Try out the reworked matchmaking

@Adamnpee Yes, because people are grinding and are forced to buy all off the tanks anyways, so why not use the Tiger E while you are recearching the Tiger II? You won’t face different opponents anyways, so grind the squad first and you can upgrade your King Tiger right when you buy it!

(and that counts for the Pershing and the IS2, so no whining about another “tiger 2h argument” here)

And i remember you “trying” to explain how a ±0MM can be balanced while not pushing most weapons into obsolesence or skyroketing queue times making the game unplayable. And variety gets trashed regardless… “Sorry”, that can’t be balanced…

@noktinnky_noktin No, in talking about people like the guy above you and a few others that want that.

Me too, and i want it to not stay as a soft rule for long.

Pz IV H is literally my favorite to play. So much fun! I also enjoy the Pz III N, I take it into BR V games. That HEAT and HE is :hot_face: absolutely devastating to infantry positions. This update will allow me to play as BR IV more frequently, it’s a welcomed update. :smiley:


I’ll look, thank you bro!

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Most do.

Those who want 1-2 , 3-4 , 5 alone, merely want to min max their lineup and would only end up using br 2, 4 and maybe 5, because they would always be top tier without any drawback.

+/-1 is ideal for every br. There is no stop gap. No top or underdog, save for 1 & 5, but 1 & 5 would still be underdog/top dog in any way.


i advocate 1-2 | 3-4 | 5 because in my opinion, BR1 and BR2 are similar enough they should just combine, same with BR3 and BR4

yeah, BR1 and BR3 would be stepping stones for new players, but I don’t see a reason why BR1 and BR2 should be separated unless you really hate low tier LMGs or if you want to specifically use tanks with gross little 20mm and 37mm cannons

the power level of BR3 doesnt feel far off from BR4 either

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Br3 isn’t far off from br2 either, though.

The only weird br is br 5. But it is what it is.

No br should be “a stepping stone” or a “stopgap level”

Because all unlocks can be interesting to use. Not just br 2 & br 4. The goal with +/-1 is to AVOID concentrating the playerbase in specific br, and spread them instead. +/-1 also shove annoying min/maxers up to br5. They no longer can annoy lower br, which your proposal wouldn’t solve.

2 shouldn’t be separated from 3. 4 shouldn’t be freed from 5 thinking they can bully 3.

+/-1 is the way.

This is the way.


Fedorov was built long before WW2, I had no problem with it from the start, even in the Moscow campaign, which was the earliest one chronologically. AS-44 is at least a WW2-time construction. I have an issue with the tanks facing each other in unrealistic scenarios, and I also saw many other players voice concerns about the ahistorical vehicles on almost perfectly historically-accurate maps.

What about mkb w and mkb h (scoped and unscoped) moved to br 4?

MkB scoped ia definitely BR5 weapon. But I agree Mkb classic could be lowered to BR4 (StG-45 and horn StG as well)

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You guys at DF really need to remove all variations of the train escort map from rotation


Why? It’s one of the most fun modes

sorry if it sounds outrageous but yesterday I played about 5 matches, two of which were Soviets and 3 Germans
Germany got their ass kicked hard every time, the players on the German side played worse than the bots
question (you probably won’t see anyway) but could you encourage players to play tutorials
I don’t know 500 silver for the tutorial?

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I don’t see any issues with that. Although 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 would still be less queues than the old system which many people have complained about. I just don’t wanna have the teased with BR4 kit and then have to go against Assault Rifles just because I’d like to use a Johnson Rifle or a Gewher 43, and I do not think that is unreasonable. I still see comments where people are claiming that players will just cap at BR 2 and BR 4 when I don’t think that would happen in actuality. There are moments where the BAR1918A2 is better than the Johnson LMG for example, that’s a BR3 weapon I’d take over a BR 4 weapon in quite a number of cases. Additionally, I don’t see anything wrong with wanting to use the iconic weapons from WW2 without having to get raped by King Tigers and other BR 5 stuff. I feel like there’s a bit of a disconnect here with the playerbase at times. Not everyone who wants to use the iconic and also lesser known stuff from WW2 is “seal clubbing”.

If the MM system isn’t going to have hard coded changes, then maybe the Select Fire rifles could be moved down to BR4? Seems like a controversial change but just an idea to throw out there. I still don’t even see the point with locking maps to BRs anymore but I don’t really care enough about that topic to make any arguments at the moment.

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At present my opinion is BR 5 should be an island.

BR 4 still has a really iconic WW 2 lineup. Br 5 is becoming something else

Perhaps even better to make br 6 and filter all the fantasy crap out


Maybe BR5 should’ve been Select Fire rifles, then BR6 could be Assault Rifles and such. Being that they’re not bad weapons in any way, plus they have full-auto capabilities. Only talking in retrospect though.

I’d appreciate some authenticity in the matches. In Normandy, there should be very very few StG-44s but in the East, they should be unrestricted. I say that if a player has StGs in any of their squads and they match in, they should weigh more for their side than a typical BR5 player. Keeping in mind that the game has always been a bit farcical…my very first round in the game was D-Day and I hit the beaches with Springfields. I couldnt help but laugh at the “stupid foreigner children” and their idea of what WW2 was like. I gave it a shot and realized I could pick up dropped weapons, so I would follow other squads, wait until they got killed, and grab a Garand or a carbine. MKbs should be the stoutest weapon in common circulation in Normandy and they should even be restricted in the matches: available in low quantities. It will greatly improve the game.

Thinking +/- 1 br could alleviate player base concentration is a complete fallacy. Just look at warthunder, you can’t tell me 7.0 - 9.0 is more popular than 10.0+. Players will naturally play at the most efficient br for grinding. So your logic is that players should be punished by uptiers for grinding and suffer just like warthunder. People will always min/max. If you really want fun games, it is more effective to lower the grind so more people will play for fun. Tbh, +/- 1 and 1-2, 3-4, 5 aren’t that different since we only have so many br. The main issue is whether br 5 should be separated. I don’t believe br4 is in a good state except for the U.S., and adding br6 will just repeat the same uptier suffering as warthunder.
Again, to claim nobody will constantly be the top or the underdog shows that you don’t understand how matchmaking works. There is no limit on the number of downtier players (which even warthunder has). That means, you can have 8 br3 + 2 br2 against 8 br2 and 2 br3. Depending on the player distribution, the popular factions will tend to get downtiers while the weaker faction mostly uptiers
It is an open discussion, so I definitely want to see more possibilities of the br system tested before the final decision. You can’t make such a sweeping judgment without any testing.

MM feedback, now properly set up a BR3 Japanese, but because we don’t have enough squads had to upgrade my BR2 to late 100s SMGs.

Sadly MM didn’t work ( Xplay, Eu, Ru only as evening GMT), got matched with Type Heis, so I guess pop was lacking for soft rule to kick in.

Other feedback, I really want to use BR4 Soviets as my go to on Rhzev but if I do face KTII my KV Zis 5, can’t pen. So BR4 is like old BR3 in terms of either you struggle or have easier time against BR3.

But please keep all matchmaking changes, I dont know solution for BR4 going against BR5, but at least in with a better chance that BR3-BR5!

BR3 is much more balanced and enjoyable as Allied overall though, so Thank You.

We already have fantasyland at BR5 with Ho-Ri that nobody can pen frontally without tryharding with Pershing and praying for perfect angles so it could pen it’s cheeks.

Idk why DF thinks that playing with a crappy Sherman 76mm of BR4 is fair while fighting vs Ho-ri that you can’t pen at all.

Against Tiger 2 it’s the same story you can’t pen it with BR4 tanks unless you are a Soviet, Americans are screwed and must rely only on the planes (their AT guns are crap too) and demo packs/tnt.

Same with semi auto rifles like Gewehr 43, ZH-29 or even battle pass Mondragon that kicks like bolt rifle while BR5 weapons can murder you at ranges of 50m+ with amazing accuracy, almost no recoil and super fast ROF.

The new matchmaking after testing it extensively work very well…

BR1 vs BR2 battle are very balanced and is becomed the perfect spot for new player or for who want just have a relaxed battle

BR3 almost never face BR5 and just play aganaist BR2 and BR4, imo BR3 now is in the perfect spot for who want play with and against common ww2 equipment without be forced against Endgame equipment

BR4 now can be used without face every time just endgame weaponry and I bet this has maked a lot of people happy because BR4 have some very cool equipment

As for BRV it isn’t different from before except you find almost all player having end game equipment as you, so the battle now are almost based on the skill of players than see BRV player go against BR3 player

I really hope this new system stay because I a huge step in right direction also even if the BR is ±1 battle are always full of players