TLDR of the 1000 word post and my take

Recently, a post with a thousand plus words got locked down. In summary, the person thinks that the anti kamikaze system is unfair to the US, since it reduces its ability to kill grey zone campers and render no payload fighters useless. That is the TLDR.

I think he is right about the problem, not about the solution. The solution in my humble opinion is to fix grey zone tanks at the same time. How? Make it impossible to receive xp in the greyzone and expand the playable area, and making the greyzone considerable smaller. Easy solutions. Even going further, making it impossible to fire in the greyzone. Then, the unbalance caused by the anti kamikaze system ( a step forward) will be basically eradicated.


Plane w/ bombs > Greyzone tank

If you can’t bomb a tank without crashing that’s a skill issue, and there’s a practice range to help fix that


I want tell you in some maps the team grey zone is an important part of the map, you want an example? Berlin bridge cap points is one of them, both German and soviet frontline outside the bridge itself is the team grey zone and is the only place for tank where they can be used, without stuck in the bridge…

Now you want really punish people because they can only play in limb of terrain?

Tank grey zone is an issue because of smaller map who are not made for vehicles gameplay not because people play inside it


That is why I say the playable area should be expanded

Then why does a tiger 2 need to camp? In the post, what I meant that fixing grey zone should be of higher priority or the antikamikaze should be delayed until the anti greyzone comes out

Effective combat range.


Tanks in the greyzone only prevent infantry from reaching them, not other tanks or planes.
Tanks are easily countered by planes with bombs/rockets and other tanks, you just have to use them.
The issue is not where the tank is, it is your team’s coordination and teamwork. A competent team with at least 1 attacker or fighter w/ bombs can take out any tank in the game


To not get flanked and destroyed by infantry ?

But also because a tank can fairly easily get a lot of kills from long range while minimizing its exposure to danger (both infantry and tanks)

Anyway, I don’t really see the relation between anti-kamikaze and grey-zone, because as said earlier :

You don’t need to crash into the ground to land a good bomb on the top of the tank.


Just because you or I can do it, does not mean others can

F2P players can only bring one vehicles, and tanks are considerably more fun if played aggressively, guess what most players bring

Because the track armor doesn’t work making explosive pack ( EP ) over powered. Until tank track armor work properly and act as spaced armor against EP it is a terrible decision to drive a tank close to the capture point.

Mostly noobs are the ones to complain about the grey zone tank because they can’t 1 shot it with the broken EP.


the most important thing to understand here is that a perfect solution is not possible, as the problem consists of too many heterogenous factors. so having a half way working solution that reduces the intensity of the problem is good enough and further complaints arent necessary.

before working on solutions, its essential to first quantify how good possible solutions can be at all, otherwise people get lost in impossible tasks.

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It is not possible, so we need people consistently coming up with new solutions and fixing new problems along the way.

pure BS.

  1. it is “unfair” only to select few players who abused suicide cycling strategy to get easy no skill kills.
  2. grey zone campers are are as killable as ever.
  3. no payload fighters are actually more useful after this cause it forces CAS planes to actually stay in the air so fighters can get them.
  4. fighters were only useful against suicide players if they spawn camped air spawn(another abuse) and even then they had questionable efficiency. fighters that werent spawn camping were practically useless in preventing suicide players to deliver payload

how to fix something that isnt broken? grey zone tanks only protect against det packs, not against:

  1. planes
  2. other tanks
  3. rocket launchers
  4. AT guns
  5. AT mortars

yeah the Game has Attacker Planes with payloads for exactly this situation, can’t believe how this is even a part of that topic, Greqyzone camping can be dealt with since we have both Infantry, Tanks and Air in this Game.
to be locked out for plane slot after wasting your sides attacker is only fair and a good solution


Suiciding is how the mentally challenged deal with gray zone tanks. Takes more skill to pull out of a dive safely than to just crater your plane into the earth while also putting bombs on target

Idiots just need to figure out how to aim and what pulling back on the stick does

few ideas:

Stronger at guns, maybe even some placed randomly on the map, with ap shells only so the players using them don’t become the campers themselves.

Rocket artillery that can be called in the gray zone, but it only damages vehicles while aiming in said gray zone.

Tank shells/mg fire does zero damage until leaving gray zone.

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If a player is going to get butthurt over enemy tanks, they should bring a plane. That’s just how it is

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kts are basically unkillable by us tanks, m9 bazooka hardly does anything close range, at guns do nothing, us does not have at mortar. As for planes, f2p players can choose one vehicle and they are going to choose a tank, since it is more fun for most people

Or pay up, which I eventually did, and I am pissed to do so,