Update ( - Xbox, Playstation)

Same issue here.


When to add bayonet for rifles in Berlin?

excuse me,after update,my computer tip failure that "video driver hung and was restarted ",do we have any

Hello guys, first time I comment here on the boards, first of all I just wanted to say I’m loving the game, probably the best WWII multiplayer shooter ever made to this day, I’m loving it to bits, but I’d like to suggest a couple of improvements that I think are vital for the success of the game and the overall experience, yet I’m not seeing a lot of work being done to it:

1: Movement - This needs improvement, I think the movement is too fast in some cases, for example, you’re able to jump out of a house roof and start running without any problem whatsoever, and with some perks you’re able to sprint out from the first floor of a house and jump several meters away like a superpowered soldier, this is highly unrealistic and will break immersion for a lot of players who are looking for a good WWII experience, there’s also a lot of bugs when jumping through windows, walls and specially from the water, getting out of the water is an absolute nightmare, sometimes it doesn’t even work, you just get stuck underwater. For this game to be an absolute successs, I feel these problems need to be adressed. More animations would be a very nice addition, but I feel that’s not the priority, movement is, it needs to feel smoother and more realistic.

2: Friendly Fire Penalties in Custom Modes - I can’t play custom games right now, because there’s always players shooting their own team for fun and the griefing is insane, which makes the game mode unplayable for me, you should adopt a system like Rising Storm where a specific number of team kills will get you banned temporarily, and the voteban system needs to be update, as it is right now its impossible to kick players. Until this will be improved, I just can’t play this game mode, it’s not a fun experience, and I think other players will feel the same.

3: Destruction Mode - This also needs improvement, I don’t like the game mode in general, but that’s personal opinion, but I think this game mode needs a bit more work, the sound of the counter is one of the most annoying loud sounds I ever heard, maybe a smoother beeping sound would fix this problem, and I’m not sure the maps feels balanced for the defenders right now, this game mode needs specific map for it to work.

These are my three major problems with the game right now, I would also like to see more soldier customization and for the uniforms and vehicles to look more historical and realistic. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you all the best and keep up the good work, I’m having a blast with Enlisted, see you all on the battlefield!

Final suggestion: Add Carentan, Dunkirk and a NIGHT MAP to the game, there’s a lot of potential for good gameplay in these options, old games like Call of Duty and Day of Defeat had a lot of good maps for you to take inspiration from, I remember an old map with a river in the middle, where you could snipe from the attics, good stuff.


Thank you. This is not a very correct section of the forum, but I will take your feedback from here as well.

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why just keep buffing Germany, and debuff soviet?
does avt do have any advantages compared to fg42 or fg422? obviously avt already has lower ammunition in the mag, extreme high recoil, and now even the total ammunition was ‘balanced’, as well as the submachine guns, the last advantage for soviet. so when do you 'balance ’ the German equipment? do you guys think that its reasonable for a full power full auto weapon having a smaller recoil than a weapon using carbine ammunition?
I just cant understand.

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oh yes keeping nerf axis plssssssssssssss i would keep farming bots with my ppshhhhhhhhhhhh

could you maybe look a bit into the vehicle “remove upgrades” exchange rate @Keofox ?

i spent somewhere around 60 silver orders if i remember correctly some while ago for almost no improvement to the ju 87 R-2. and right now i can choose to remove those extremely expensive “upgrades” for only 15 bronze, and that doesnt seem fair to me

(and it would also be nice if plane upgrades actually did a significant differance)

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Yes it happened with me, The XP bar is completely filled but I did not get any silver orders.

Hmmm… weren’t we supposed be able to sell (for merely 100 to 1 bronze) knifes too? Right now we lack option for sell (or transfer) many weapons we have abundance and not need them in those numbers like mortars or even AT weapons.

thanks for keeping the fg42 as powerful as you can and thanks for not listening to anyone thats not German

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why wasn’t m1 grand un nerfed it has 40 to 50 cyclic fire rate irl well you nerfed it cause of historical reasons but you nerfed past the historical part

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No you didn’t. That map is not an available option for the Battle of Moscow campaign on PS4.

Good job devs. Big thanks for keeping some of the equipment bronze (medkits, small ammo pouch.)

Overall i think the new system is an improvment, however, i play alot so i dont have a problem racking up xp. It might deter new players.
What i dont like is the fact that you cant get bronze orders for weapons that dont have any upgrades, i have hundreds of them and i saved them in anticipating this new system, simply put, it’s unfair. This applies to the pistols, grenade launchers etc., i saw your reply that this would happen in the future, does that apply to the weapons without any upgrades also?
Also just wanted to say i really enjoy the game and appreciate the effort you all put into improving the game play.
Also ive played several games since the update and my AI’s keep laying in the way of when my engineer is trying to build a structure regardless if i tell them to go elsewhere and it seems more difficult to place sandbags in windows again.

I have one problem that nobody has discussed yet.

We spent silver orders to get 6-10 scrap for vehicles or 7-13 with the parts upgrade. On some vehicles, people had a lot of spare parts invested without a full star finished. Example: 100/120 spare parts for star level 5 or 6. Which means that cost around 10-12 silver weapon orders, but after this update we only got bronze orders back because we didn’t get enough silver orders in time. It feels unfair that we only got 10 bronze orders for these spare parts when it could have cost 12 silver orders to get 100 spare tank parts. This feels very severe and unfair. We should get silver weapon orders back or more bronze orders than 10 in this example. These parts were ALWAYS silver and the weapon changes should not negatively effect what we get for tank parts because when you bought a gun for a silver order, you got your worth because you had a gun. So now that you can deconstruct for bronze orders it is fair because you have been using the gun until now. It takes people MONTHS to get 10 silver orders and in my example they never got any advantage from it because they never got the star finished. It feels like silver orders were stolen with this patch in regards to vehicle parts left over.

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I agree with this aswell, the spare parts should have been reimbursed as silver orders, much more even compensation with silver orders. The bronze orders for unused spare parts feels like a slap in the face for all the effort that has been putting into saving spare parts for yes, MONTHS, to make an upgrade.
Overall i still think the new system is better, but the compensation for unused spare parts and zero bronze orders for weapons that dont have stars that i USED bronze orders to aquire most of them in the random process previously should be reworked, its unfair.

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When can you fix the bug of the first P38 in Normandy? It is a fighter but uses attacker slot.

It has one.

I’m not sure if this has been suggested yet, but would it be possible to use bronze orders on our weapon upgrades in steps like with soldier upgrades? Right now it is a little annoying to manage the orders when it requires so many to upgrade a weapon to the maximum level and we cannot incrementally add orders to them.