Try out the reworked matchmaking

i use it for my paratroopers…it’s a bloodbath when i land, still think it’s stupid though i can’t do the same thing with my us or german paratroopers (swap the high br weapons out for lower ones)

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i have a question tho that kinda stuck in my mind

what if I a menace (using br5 gear) and everyone (so like 80% are using br3) does that mean i singlehandedly drag br3 up to br5? just want to ask for clarification. (cause if that the case im sorry man)

i’d assume so, i’ve seen games where we have 1 guy with a pz 4 and the enemy have at best bt7’s

just noticed this as i was sorting my br 3 lineup out to test this…the stalingrad pz 4 g looks awesome :grinning:


Until now I’m satisfied the BR3 line up is almost not matched with BRV player, and if happen is no more than 1,2 players, the matchmaking work very well now


that is good to know tbh cause im gonna be playing br5 until i get T20 then i will do br3

Will be fixed, devs aware.


I am in dis belief, they listened and try to improve a issue that, has annoyed many for a while now.
Take a bow DF well done, bravo, faith restored

PS what’s going on with forum?, taking like 2 mins to load a page, or i getting this?


Good luck US BRV is a run against your teammate for score now


yea that happen sometime idk what cause it tbh

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yea but from my match today (which is around 7 match) i got 80k rp so not bad (might finish it tomorrow if im motivate enough)

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I got 30,to be fair it was just rocket left and right

this is more about BR3 which either dunked on BR1 or were getting dunked on by BR5. also it moves BR4 from obsolescence cause people finally have reason to take it out without getting dunked on by BR5

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imho BR was relatively small problem for the game. lack of map/mode selection(or at least veto) is what is currently biggest problem for the game MM.


Simple yet amazing change, makes every BR viable to play and build your presets for.

Hope it’s here to stay and can replace the classic system, which made only few BR’s viable.


yeah just had a great game with my pz 4’s and flametroopers…god i’ve missed using them


A pz4 player is always a Chad on my eyes :slight_smile:

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Excellent, glad we’re finally doing this. I think it just needs to be BR 1-2, 3-4, and 5. But I am so glad we’re getting some adjustment so M1 Garands don’t have to deal with STG-44s.

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free BR4 from BR5, create a tier for the good semi-auto rifles

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Pz4 is for PEASANTS!!!

Real Chads use Ab41. Or flakpz1.