Try out the reworked matchmaking

New response to people whining about tier 4 dropped, just suck it up my dude

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Like you are the one that wants 1-2, 3-4 and 5 queues.

We are making fun of you here

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So you want to make BR1 and BR3 obsolete on purpose. I don’t see anything positive about this.


I know you’re making fun of me here I’m just letting you enjoy it

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I don’t see how they’re obsolete when the majority of the players are going to start with those line ups and upgrade/flesh them out. Most BR4 kit isn’t significantly better than BR3, claiming they’d be obsolete comes off melodramatic. I respectfully disagree with you here chap.

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You mean abandon them as soon as possible to unlock better gear and not be permanently uptiered?

Well, ppl also claim there is too big of a gap between BR4 and BR5 so 2+2= buff BR4.

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I don’t really view it as abandoning BR3, more so just being to able to enjoy some extra variety with BR4 since they’re pretty similar. I’d love to see matches with BR3 and BR4 kit slugging it out. Anyone with a brain can compete at these stages imo.

I’ve read a post earlier about moving some weaker BR5 kit down to BR4, if that were to happen I’d be fine with whatever as long as it isn’t overly egregious.


I would rather want 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, and 5. That way you could have more BR4 vs BR4matches instead of being always at the advantage when fighting vs BR3. BR4 doesn’t have a massive advantage but it’s still there. BR5 should always fight against BR5 their gear is completely overpowered and way better than BR4. BR3 should stay as that random BR which let you play across all maps.

My experience so far with the test:

using exclusively br3. Used both Soviets and axis (I want to play in the new map)

  • Br3 seems
 MORE LIVELY! It’s a good thing. It’s populated by enough players.
  • Finding matches is fast as usual for me ( < 30 seconds queues, NA server)
  • MATCHES WERE BALANCED!!! Surprisingly, neither Sovs nor axis had the upper hand over the other team.
  • only a handful matches were uptiered with br 5. I deserted those to test faster (I would desert br 5 slog anyway)

Overall: The test
 is a success on my side! The new queues work wonderfully!!!

Next, I will test using new lineups of br 4, to see if there is any difference. If it’s more spread out and hopefully play less against br 5, I will stop using br 5 lineup completely (I prefer semis in br4, and dislike greatly SF rifles except AVT40.)

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Mkb 35 is classified as an assault rifle and its BR2

the queue you of tier 4 should depend on if the player has a br5 weapon in the rotation or not. If not, then br4 players that have no br5 gear should be only in the 3-4 queue.

so people want 1-2 3-4 and 5? i thought people want +/-1

 And that’s why i push for BR6 to be implimented, to avoid the heinous “solutions” of locked “BR’s” “matchmaker”.
Locking down the BR’s defeats the purpose of BR’s, undermines variety and makes most weapons/vehicles instantly obsolete, because taking the better stuff in the same “BR” woulrn’t ever put you against better equipped enemies

BR4 shouldn’t face “BR5” aka BR6, and there is enough equipment in BR5 to decompress it into BR6 while retaining a competent (yet “nerfed”) BR5 that BR4 wouldn’t get stomped facing it like BR3 did in the old fixed BR3-4-5-‘5’ MM.

“That’s complete nonsense.” @Adamnpee Show me one person that uses the early BR5 weapons/vehicles when they gets the good stuff! Where are they??? They don’t exist! Who uses the techtree BR5 smg’s while they can just play AR’s instead? Who plays the Tiger E when they have the Tiger II unlocked??? They are the same BR, but the later stuff are so much better they deserve BR6 instead.

YOU were screaming “mUh BaLaNcE
” when i suggested BR±2 with BR6 almost 2 months ago, and now you are against of any solution of the compression/powercreep problem of BR5, which is wrecking the balance of top tier.

yep, T-34’s too.

Only the first and weakest MP44 should stay at BR5 (both for balance and historical accuracy in stalingrad), with the rest, alongside the soviet AR’s and possibly the M2 Carbine going up to BR6.
Also, Don’t forget the lonely M1C Garand that’s suffering at BR5 because someone thought that’s equal to the FG42 and AVS 36 rifles (sniper editions).

It’s the only “BR5” german tank worth using, because it’s leagues better that every other german BR5 tank.

Which makes no sense, but we are talking about DarkFlow here

And hidden stats are a B!$#&

That’s the usual few vocal !@$@#% wanting to kill the game with locked “BR’s”.
"BR1-2 | 3-4 and 5 locked “BR’s” look like hell to me, BR±1 is so much better.
(and i wasn’t accusing you of being one of them)

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I am encountering them all the time. Maybe you should stop seal clubbing at low BRs and actually play BR5 for while.

Wtf? xD

Doesn’t make any sense. I want ±0 MM with current BRs. You wanted ±2 MM with 6 BRs

Btw. You should calm down.

are you accusing me of suggesting that? cause i never suggest that at all the guy above me seem to suggest that

beside let me make it clear, i like the current soft rule system not whatever this 1-2 3-4 and 5 is

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Where did you find that tank? Looks dope

it the stalingrad one i havent check if i got one but maybe i do i will check tomorrow (welp nvm just check and it one of those stalingrad owner tank i believe)