Try out the reworked matchmaking

it is soft rule, so if there are not enough players for ±1BR you are defaulted to BR1-3 and BR3-5.

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Obviously a lie when they mentioned

while players totally don’t know the queue status.

I’d love it if it worked, I’ve unfortunately only seen BR V, BR 3, and BR 2 equipment still. I even play BR 1 and still get BR 3 in my lobby.

Because we’re in a “Free to Play” game! Ha!

As an exclusively German player who has played for 3 years now, and have tried to introduce my GF into the game, the last two weeks have been a joke on my end. I’m not sure exactly what it is. Though many games are full of axis quitting, and stacks or at least marshal level opponents vs pugs.

A big part of it is still the SMG &/or para spam, as it has been for quite a while. But boots on the ground as someone who doesn’t sweat every game it has not been fun recently. Especially trying to introduce new people to it. So I think the actual ranking needs some work. Continuous 1 sided stacking to effectively get a mass exodus or a noob stomp is not sustainable.

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So now para spam is back? Interesting… It definitely must be true if you say so…


The matchmaking is broken with 2-3 weeks of testing recently, and it continues the downward trend that’s been going on for the past few months. There’s no reason for it to be the norm for one team to be mostly generals/marshals against an opposing team of sergeants at best. It’s incredibly short sighted.

A big part of the reason this is happening is because of unaddressed issues and players leaving the game, making it inherently unbalanced with the loss of players.

Instead of just bitching, here’s an idea: factor in the amalgamated rank of squads in matchmaking, because naturally higher level groups will be at the top and can fight each other. At least then they’ll be opposed by others who are also coordinated. Yes it will reset as the battle pass changes, but it will normalize and reduce the ability to cheese. This doesn’t take away from the BR meta, it just categorizes it. If you have three rank 5 people in a squad, they are rank six, and are slotted against others rank 6. Three people rank 4 together, they are now rank five, simple.

Pick-up-groups against a coordinated team is no contest, regardless of the level. Either that or axis has gotten truly shit due to either bad timing or people quitting the game. But it seems simple to not allow such a gross mismatch of ranking @keofox_ru

How exactly does this work?

I built a BR3 Japanese line up, pressed “play” and in two seconds I was thrown into a fake land BR5 sweatfest with T20 vs Hei everywhere.

Isn’t the system supposed to wait and at least try to find a proper ±1 BR match?



It a soft rule not permanently set sadly so old br rule still applies

They really gotta make it permanent I want to flex with my Lewis squad

Yes but I would expect the old rule to kick in after some time of searching, not literally after two seconds.

That’s because US is more popular atm, especially BR5. So it’s nobrainer that MM put you into BR5 match as filler immediately

you are just looking at your side of the story. you were thrown into that match cause someone who was there 2 minutes ago couldnt find ±1 BR match…

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The MM should ensure that it at least tries to find you a ±1 match, at least for 1-2 minutes, instead of instantly throwing some players as cannon fodder to T20 enjoyers.

Doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. It’s not mathematically possible.

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MM tries to do full matches. if someone is waiting for 2+ minutes in queue he will get anyone in the current queue to fill the match (including you).

full match>±1BR

It’s not about anyone personally.

The MM should allow at least (1-2) minutes to every player to be placed in a ±1 BR match, not segregate players by “they already started searching” and “you are cannon fodder”.

After (2) minutes the search could be expanded to 1-3 and 3-5 BRs.

all i see is that you dont understand how queue works. queue is first in first out mechanism. if BR5 player comes first in queue, 2 minutes start from him and not from when you came into queue. if that BR5 player cant get ±1 BR match, then after 2 minutes it expanded search to BR3-5 which you were part of.

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No, I think you don’t understand my point:

No player should get into 1-3 or 3-5 matches untill at least X minutes of BR ±1 has passed.

… MM should add people who already waited for more than X minutes looking for BR ±1.

i understand your point and i know it is unrealistic cause you would just get loads of unbalanced and half empty matches.

MM already has problem getting full matches even when it doesnt wait. do you want 10v3 matches cause someone needs to wait?

btw i dont understand your logic. someone waits 2+ minutes for any kind of match with current logic and MM is still unable to provide full ±1 match for him and you want that rule to be implemented individually…

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