Upcoming new campaigns

Honestly I think if they didn’t begin R&D for a major overhaul after all this time we likely would’ve gotten the campaigns by now. Heck maybe 2 of them

I was hoping for Italy and Market Garden, or the invasion of Germany so we could get battles like Aachen, Hurtgen Forest, or Operation Plunder

I’d personally like them to prioritize Belgium, Southern France, Sicily, and Italy but I’m decidedly partial to the European Theater. My grandpa landed at Anzio (celebrated his 19th birthday in a foxhole pushing back a German counterattack.) The Anzio landing is underrepresented in games because Operation Shingle was historically overshadowed by Overlord.

The German counterattack on the beachhead (before breakout) by the 3rd Panzer Grenadiers and the 4th Parachute Division was fierce and there were many back and forth battles.

The attempt to cross the Gari River[Ed: named the “Battle of the Rapido”] while trying to breach the Gustav Line was particularly bloody and the 15th Panzergrenadiers cut off the crossing troops from reinforcements.

…Italy would be very fertile ground for a campaign. You have beach battles, river battles, hill battles, forest battles, village battles, urban warfare, and legendary mountain battles. If there had to be “one and only one” campaign added, I’d vote all-in on Sicily and Italy.


Ignore the political reasons. China might be fine if we don’t have the merger. but now with the merger. I dont think ita a good idea to have china as a faction until mid-cold war. Just think about it. If we have china as a faction now what are we going to have on the tech tree? are we going to have 20%or30% original weapon? while others are weapon of other countries especially endgame.


Oh yes.

Also a perfect context to allow the addition of more late war Italian gear.


France invasion (culminating at Dunkirk!) would be great, it would be new and offer a new safe place for newcomers with early war things. The French faction has many new tech to offer.

Same for Sicily, more Italian and Commonwealth stuff! And beautiful maps.

china… Is the one I’m least interested in. While the battlefield maps would be amazing, a chinese faction in ww2, not so much… Because of the copy paste equipment. They wouldn’t come with many new different toys, and I fear DF would have the audacity to make us grind those copy paste weapons anew just because they have chinese names instead!

I’d also like to see a ww1 theater one day. Most big factions would fit, with ww1 stuff and ww1 maps.

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I’m gonna have to strongly disagree here. China would honestly be an even better idea with the merge. They had so many unique and interesting weapons produced in both workshops and foundries all over the country; some being modified or re-chambered reproductions of existing weapons, and others being strange chimeras or even original designs.

I made a pretty extensive post about it a couple weeks ago, if you’re interested in taking a look.

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YES for sicily/italy!
YES for france/belgium early war (maybe even a nice eben emael map!)

also a meh for china for me. but thats more personal preference then anything else.

my addition would be a nice balkans campaign, from yugoslavia to greece to crete:
some wildly different map opportunities, beautiful landscapes.
lots of possibilities for italian and commonwealth (brits, aussies, and kiwis) troops.
and some hungarian, greek or yugoslavian prem/event squads (or lump them together in a “axis minor army” and “allied minor army” ? … just a thought)


It’s why… While they differ slightly, they’re still mostly the same as what other factions have. It would feel like a pain re grinding things just because of small modifications.

Nice new battlefields, but least interesting fsction compared to others when it comes down to equipment…

  • To compare and show I’m not biased: a china faction would be as uninteresting as a Canadian faction. That’s right, the Forum Canadian is telling you a Canadian faction would not be a good idea. Why? Because even if like china, Canada produced and modified a lot of ordinance during ww2, it was ultimately a mix of USA and British equipment and vehicles. So it wouldn’t bring anything more to the table, just like china.

I wouldn’t mind china as a faction in more cold war times, thought, that I would be on board, as they’d have more original things.

The thing about an Italian Campaign is that there are so many options for maps that you’d have a challenge to decide which ones have to be cut.

Just spitballing, I’d think you have to have
-Mt Etna
-“Road to Rome”
-The Winter Line
-Bernhardt Line

…and that’s just Sicily and Southern Italy

Operation Olive attacked the Gothic Line with the Fifth and the Eighth. You have the assault in Northern Italy on Monte Castello, Monte Belvedere, and Castelnuevo (all adjacent artillery high points) as Allies pushed into the Alps. Aerial bombardment of the Venice port to cut off resupplies (although the game definitely seems to shy away from vehicle-oriented battles)

…literally any style of fighting (with Mediterranean weather) is available for the choosing.


Not at all! They would be really unique and interesting variations of familiar weapons.

For example:

  • Thompson and SMGs converted to accept PPS-43 magazines
  • Mauser pistols upscaled to .45 ACP
  • ZB LMGs with increased mag capacity and converted to shoot 6.5mm Arisaka
  • Type 2 SMGs with redesigned stocks and sights, converted to .45 ACP
  • This weird ass thing, which is technically based off the Thompson and chambered in 7.63 mauser, but has really been developed into its own SMG
  • Countless MP-28 variants in every caliber and orientation imaginable
  • 7.62x39 converted Bren Guns
  • A strange bolt-action chimera of the Vz. 24 and Arisaka
  • The General Liu rifle, a completely original semi-auto prototype

These are just a few examples. There are so many more!


Pretty much: those are all conversions, modifications of, and re chambered versions of existing weapons…

I just feel other factions would have more original things to offer. Like war start France, having all original things, or late war Italy and Commonwealth… etc. They all bring genuine, original models of which very few are refurbished or converted weapons and vehicles.


China was the first meme gun builder it seems.


That’s fair. I’m honestly split. I’m personally leaning more towards the Pacific theater. Partially because my grandfather fought in the Pacific, and partially because it reminds me of MoH Rising Sun, which I played the hell out of when I was a kid. Maps like Iwo Jima, the Philippines and Burma would be such interesting battlefields to see in game.

The Sino-Japanese war is also something I really hope to see one day, since it would be so unique and something rarely represented in gaming. It would really help Enlisted stand out.

With all that said, there is still plenty to explore on the European front. Sicily, Dunkirk, the Maginot Line, Battle of the Bulge, Kursk, etc.

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there’s always 2024 for new factions/maps to be added

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France is something I’d like to see too, although I’m not sure how well they could be implemented with the merge coming. They’d need gear for mid-late game too, and they would have been occupied by Germany at that point (Unless we’re also including Vichy France, I suppose, but that comes with its own political issues).

Personally though, after China and Burma/the Philippines for the Pacific I would be most excited to see a Sicilian Campaign added.

If devs keep the “br” system they proposed (by maps) it would be possible for them to add any era possible.

ww1 and post war included. Heck. they could even add an official moon battle.

I hope devs won’t revert to numerical br values like war thunder precisely because of this, so we can have different eras that don’t intermingle. Like… tiger tanks vs 1960 vehicles in WT :face_vomiting:

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One of my grandpas went to Europe(Army); the other to the Pacific(Navy)

If they want to expand the Pacific Theater with some accurate battle maps ala the Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault Wake and Guadalcanal Maps, Iwo and Okinawa then I would be all for that. But I wouldn’t think of that to be a new Campaign wheras the Italian Campaign would be entirely new territory.

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I honestly would also like to see the Burma campaign added, but that would be more Brits/India/China vs Japan

Honestly, the most recent proposal for the br system seems like trash to me, so I hope they don’t go with that. That said, a straight up numerical system could be an issue too, especially if they wanna advance beyond WW2.

Personally, I’m hoping the go somewhere in the middle. Like the priority is finding a game balanced by numerical BR, but then it looks at everyone’s weapons and finds the game that fits the most players the best.

I don’t think we would ever get a French faction because later in the war it was practically a minor faction like the smaller Axis. The French were basically equipped and attached to some American units.

However French would make for some good Premium and event squads.

And for the time being I don’t think we’ll get any early Western Front campaigns because the game seems to start in 1942. Any French stuff would probably just be given to Germans, like they converted an early French heavy into a flame tank. Of coarse I’d like to see some early campaigns like Barbarossa, but for the foreseeable future I think not

Honestly I’d say an independent British faction is more priority than France. Britain wasn’t anywhere near “minor faction” status