Try out the reworked matchmaking

All can quote is sentence from the news on that one.

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So we donā€™t actually know when the softrule comes into effect? Well it is what it is - though, I am correct that once it shows in the main menu, when you press ā€œinto battleā€ while queueing with BR3 that
ā€œBR 2 - BR5ā€,
that the softrule is deactivated, while if it is active it would show
ā€œBR2 - BR4ā€?

Because if it actually shows it, you know what BR is currently underplayed.

Thatā€™s how understand how it works, or am I mistaken?

i guess, i mean if someone do br3 and see 2-4 then that does make sense (except me the menace who use br5 dragging poor soul up by accident)

I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. I believe it is just visual bug tied to specific factions.

But I could be wrong. Literally no one has clarified it as far as I know.

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I mean, it would be very cool if that would be the case.

Imagine wanting to play BR1 - when it shows
ā€œBR I - BR IIā€ you would know you donā€™t have to face BR III, but when it shows
ā€œBR I - BR IIIā€

You try a different BR.

Personally I am switchig BRs alot during the day, I donā€™t think I am the only one who would appreciate such quality of life mechanic.


Still, it shoud always be like that, Im currently trying to resaearch Japan and you have no chance against M26s with BR3 equipment.

We are glad that most people like the expansion of BR brackets!
According to your feedback, the matchmaker has been adjusted today to create more equal fights in terms of the number of players per side.
Testing continues!


Itā€™s the right direction imo.

Now with +/-1 all br are fun, and viable, to play. Thereā€™s no longer entire obsolete br.

Hopefully it will be +/-1 gor Japan & Usa as well (at br 3, they have a ā€œ2 to 5ā€ bracket).


In an ideal world, BR1 and BR5 should have a noticeable chance for Ā±0 MM match.
Otherwise BR1 and BR4 are always going to be the ā€œunderdog BRsā€ with highest chance to get uptiered.



You should make a suggestion post about it. Because I too wondered what could be done about those, but couldnā€™t find anything.

Itā€™s a worthwhile idea. (I could enjoy g43 in peace!)

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Put it on all factions and everyone (or at least 85% of the playerbase) will be happy.

So is the new br update still under testing? Im not on PC so i wouldnt have atom by atom knowledge.

Yes itā€™s still live testing right now

I hope the ā€œstillā€ is never going to end, hehe

Tell this to my laziness :d


i would rather have 10 people with garands against full team of fg42 rather that 10v2 with same BR weapons.

this would be ok if queue had same number of players on both sides. but how do you balance e.g. 10 players on one side and 5 players on other in queue that has been going on for 3 minutes? create one 5v5 and other 5v0? this would just encourage people to bot farm for easy PvE matches.

i think this is more of a what you can expect warning cause of lack of players in one faction (think that japan is currently the problem with lack of players). so if by some chance in next few minutes there are lots of japanese players you will get Ā±1 otherwise you may end up in Ā±2

I do not. Since popular faction is going to have more skilled players meanwhile the other is going to be made of casual players that are barely recognizable from bots.
Merge didnā€™t a change a thing about this, thatā€™s the fact

If Iā€™m going to play an unpopular faction, I want at least the equipment to be fair. And not that Iā€™ll be with garand against FGs and a team full of skilled players.

The thing you want is twice unfair

(Btw. AI players shouldnā€™t be limited to only max BR3 equipment)

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i would rather have players who can be competent with me vs bots that i know arent competent.

also i would be ok with compromise that more bots you have in your team, more they get skilled.

maybe we need bot from helldiver? since those ai seem quite competent (cant remember any game with good ai other than half life tbh)

Unrealistic utopia.

AI players should get proper equipment, not BAs. And they would immediately became more competent than 50% of casual playerbase.


yea ai with auto weapon are quite good as long as they arent looking in the wrong direction tho