Upcoming new campaigns

One of my grandpas went to Europe(Army); the other to the Pacific(Navy)

If they want to expand the Pacific Theater with some accurate battle maps ala the Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault Wake and Guadalcanal Maps, Iwo and Okinawa then I would be all for that. But I wouldn’t think of that to be a new Campaign wheras the Italian Campaign would be entirely new territory.

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I honestly would also like to see the Burma campaign added, but that would be more Brits/India/China vs Japan

Honestly, the most recent proposal for the br system seems like trash to me, so I hope they don’t go with that. That said, a straight up numerical system could be an issue too, especially if they wanna advance beyond WW2.

Personally, I’m hoping the go somewhere in the middle. Like the priority is finding a game balanced by numerical BR, but then it looks at everyone’s weapons and finds the game that fits the most players the best.

I don’t think we would ever get a French faction because later in the war it was practically a minor faction like the smaller Axis. The French were basically equipped and attached to some American units.

However French would make for some good Premium and event squads.

And for the time being I don’t think we’ll get any early Western Front campaigns because the game seems to start in 1942. Any French stuff would probably just be given to Germans, like they converted an early French heavy into a flame tank. Of coarse I’d like to see some early campaigns like Barbarossa, but for the foreseeable future I think not

Honestly I’d say an independent British faction is more priority than France. Britain wasn’t anywhere near “minor faction” status


I think Free French Legionnaires as a Premium Squad (hell…add two of them) in the Tunisian campaign could be sick.

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I wouldn’t mind seeing French Partisans as a premium squad in Normandy or something either, but it would be weird seeing them in other campaigns with the merge.

I honestly think keeping them as a sub faction and putting them in an independent British tree would be the best bet.

then just have 2 modes
a br mode for balancing. 10v10
and a history mode that match by time period of weapon. 5or4 +15-20 ai with historically accurate setting equipment on each side. and player on each side play as vet

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" Like… tiger tanks vs 1960 vehicles in WT :face_vomiting: "

Yeah that’s disgusting. The reason i stopped playing.



Since ppl didn’t understand the previous system and whined a lot, we now have a similar br system, but that probably won’t exclude ww1 vs “tier 1” or cold war vs “tier 5” (tiger vs 1960).

A pity.

I really hope they do. Otherwise this will be the third online shooter that started out as WW2 and turned into a disgusting salad that i (and probably others) will abandon.

On their defense, it’s way too soon to throw the towel yet. They could change stuff as time goes. Well will see when the time comes.

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