Try out the reworked matchmaking

a BR4 sherman will get deleted by a Tiger 2 or a Ho-Ri

RD44 or Maxim Tokarev makes the MG42 feel lame

30rnd thompsons are nothing compared to STG44s

Please pipe down

also you cheeky buggers!!! I was getting bored of no MM changes and I let my daily login bonus streak lapse!!! lol

so cheeky

this is the real patch. The rest was nothing by comparison

South Park GIF - South Park Change GIFs


No. More like revive their playerbase. Personally, I literally haven’t played 1 battle as soviets since the merge because I know my IS-1 will get thrown into Stalingrad 50% of the time and face Tiger II’s in a 1942 battle which is abhorrent.
It would just be like before the merge - I remember I loved playing Berlin all the time, it felt consistent and more comfy to have one familiar set of maps instead of getting thrown from Normandy to Berlin, then to the bulge and so on. I think Berlin campaign also had quite high number of players according to the server data that someone published back then.

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Here c:


Lmao, yet another “tiger 2h argument”. Acting like it is the only BR5 German tank.
Ho-ri has so many disadvantages that you can play around.

MG42 early and MG45 makes russian BR5 MGs feel lame.
MG-34 (75) is decent too.

All Thompsons are shit in comparison to Japanese/German assault weapons of the same BR.


Great; so just so u guys understand; the update is fantastic, love all the changes

But this BR matchmaking is AS GOOD if not better than the patch; together theyre like 2 updates at once level good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Metagame feels fresh, less BR 5 spam with BR 3-4 lineups, BR 5 feels nice cause much less accidental BR3 noobs running around with BR1 tanks; BR1 gets to live in its noob friendlier garden of BR1-2 Eden

small wait time is totally worth a better gaming experience

I hope this is permanent :100: :ok_hand:


I don’t know…for example I personally queue Alot on stalingrad with @Forlorn_Squad on tier 2,when,we play br2 and we don’t see Tigers(ofc lol)

This to say, you can always consider play br2, stalingrad apears Alot, and, without is2 and tigers

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This is a phenomenal improvement, I’m going to take a guess that this might become more of a hard rule if deemed successful?

For all the people who have talked about maps and how they dislike certain ones, I have a proposal. If placing soft caps works The idea I have would be map preferences, The game would attempt to put you in your preferred maps and if it cannot find enough players within time it’ll move to all maps for that faction. Just like how it currently does. It would also look at your current battle rating when deciding the map.


No, the same argument can not be made. BR 1 & 2 are basically the same and BR 3 & 4 are also very similar.

BR 5 is way ahead of BR 4 just as BR 3 is way ahead of BR 2.


Especially the soviet ones, ppsh and ppd got nerfed hard.

What is the max time before it expands?

If BR I: Matchmake BR I - II for X Seconds and after expanding to BR I-III if not full. What is “X”? For those that really like it, they may be able to utilize that info to know when to switch to a different faction or BR equipped at certain times of day etc.



Save for the premium 100rd one, cause $$$


I feel like I’m the only one that likes the M21/28 box mag Thompson over both drum round Thompsons.

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you need to realize you are in the vocal minority when you complain about historical accuracy, a lot of people love spamming AS-44s and fedorovs in WW2, as in, you are the only user I ever encounter on the forums who explicitly has such an issue with it

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nope. I favour the box mags too :slight_smile:

BR 2 M1928 USMC
BR 3Thompson 30 cal
BR 4 M21/28 (My prefered…I swear there was a drum round mag version of this in Beta Tunisia…Ive got it In my head that the Tunisia Beta one had the good iron sights and foregrip, which is this one…not the one we have now)


This is a good day! Time to begin the grind again.


Great day, sounds like someone upstairs was listening. I love this because I have 3 maxed level of squads setup, 1-2,3, and level 5. So now if I choose to play my level 1-2 I know I won’t be outgunned by upper level weapons. Great move, makes me very happy. :wink:

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Exactly how it should work

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I am perfectly fine waiting longer if the matchmaking is better. :wink: