Try out the reworked matchmaking

FInally we have a proper BR matchmaking system!!!

It’s a simple BR±1 system, but that’s still a HYGE step in the right direction for the game.
Now i’m waiting for BR6 to be implimented (for BR decompression & balance), which will open the way for a BR±2 system without the massive balance problems that the current BR situation has.

I personally like chaotic matches. The most* fun period of my experience with this game was jumping into the Normandy Campaign for the first time late last June into rounds where everybody had better equipment than me.

Finding a way to contribute while figuring out that I could scrounge powerful weapons from the ground while learning the maps was the best part of this game. Hearing MP40s and MG42s when all I had was a Springfield A3 (I always played a Sniper squad so that I could at least play a period correct rifle until I unlocked the M1 Carbine) was cool. The virtual rush when flanking and defeating Nazis with proper Nazi weaponry was FUN.

Early game was a mad dash to earn enough points to unlock the Garand. It took a couple weeks. I was playing Sniper and Engineer for quite a while and couldn’t really contribute to direct assaults on a point. But it was hella fun. I would suggest some kind of matchmaking setting that would optionally re-enable “free for all” mode with no BR settings and put either an achievement or a time limited event around it.

*second most fun is aerial battles now with the Corsair and T-Bolt.


The current matchmaking was already
+2 for BR1,
+/-1 for BR2
+/-2 for BR3
+/-1 for BR4
-2 for BR5

There is no “massive balance problem” to solve.

A good decision keep working like this, don’t forget a 30% more gain of silver after a Game this little change can make the game more friendly for new players and make the grind less painful


Please note! Various matchmaking settings are currently being tested, and players f.e on BR3 may still meet players on BR5.
This is not a mistake. Devs are collecting statistics!


Devs aware


you can’t imagine how happy I am with those news.

now go ahead and finally get the new premium Jagdpanther out, I wanna spend some money.

Now that BR4 is in a somewhat playable state, there are a lot of weapons that could use adjustments.

The Gerat 03 is BR5, which makes no sense because the Farquhar Hill and SVT Drum have better stats and are in BR4

The STG45 is also the weakest version of the STG with a very low firerate of 450 RPM, it should also be considered to move to BR4 since it has less firepower than the regular Mkb42

But I do not want to sound like I am biased towards germany. I think all SMGs should be lowered to BR4 except for ones such as the Condors.


Make the MM
Br 1-2, 3-4 and 5 as standalone
It’s a much better choice


Oooooh myyyy Gooood!!!

download (3)

It’s Christmas???

Did I sleep that long somehow???

You guys want to save Enlisted???



really think they should turn it from “soft rule” into what it is tbh since most player already want the br+/-1


They try it first!

They’re cautious I respect that!

Woooo I’m happy!


bet you gonna celebrate by having some maple syrup or something

anyway at least i can bring the lewis and mg13 drum back to use for br3 those are nice squad

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I think I’ll have a maple syrup beer!!!

(Yes, it’s a thing. And it’s delicious.)


not just new players, me personally ever since the merge i wouldn’t touch br 3 and 4 because of the fact i’d more or less always end up at br 5 anyway so all my pz 4’s and panthers have just been rusting away not getting any use. not anymore though :slight_smile:



I’ll be able to use a noob br 1 preset!!!

Ab41!!! T60!!! Flakpanzer!



i recommend the beretta m38a…ridiculous rate of fire and it’s a br 1 smg, same with the ppd 34 for the soviets, rate of fire shreds at low br

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I already use the first Sov smg. Perfect tanker smg, or pilot one.

During Stalingrad, I bought and max stared about 20… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The current fixed matchmaker has nothing in common with a proper BR±2 system. Not even BR3 is correct because we don’t have BR2-3-4 matches.

Does nobody see the massive elephant in the room that’s is BR5 ??? The powercreep within BR5 is greater than the one between BR2 and 4 ! Why the F$%@ we have all of the tigers at BR5 (exept for 1… but it can’t fight BR2’s so it doesn’t really matter), why we have AR’s and smg’s at the same BR?
…Why is the BR range so narrow???

We do have a balance problem, and because of the locked/fixed matchmaker we had untill now that balance was neglected, because stuff like moving the M1C Garand down to BR4 wouldn’t do s!$# (it would fight the same things regardless…)

Even if we never get BR±2 (which without BR6 would mean Panther vs BR2… yikes) the power level differences between the BR5 weapons is too much to be left alone, some BR decompression is needed (BR6). That will also give more breathing room to lower BR equipment, resulting in better balance across the board.

And yes, i like those matches too, and that’s why i want BR6 and BR±2 to be implimented.
I want variety and the whole point of a BR system (±1 or 2) is to keep that while balancing the teams, as well giving you the opportunity to sometimes be the underdog, and others, the king of the match!

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can we get a fix of the BR of the gold order Chi-Nu? it is still IV unlike the regular one which is III right now

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