Update ( - Xbox, PlayStation®)

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Devs - NO MORE WEAPON BALANCING. The majority do no want further balancing of tanks/bombs/arty. Quadro and his ilk represent an outspoken minority (visit Facebook page ‘enlisted worldwide’ for conformation).

There is no balance in warfare and in enlisted there’s a weapon to counter every weapon so let’s keep it that way. The majority love it the way it is. Let’s not turn this into another CoD or Battlefield because of an outspoken minority.


Good luck countering PPSh-41 with MP-40

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Get the rounds off first and you will…


Super excited about this update and all the incredible changes coming.

This isn’t that big of a deal but I told my friends two days ago that I have over 2000 knives stockpiled in Normandy Allies with all the soldiers I acquired and wished I could sell them. Today, when they changed it so you actually could sell your extras, I only had around 1,200, and most of my other campaigns’ numbers were way lower than before I just didn’t specifically look them up like I did with Normandy. The same thing happened to me with my rifles and stuff when they made the change a while ago.

It is cool that the developer is making these QOL changes, I just wish I didn’t have to worry about getting stuff taken away to prevent me from earning what I deserve starting this game from day one of open beta.

Love this game and am hopeful for the future and the new progression system.

I do not agree that balance every weapon to its counterpart is necessary, because not every one use same weapon all the time. Clearly MP-40 is not as good as PPSh-41, but after that assaulter squad dies, let them have a try with SprGr. 34 (75mm HE round) with 2.6 second reloading. Enemy may spawn a T-34 to counter, then why not spam it with explosive pack and GrB 39, or even 250 kg bomb from Ju 87?

Diversity with asymmetric balancing is a huge advantage with Enlisted, it is fun and could be balanced.


Its only fun when you have all the good toys, when you are starting, its not fun.


Have we checked and verified the sale price of part weaponry? For example, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, etc.? Are their sale prices is low?

This is a reason why matchmaking may be needed instead of balancing weapon. Early player do not meet PPSh-41, while late game players can have good toys but they do not meet early players with only MP 40, so balancing of early game is achieved in this way without sacrifice the diversity of late game.

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Thats exactly how every one of us started out. Taking note of the progression system it was a challenge and a fun/exciting one at that.
As with other games alot of folk expect things handed to them on a plate from day one.

Thats what has made enlisted a refreshing experence.

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The new grenade quick throw is kind buggy. The soldier kinda freeze, then move down his hand, and then throw. Like quick throw now is like 2 to 3 times slower then simply equiping the grenade and throwing it lol. The new animation where the soldier move his hand down should trigger only if you maintain for long enough, not always, cause it prevent you from “actually” quick throwing the grenade by extending the animation time. And even when you maintain, there’s a lag where the soldier just doesn’t swing the grenade even though you let off the button. That should be either fixed or reverted asap, cause it breaks the quick throw in my opinion.

Some weapons seem to not shoot properly when ADS anymore. I’ve tested on the AVT-40 and looks like bullets are going lower then where the iron sight is. Other people mentionned similar behavior with other weapons.

Hiding ranks and replacing it by the current class in the scoreboard might be to make people not leave instantly at the beginning because the scoreboard doesn’t lean in their favor, which I think is good since it might stop people from leaving too early sometimes and thinking that they can’t compete (Too often, high ranks doesn’t mean good players, so you can’t trust that). Although, I’ve two issues :

  • People might leave after the game has started for long enough, resulting in having deserters replaced by useless bots, because it’s too late to add human players. If they leave early, they’ll most likely be replaced by humans which is way better. It might lead to more games with many deserters being replaced by bots instead of humans.
  • Seeing the class of everyone, including the enemy team, feels like cheating to me, because now you know what the enemy is playing.
    • For example when there’s an enemy tank coming. You only have to check the scoreboard often to know exactly when the enemy spawn in a tank, which gives the tankers currently in-game an advantage. (I was able to confirm that in my previous games, while as soon as a tank was appearing in the enemy scoreboard, I moved myself in the best angle to basically spawn kill them the entire game without the fear of getting caught from behind, cause I knew there was no tank in the enemy team, so I could focus on dealing with infantry. Again, feels like cheating to me…)
    • Another example, if you see people in the enemy team coming with flamethrowers, you can now adjust your strategy, wait and flank them before they can do anything, cause again, you knew in advance what was coming…

If feel like, it’s OK to know what our teammates are playing, but definitely not what the enemy team is playing.


When people doubt the Dev Team aren’t listening to the community, this is something I suggested awhile back when you can first enlist soldiers without having to go through the Logistics Tab. Thank you!

This was really needed back in the game, it made no sense having them destructible but impenetrable especially in the Pacific Campaign.

Overall, awesome work team, I appreciate all the dedication you’ve put into this update and hope for the best with the upcoming rework.



Rickety fences used to be the bane of my existence.

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Wow lot of improvements, but you guys forgot the simple little thing of , not joining a match in progress, option.
Do Not join Battle in progress, please next update/patch ? :stuck_out_tongue:

But otherwise, what a update, fix wise :smiley:

I like this for your own team but agree you should not be able to see what the enemy players are using. There should be more focus on the battlefield cues like sound, marking than reading the scoreboard for intel

I would have loved for you to tell us that cosmetics are campaign (That faction only since the two sides have different pools) wide
I found out by accident
Same with torso gear

inb4 its a bug
I’d pray its intentional since this is a very nice change

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Thank you for many nice news, but maaan… WHY RELOADING ANIMATION OF G41 and other stripper clip fed semi auto rifles still takes year to reload ? why my soldier puts two 5 round stripper clips into 10 round rifle even when the rifle has still 6 or 7 bullets in it ? dammit

dont you see dozens of topics of it ? you dont play with those guns ? many of them are in premium squads that people actually buy for real money

Edit: just make it like Type-Ko rifle please , at least to this state, the bare goddamn minimum


Anything about MP-28 (7.65mm) in Pacific Axis & UD-M42 Normandy Allies? This leaves them as last SMGs without recoil control factor.

Great update! Lovely to see several things that were annoying me, and that I complained in the old bug report section, fixed all at once.

Especially this. I think I made a post about it in 2021.

Also, glad about the fix to the TNT failing to detonate, which was an issue ever since the Stalingrad launch. Wooden fences completely stopping bullets were another long-standing issue, though I believed it only started after some update last year.

AI soldiers standing in front of rally points you were trying to build were a back-and-forth issue, that got fixed in some updates only to come back later on.

The bug where soldiers didn’t extinguish themselves while on fire was getting particularly out of hand recently, I once lost 8 men to a molotov that didn’t even hit them. Glad to see it fixed too. Lastly, the HMGs being destructible by gunshot now will help make them a little bit less OP. Excellent work!

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very nice QoL update! especially like you can now see the perks at the enlist soldier screen! no more having to go back check through squads to see what you need. tyvm
I have one thing I been wanting since ever, the Squad and vehicle selection screen should be more zoomed out so can see better, same with weapons, and/or hide UI so can see weapons clearly.
Squads should be more zoomed out and soldiers be more spaced out between them so can see them clearly and what weapons they have. I like too arranging them and make them look like cool squad photo session.
For vehicles it’s most needed, it’s god awful, you see barely all vehicle, may I propose both squad and vehicle selection screen instead of just nothing and dark at squad and cramped wayy too zoomed in workshop for vehicles, that they be put outdoors in campaign appropriate terrain instead, say a field in normandy or townsquare in Berlin, witha little camp tent whatever, some trees, a hut, house in background, something you find in campaign, to make it feel more immersive. Can’t believe this hasn’t already been looked at, since especially the vehicle one you see not even all vehicle.