TLDR of the 1000 word post and my take

Not everybody is high skill, and people have to start some where

Nah I complain cause they’re filthy cowards. Mobility abuse > gray zone abuse

yes whole tank gameplay is all about US vs KT so whole game should be designed around it.

ask for APCR/APDS shells. firefly and jumbo can frontally penetrate KT. also you can always pixel hunt on commander cupola with any 76w.

ask for better rocket launchers. i am big proponent for fixing m1/m9 penetration values and am also asking for introduction of either m20 bazooka or panzerfaust for US and japan.

high caliber AT guns soonTM

lots of people(including me) have been supporting idea of either default second vehicle slot or purchasable second vehicle slot for ingame currency.


That’s 100% on you. I have bought a grand total of 0 slots and 0 (useful) premium tanks or planes. I’m an infantry gamer anyways. Vehicles are less appealing to me. When I was playing early on I used them things for troop transport. An armored discount Assaulter dispenser as I’d just roll up to objective and jump out

That being said, I usually take a plane for them pesky gray zone tanks I can’t just M9 to death. However, every so often I’ll take out my Pershing to give it another attempt (it sucks) and the 105 for some good ol HE abuse. That’s a decision I make and live with the consequences of. Everyone else needs to make that decision for themselves. Be useful to the team or be a burden doing next to nothing (which decision is which varies)
Simple as

Bad idea. Tanks are meant to fight at long distance:


Yeah it’s fine if you’re figuring it out and trying to pull out but failing
That isn’t what we’re talking about though. We’re talking about deliberately suiciding to guarantee your bombs land on target and to quickly cycle to the next plane in your lineup to do it again

Dang. Sucks to suck I guess. Get an infantry support tank

Whether you believe certain playstyle is associated with cowardice or bravery is your opinion and not a legitimate complaint, be more objective and try not to get emotional.

Well, it is kinda funny that A LOT of people who played for months and years still can’t figure out how to bomb properly.
Newbies are excusable, plebs with 30 days and more not. And those are the main complainers about the new mechanic.


Sure sure. Whatever you say buddy

Btw. according to Rocket Man, suiciders avtually purely exist because of Germany and Soviets and Allies suffer though Soviets suffer less because of Panzerfaust and since merge.
I sweat to God, always have to blame the Germans.

The “buddy” insult as a form of ad hominem attack is nothing more than an attempt to disguise the inability to objectively address why grey zone tank is a problem.

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Nah man I just type how I speak n I live in the Deep South

Human is classified as Deuterostome.

During the early stage of the embryonic development, specifically the gastrulation stage, the anus is the first thing to form from a ball of cells, followed by the formation of the mouth.

So at one point in time of a person’s existence they were just an arsehole, but I guess for you that fact remain unchanged.


Gotta admit, you’re at least creative with your insults

The thing is, the original post isn’t really about the new limitation on kamikaze planes, it’s about how this change will completely break the game balance in favor of Germany in his “competitive” level. I bet he won’t say a word if IS-3 is added.

Kamikaze planes and greyzone camping are related, but they are still two separate issues. Japan has Ho-Ri to deal with M26 and Jumbos, but it still suffers massively from greyzone camping. The problem isn’t just about planes and tanks alone. It’s a mixture of weak at weapons, plane spawn, map design, game mechanics, and of course, sometimes your teammates just suck. If both you and your teammates both fail to bomb tanks, it’s unlucky that you take the L. Shit happens. Blaming your teammates as idiots who can’t keep up with your competitive level is just silly. Players will take advantage of the weakness of your team and camp if you do nothing about their tanks. Kamikaze can help, but it shouldn’t be viewed as the solution to greyzone camping. There are so many better solutions.

On the other hand, plane cycling can be abused to ridiculous level, especially if you are on the defense with an coordinated team. In this case, it has nothing to do with “oh I can’t deal with that KT :sob:” . It is just an exploit.

TBH, I just don’t get the urge to whine about the change. We know Devs are looking into greyzone camping. We know more content is coming for all factions. Most importantly, the patch isn’t even live yet.

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Yeah, but if you can’t effectively run a tank without grayzone camping that’s also a skill issue

idk what is skill issue when maps are usually not tank friendly with random debris that you can get stuck on, there is no major advantage when fighting close while you have big disadvantage of getting detpack by any random noob.


Yeah, it you can’t use a tank without camping in the back of the map where you’re practically untouchable, then quite frankly you just suck at playing tanks.

lol untouchable… cause planes, tanks, rocket launchers, AT guns and AT mortars dont exist. all i see is that you have skill issue.

maybe i dont suck at playing tanks and maybe you just suck at destroying them without det pack.