.В здании нет топота,хотя он должен быть,не ожиданно появляется за спеной.Так же всегда норовит одной ногой на препятствие залезть если присел возле брёвен …допустим.В положении лёжа происходят какие то подёргивания, и всё из за вашей грязи.да и вобще…ватоВАЗ =ENLISTED/так же есть всё , а не удобно и скрипит.

Didn’t realised it at first, but looking at many people saying that the iron sight doesn’t shoot straight for many weapons, it might be the reason why I felt like my AVT-40 today was not working right compared to yesterday.

Better than Vanguard where he made a deal with the SS and SA…

Why is the update creating errors for my PlayStation cuz i can’t seem to get on the game anymore


Took the time to play a fair number of matches, and I gotta say… It’s absolutely TERRIBLE currently.

  • First off, the wind and smoke from chimneys you guys added in is absolutely lagging us into oblivion on xbox. Even on the new system. PLEASE at least make it so that if PC crossplay is turned OFF, so are those effects. None of us are concerned if the game looks a little prettier if we can’t play without lag.

  • I think you guys forgot to mention a major BUFF to AI, as we couldn’t hardly leave spawn without getting gunned down at long range by AI bolt actions. Even when using copious amounts of smoke, we were still getting laced by them. PLEASE FIX THIS.

  • Along with AI crackshotting us as we try to run, its basically impossible to use either type of MG nest, as the gun is instantly destroyed, which brings me to my next point:

  • We are now unable to repair our (H)MG nests, or refill ammo on the field gun or AA.

  • Trying to pick up a weapon off the ground is extremely buggy now, one of my teammates noted he was completely unable to pick up a weapon unless he dropped his other one first!

  • Trying to mount to cover results in a very buggy reaction, where your gun bounces up and down worse than a field gun on uneven ground.

  • Not sure if its the lag or something that was changed, but my guys seem to be slipping around like the floor is wet. I can’t seem to stop when I need to, but instead travel a few extra feet in that direction, even if I was just walking, not running.

  • Over half the area that I try to use a shovel is now terrain that cannot be dug? Not even concrete or brick or anything. Airfield is where I noticed this most. I often use trenches to help with defense on the second objective right behind the first, but found that over 75% of the area that I normally dig cannot be now? Please fix this as we got absolutely SLAUGHTERED because of this.

  • Trying to go through windows appears to fail about 50% of the time, instead leaving us in the climbing animation on the windowsill. Constantly getting killed because we can’t properly get through a window.

  • As far as the White Phosphorus is concerned, this is a nerf concerning putting gas up as a barrier, but a BUFF in terms of clearing an objective. Its far too easy for players to gas an objective, killing everyone on it, then immediately getting in and securing it. PLEASE either remove its ability to pass through walls, or if that will take a considerable amount of time to do like many people are saying, REMOVE them from being able to be used until it is fixed. Normandy is nearly impossible to win as a defender when there is this much gas being used.

  • AI often seem to run away from where they are commanded to hold if artillery is called in, even when its not near them. This is causing many squads to get killed for absolutely no reason.


I had to uninstall and reinstall the game to get it to work at all.

Hi Reaper. It seems that the development team probably knows about the problem.

Help! Enlisted on PS4 keeps crashing, displays Error Code CE-34878-0

I am playing on PC, but several friends playing on PS4 were unable to start the game due to this error. I think there will probably be a hotfix distributed shortly that will address this issue.

BTW, my concern is about the engineering event that is going on right now. This event task has three steps, and you only have two days to try each step.
Yet some PS4 users are already unable to play for a day due to a bug, I hope DF will give some relief to PS4 users.

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after this update the hold x to rotate structure as engineer is not working

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