Try out the reworked matchmaking

God bless you! This is such a long-awaited update

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Overall, is say that this ā€œtestā€ is a step in the right direction. I just hope it can eventually be more of a permanent change, and not just a test.


t34 and kv1 are same as tiger and panthers, pz2 is same as t50, pps43 is same as mp28 etc.

only difference between BR1-2 and BR3-4 is lack of higher capacity SA. difference in vehicle exist between tiers and difference in SMG performance also exists.


I feel like the +/- 1BR was best since it made BR 3 more consistent, also USA has BR range of BR 2-5 with BR 3 equipment and the Germans have BR 2-4 while using BR 3 equipment. But I guess that the soft rule since most US mains are enjoying the T20.

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Thatā€™s why they need late war maps like Manchuria and Leningrad plus also more open maps based around central and eastern europe like Vyborgā€“Petrozavodsk offensive

there is also pretty interesting fight over one island (Saaremaa)
You can also design maps around Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (as mentioned above) and part of Germany with Breslau Siege and Poland with many battles around the villages like Battle of Studzianki

BR4-5 shouldnā€™t be only about fighting in big towns you can have villages, forests, smaller towns and islands.

It could be the most varied BR bracket but that could only happen if Darkflow would hire more devs to pump them quicker. One map per 3 months is a minuscule amount of content.

And i really hate how they give us one cool map but most gear they add for that map is premium (i remember when KV-2 was free to play in CBT) and most of free stuff is for another faction.


Iā€™m pretty sure the 3 levels can effectively fight against each other
Except Japanese tanks(2 3) and German tanks(4)
They are 2 different extremes

Ooooh, that would be interesting, however its unlikely since its an AR. But still you have a point and it will still face the same BRs (III-V) that its facing now.

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How is that a relevant argument? Germans already do have BR2 AR.

With new soft MM, it will more often end up in only BR 4-5 matches as BR5 weapon. Facing BR3 only when thereā€™s not enough people in queue.


With the new MM people could try suggesting BR changes one equipment / vehicle at a time so it might be a good time to do so

Feel free to make suggestion about it in a different thread though so it doesnā€™t get sinked and loss in floods of comment


that abomination should have been BR3 at least (well BR4 if mkb42 is BR5)ā€¦ it is unbelievable that mkb42 is BR5, when mkb35 has better recoil, dispersion and damage. only downside is 100 rof less and 10 ammo in mag less, but this is not 3 tiers differenceā€¦

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Love the new matchmaking!!! Thank you!

So it will be less random for the BR3 players making it that they will not get stomped that much if it makes sense.

And about the Mkb 35/III, that was a GO weapon that has even lower RoF, smaller mag size and is now unobtainable which makes me wonder how many people actually have it.

Yes, Iā€™ve been playing BR3 Germans quite extensively yesterday. And I have never met a BR5 as far as I am aware of.

This new MM works like a charm.

Let me put it this way. The people who are most dangerous with this weapon (skilled veterans) have it (at least in majority).

And what about the others? It doesnā€™t really matter what weapons they have tbh.


so why the start button said 3-5 again even tho yesterday it was 4-5 like what the soft rule said? it scare me ngl

I guess people are at work/school rn.

Btw. Donā€™t you have BR4 lineup by a chance?

well i havent build one im using br5

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Every match Iā€™ve tried yesterday that was clearly BR 3-4 was way more fun than the original 3-5 MM. Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve spent almost an entire afternoon playing this game in months. I really hope the devs donā€™t listen to some of the known contrarians around here trying to overly convolute the matchmaking system. We finally have a chance to have decent MM in Enlisted again, but thatā€™s if they segment it properly. They should just do a 1-2, 3-4, 5 test for a few days and gather feedback.

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Whatā€™s the reason to use 1 and 3 BR gear then?


You suck it up and use what you have until you buy more kit in-game or spend money, duh :rofl:
Youā€™re not going to have an entire BR lineup unlock the second you unlock something higher tier, are people forgetting this? Genuinely curious. Not even taking a jab at you.