Try out the reworked matchmaking

only if they are in apc or some other vehicle…

Also svt 40. I hate how the most common soviet semi auto is in br 4. Atleast i get to use it in custom matches

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That one too, but it’s not as bad as axis. Sovs get the svt38 at br 3. It’s a svt40 but with slightly lower damage. Quite powerful. Axis get a stripper clip fed semi at br3… :sweat_smile:

Yesterday before you changed something i had a few fun BR4 matches, now it’s like we went back to old MM where i’m forced to play vs BR5 every single match.

Que time is again super quick like we no longer waiting for people of same BR.

Drum para tommies, m2 carbine, T20, AS-44, AVT-40 and Fedorovs everywhere. BR4 doesn’t exist at all.

It may not be their fault, yesterday was the weekend and today is Monday.
I guess we can both tell on what day more players will be active.

It doesn’t have to be related to MM tweaking

Better years late than never, I guess. It’s nice that playing anything but BR 2 or 5 is now viable. I was sad that it made no sense to use any of the iconic weapons before (MG34, MG42, Gewehr 43…).


you arent downtalking my lovely G41 are you!!!

At the very least, Testing indefinitely I hope :smiley:

downtalking… no… But let’s say svt38 has a major advantage :sweat_smile:


Yes, SU85 TD should not be BR5, needs to move among others.

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Why not? Game is for fun, sometime giving players a easy match is better than let everyone wait 3 mins and fight with enemies that have much better weapon.

Also, sometime we wait about 3 mins and only 1 player on enemy side, I have no idea what we waiting for. And sorry for that one player, he probably wait 3 mins, too. But this quene system gives him a 1v10 game, it totally is a pain in the ass.

most people that complain about MM get actual 10v10 matches, just you get loads of veterans on one side and newbies on other side.

also if you match into bot matches you will just get heavy faction stacking for getting easy matches.


The way it should have been to start with. Don’t care about longer wait times in MM, want better matches.


Not for a free to play game… those are like 4 free maps each year. I rather see some improvements to older maps.

I want snow covered version of Stalingrad.


ye better br match making so explain me how i end in rzhev with br 3, whit br 2 and 1 mates ( or even bots) against as44, is-2 ( 1994) , kv 1 (br 4 version) ppsh 41 drum mag and il-10 ? i think the br need a better programing that game was a massacre (only 4 minutes ;_; )

Well said :smile:
esp In BR 5

For there respective BR

I’m not sure which is which, but either I’m missing something or this isn’t working.

I’ve been firmly in the 1-2, 3-4, 5 alone camp for as long as it’s been a thing. I asked for it before some of the YouTubers, etc.

I really like the early war stuff - both the equipment and the settings (Moscow, Tunisia, Stalingrad). Before this change, I played a lot of BR II (I’m a console casual, and don’t have a high-tier army fleshed out yet), and was rewarded with a lot of amazing matches but also sometimes found it impossible to deal with enemy teams dominated by guys in BR III vehicles.

With this change, I took the time to set up a BR I army to my liking (Mannlicher M93 rifle squad, premium Pz 38 (t), to name a couple).

But I’m still getting dragged into BR III games. Plinking at Shermans on Normandy maps with PzB 39 AT rifles. My Pz 38 (t) gets vaporized shortly after spawn by a KV-1 I can’t do anything to short of building a PaK 40 (shouldn’t it be a 5cm PaK 38 at BR I?)


yeah no.
as expected, this new “soft” rule is more like a non existant one if anything.

because it’s “”“completely fine”“” seeing shermans, pz4js, kv1s & t34s as br II

but god forbid if i even dare to place few single effing g41s / m1 garands in my line up that it’s all of a sudden a br V facing is2s, tiger IIs fever dream all over again.

it’s simply not fun.

you cannot make this up.
prolonging the br III issue.
you either make it an actual rule, or it’s not worthed to even bother.


well i think population issue is also a factor why some faction br3 will bring you to br5 but that just a guess

I for some reason tend to face against SVT-38s (BR 3) and I think SMGs of BR 3 (one of those PPSh variants), while I am decked out in BR 1.

So, it does not seem to be working right for me.

Still, at least I don’t have to deal with situations like late war weapons versus interwar weapons.