Try out the reworked matchmaking

2nd match as BR4 - way too many AS-44, Fedorovs and STG44 it was unplayable just like old MM. Tank on Tank combat was fair just like last match BR4 tanks vs BR4 tanks. Except one guy with IS-2 1944 that murdered my panzer 4 g in a single hit without aiming.

3rd match as BR4 - pretty balanced across the board a lot of BR4 weapons and tanks but also a few BR3 and BR5 unlocks.

nice that mean the soft rule work pretty much most of the time which is good

BR3 match as the USA - total failure a lot of BR5 Japanese players Tokyo Hei and Tokyo SMGS everywhere. Plus a few Americans with T20 and M2 Carbines. Plus don’t forget about BR5 tanks.

??? Combining the BR’s will just kill half off them. There are not at the same power level, so with: 1-2|3-4|5 BR1 & 3 would die because it would fight endless uptiers against the endlessly downtiered BR2 & 4! How is this fair??? Why BR2 and 4 get the right to endlessly stomp BR1 and 3 ???
And let’s not forget about the CoD like mess that BR’5’ would become

We already have this problem in BR5 vs BR’5’, but in this fixed MM it would maks no sense to play the low level gear of your “BR bracket” because you will be stomped by the best gear in there, and that “best gear” would never fight against anything better than itself

Let me give you a few examples:

  • Who will use the Gewehr 41 and be constantly uptiered while they can just use the superior Gewehr 43 and be constantly downtiered, with no risc of fighting stuff better than it.

  • Who will use the 75 Sherman over the Junbo or the 76 when they are forced to fight Panthers regardless???

  • Who will use literally any BR1 tank while BR2 tanks both stomp them AND never fight BR3???


No, BR1 and 3 would be cannonfodder for BR2 and 4.


Yes, BR5 is weird, but that’s because it’s not just BR5, it’s BR5 and BR’5’ aka BR6, and we need them seperated asap! That’a literally the biggest thing we need right now @Conscript_Joe .

Correct, you just need to get the balance right.

@TangledTestes Just read this post, and if you still don’t see the issue you need to sit and actually think about it for a while
 And i hope you haven’t forgotten how to do that

What??? how is 3<2 ???
You make no sense, and this makes my theory right above look true
 You need to go have a look at that before you start spewing more awful takes
 And maybe you will be cured!

Hey!!! That’s my idea! You can’t snatch BR6 like that just to have a good take on things for once! Plus, the 1-2 | 3-4 | 5 system you want is actually 3 BR’s with heavy powercreep issues, so BR6 doesn’t even work with this. Decompressing BR5 with BR6 only makes sense in a BR±1 MM.

And that’s just false, we still have the M1C Garand getting stomped at BR5

No, it isn’t, unless you are making trash balancing decisions, like WarThunder does way too often recently

@CC_Cody Does it needs to have the same popularity??? People play what they want, if they want to grind they play something good for that, otherwise, they mostly play iconic or weird s#%$.

That’s exactly what happens in a fixed “BR” “MM”. In WarThunders BR±3 MM (and now Enlisted’s ±1 MM) uptiers are a nessesity to balance the fact that downtiers exist. You just need to balance the BR’s out in order to give the lowest BR of the match a chance of doing something, and not have them just getting stomped. WarThunder generally does a good job with this, if you exclude heavy tanks. And just like here, they have a top tier BR compression issue that they haven’t fixed yet

The classic grind problem. Good luck with that! You have people here saying “too much grind”, while the vets think that’s this is OK simply because they are sitting on 600K XP from having no life! For WarThunder tho, the grind problem is real, and it get’s worse the higher you go.
Don’t forget the saying: Low tier, FUN tier!

??? You just screamed about uptiers and now you want to force them to BR1 and 3

BR4 is OK, and adding BR6 would solve the “uptier suffering” BR4 currently has against BR’5’ aka BR6

That’s the purpose of the MM in BR±x MM’s

That’s just trash MM design
 You need to balance the teams out in order to get balanced games!
WarThunder has a ~25% limit on the top BR players of a match. JUST grab that DarkFlow!

FIrst, it’s not per faction, it’s per BR. And yes, the popular BR’s will be better off with less uptiers, but you can have them fight themselves for a bit, just like how WarThunder narrows the BR range (soft rule) when a BR explodes in popularity for a bit (like when event vehicles get mass unlocked at the end of their events).


You do make a fair point that warthunder is actually +/- 3.

I don’t see what’s the issue here. From br1-2, 3-4, the power creep isn’t that huge. At least it is way better than br 2-3, br 4-5. You have to make a choice. Bolty vs better bolty or better bolty vs semi. Taking the balance of Moscow in the past as an example, even if we have a new br6, there will still be br5 vs br4, which is avs36 against zh29. It’s like putting supersonic against subsonic, sure, some subsonic will have a fighting chance, but it just doesn’t feel good to play.

That’s exactly my point. Low tier will be better without uptiers to kv1, pz4j, Sherman 105, and rocket spam. If you want to challenge yourself by using br2 against br3 or br4 against br5, you can always adjust your gears accordingly. Personally, the grind doesn’t affect me at all thanks to the merge, so I just want to play for fun. Why can’t we just have separated br ranges of early war, mid war, and late war. I mean, enlisted used to run on the campaign system, and this would restore the good part of it. It’s like proposing WWII only, cold war only, modern war only in warthunder.

BR6 has problems of its own. Like more queues and not enough gears for Japan. I know it works fine in the ideal sense, but hey it’s darkflow. Like you said, we need better team balance, I just don’t see how it will come anytime soon.


The balance between BR2 and 3 is fine, best bolties + worst semis vs semis is fine. Plus, the smg situation currently favors BR2. And the powercreep situation is only a problem in BR5, even versus BR’5’ alone it’s worse than BR1 vs BR3 imo.
In the WarThunder analogy, BR2 vs BR3 is late props vs early jets, BR4 vs BR5 is best subsonics vs supersonics, and BR5 vs BR’5’ is F-4 Fhantoms vs Fox-3 spam. Obviously, the latter one is the worst one, and thge others are ok but with come gimmics, like the subsonics can outmaneuver the bad supersonics all day long, but the supersonics can simply deny the engagement altogether and run away to their team to 3v1 you later.

Nah, have your endless Stuart vs early Pz III’s battles by yourself! Taking out uptiers means bye-bye downtiers, aka everything fights itself stale crap. That’a no fun!
And you haven’t even listed insane/unkillable vehicles here, you can counter them if you know what are you doing, it isn’t supposed to be as easy as a walk in the park!

It’s one more queue, and even Japan has eligible gear for BR6.

As you said, it’s DarkFlow that we’re talking about here! They didn’t even implement a proper BR based MM system untill this fix, even though hey had access to WarThunder’s system for inspiration

I don’t understand what you mean by this. Shouldn’t it be crusader and m3 vs pz3n?

This is quite a subjective take. It’s like saying I don’t like a more fair and balanced fight. It’s boring to have all mid supersonics with flares and balanced missiles fighting each other, and you have to throw in some subsonics with full aspect and higher tier supersonics. Wouldn’t make such a judgment without a massive pool. Plus, unlike warthudner where there are only 3-4 vehicles per nation for each br, br in enlisted is quite huge, there is enough variety + all the event squads and guns.

What do you mean by insane/unkillable vehicles? The only one I can think of is br3 kv1 and kingtiger. And it is less of a br issue than downtier + crap team. If you ask me whether I want to see kv1 t34 fighting against short-barrel pz3 and pz4 from time to time. Why not? I am not against br2 vs br3. My main issue is br4 vs br 5, and all the rest can be tweaked.

I mean 5 queues are a lot for unpopular factions, like Japan br4 and 5 will be empty. Everybody will just play either bolty or type hei. No, Japan simply doesn’t have enough gears for both br5 and 6. No br 5 rifle, no br5 mg, no ar like stg, as44 and m2, not enough planes, no good tanks besides already fantastical ho-ri.

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Let me correct myself while you’re having a blood pressure spike. It was actually 12 queues across 6 campaigns (what I was initially referring to), compared to my idea which would be 12 queues in total across 4 factions after the merge update since it was more or less homogenized. That’s STILL going to be less separated queues than the pre-merge system lol. So, not exactly xaos.

Okay well that shouldn’t be a thing regardless, M1C shouldn’t be facing BR5 that’s just retarded.

I don’t really need to add more CC_Cody said enough.

I was talking about BR1 tanks, not BR2, but in a locked MM, with the practical merge of BR1 and 2, that’s what you will get.

You said you don’t want uptiers into KV1, Sherman 105 and Pz4j, and i said that they aren’t too insane for their BR. The shermans aren’t that difficult to kill with BR2 tanks like Puma and Panzers with short 75+HEAT (the grant has similar armot at BR2 too), the Pz4j has weak turret, so any russian 45mm will do, and the KV1 is tricky yeah, but you simply need to shoot when he isn’t angled away.
As for the KingTiger, BR6, we have the Tiger E for BR5, whick can be countered by BR4 tanks.

That’s why it’s still a soft rule, because having even a single BR empty will mess with too much % of the BR range.

You said “old system” without clarification, and technically the 1-2-3|3-4-5 locked “BR” “MM” just got there, with the pre-merge system been long gone by now.
Plus, we can’t have as many queues as your suggesting, just remember the bot farming mess some campaigns were because of balance and popularity problems. Even when the balance was decent we still had queue problems.

Just saw the British premium flamethrower squad, with Johnson Rifles, in Tunisia while I was BR 1. I think there might be some bugs.

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BR III shows II - V, it is a bug?

no it because of the new soft rule


For USA & Japan, soft rule is 2-5 when br 3.

While using Sovs &Germany it’s 2-4.

The system is under testing, also there might be more axis and Sov players than Usa & Japan ones (which would explain the br bracket difference)

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it is kinda opposite
 if there are more players they need wider MM while side with less player can get narrow MM.

I don’t know how to explain Japan, then

My humble guess is really simple and dumb:

They want to test 2-5, but also want to test 2-4. They merely picked 2 factions for both brackets.

They test stuff and collect data afterall :thinking:

i might be wrong actually
 lack of players in japan faction causes MM to need to match on wider scale and that affects US
 it is too hot to think right now :stuck_out_tongue:

I think is because US player are all playing with T20 so Japanese are forced in BRV? :thinking:

well i have been playing br5 US and havent got pacific at all so idk

It also might mean you’ll be in rather one of three queues. Rather 2-3 or 3-4 for the soft rule or the 3rd queue being the original 3-5.