Try out the reworked matchmaking

i just noticed a problem with new MM rework… MM sucks cause of BR presets. presets really need update so you can switch weapons with one click without equipping 2-3 squad lineup.

BEST UPDATE !!! I was waiting for this !


Any chance we can get it so that purchased slots (Slots 5-10) are optional to use, like the premium only slot? This would make it easier to have presets of more BR’s since presets currently only save the squads, and don’t modify guns and equipment within.

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We passed that suggestion not so long ago.


\o/ Thank you! \o/ So, is it being considered? or under development? Just want to make sure I’m on the same page.

quickly checked out replay info and have seen lots of empty matches(e.g. 8v2 or 4v0). most of them were on crossplay off (so nothing to be surprised), but have caught lots of them for crossplay on (concerning maybe?)

Excellent news!

… Now I just need to escape work to clean up my presets and enjoy it!


Fantastic change!!!

Excellent news! (2) Gaijin!

While this is a welcome change, it is still not the change that the majority of people have asked for. It should be:
BR 1-2
BR 3-4
BR 5

BR 3 should not be playing with BR 5 or BR 2.


afaik most people asked for ±1MM and not fixed MM queues.

same argument could be said with BR2 against BR1 and BR4 vs BR3


This opens a path to another improvement… Can you please remove BR V from Rzhev and Stalingrad in the future? Just BR V. Please think about it.
This will greatly increase the attractiveness of KV-2 as a premium - it should never have to fight a Tiger II (unhistorical is one thing, the major problem here is that a high value premium vehicle is an instant cannonfodder for all tier V tanks.)
Also, eliminating just this one tier from Rzhev and Stalingrad would mean that a big, big part of the late war stuff that completely ruins the climate of historical campaigns would be safely kept away from those beautiful locations that your artists recreated with so much historical accuracy and care for detail.


Br +/-1 is indeed better than 1-2 , 3-4, 5 alone.

This way, all br are viable and you cannot min max by just using br 2, 4 or 5 presets (which I suspect is what those asking for 1-2 , 3-4, 5 wanted to keep doing).

There’s no underdog or top dog this way, except for lowest br 1, or top br 5. Now mid br is good to play.

It’s Ideal for everyone, every br included. Best solution save for Utopia +/-0.


@James_Grove So br 4 tunisia and moscow?

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Perfect time to incentivise ‘play any side’ - maybe bring that queue time down and make it easier to match.

Would be nice to also see ‘play any BR’ to randomise not only between nations but between squad presets.

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Sounds good, though Im still not a fan of RNJesus

Is there a queue time that the MM forgets the softrule and expands to old MM? (For example at 5 minutes warthunder checks all servers instead of chosen)

I ask so that I can restart queue and wait if i must :grinning:


i hope you realize that BR5 soviets being forced to play Berlin 24/7 would probably kill their playerbase lmfao


This is so welcomed, where do we put feedback? Here or in Latest update post?

So far Soviet BR3 I was matched against br4 no KT


BR4 is a step up from BR3, but BR5 is 10 steps up from BR4. BR4 and BR5 should not face each other


That’s complete nonsense. The only issue is huge gap between semis and SF rifles.

So either buff semis or nerf SF. There’s no other reason for seperating BR4 from BR5.

Ohh, and US/Japs are in desperate need of better AT launchers.
(Japs maybe not, since NI05 is just OP)