Tier V western Allies is a complete shit fest of plane cycling

It was and is my opinion. You can disagree but it doesn’t mean I’m wrong.

Well, you were talking about bombs. Not rockets or flight performance.

I think the situation is more complicated than that.

The fact is Soviet players avoid BR5 like they avoid Berlin Pre Merge… the difference is 1/6 of the campaign vs most of the playerbase avoiding 50% of the BR(1-3/3-5)…

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Soviets get;

  • “3” techtree fighters without Ordinance. One of which can kill any tank with its primary cannon
  • “8” with ordinance

Allies get:

  • “4” techtree fighters without ordinance
  • “6” with ordinance

Germans get:

  • “8” techtree fighters without ordinance
  • “8” with ordinance

Soviets dont Fight USA/Commonwealth soo P-51, p-47, p-38/j is irrelevant to them.

Pretty sure Fw190 D-12 is labelled attacker not fighter…will have to check when home

bollocks…nearly everyone you see will dump their enitre load on the first pass and go reload because its so easy (especially P-47s). A very small minority make use of the ability to double drop, and if thats what they want…they will pick the plane that can do it.

I’ve been playing BR2 soviets, and still losing most - a lot of the players at that level just won’t occupy a cap spot when on hte defence, so you do it, get wiped out, and that’s the end of hte cap spot because 1 axis soldier captures it.

Lots of players getting <10 kills in a whole game… 1/2 of them at least are console not bots.

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100kg bombs aren’t nearly as powerful as 250kg ones, and the Pe-2 has poor defences even at BR2 - it’s not nearly the same class for BR2 as the Ju188 is for BR4 (or 5)

Personally the best CAS for me remains anything that has bombs and rockets - obviously P-47 is king of hte hill, but the 1941 Il-2, and the Berlin Il-2M3 would be next.

A stock Il-10 flies better than a fully starred Il-2M3, but that’s not worth much in the game, and, as has been pointed out, the bombload is ordinary.

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No arguments there, was merely pointing out there is no current counterpart to either.

It seems to me that all the talk about “soviets have shit air” is all based on this one plane (ju188), and forgetting the merits of all the good stuff they have in other planes.

Like i said earlier…give them their damn Yer-2 or Tu-2 to put this shit to rest…probably end up with a pe-8 instead :expressionless:

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  1. Why is it not relevant? Who cares if USSR does not fight USA. It’s about USA vs Germany. USA has air tools, USSR does not

  2. D-12 labelled as whatever means nothing in this game. It’s a premier fighter platform with ordinance.

The ju-188 is one of the best dogfighters in this game yet is a “bomber” and “attacker”

That’s because they are extremely bad at the game

Why would you balance a game around the lowest denominator, now the people who know what they are doing can exploit that.

Planes like 188 and Thunderbolt are the main two planes that can get you 50+ multi kill in this game.

I already wrote how the fighters are completely useless.

There is no point flying a La-7 , yak9t, la-f5n etc. Pure fighter which I wrote about in my original comment are just bad and useless. K4 on germany is same problem.

Every time you have someone in a pure fighter, it’s like playing 9v10.

If the cannons on IL2, especially the 37mm actually did something, it might actually be worth playing once in a blue moon.

If Ruskies get their Pe-8 then we get our Superfortress

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It means if someone picks D-12, there wont be a Ju188 flying around. 1 Attacker 1 Fighter. You cant compare it to Soviet “fighters”

its a casual game. People that know what they are doing are the minority. With the lack of rallies and getting on point after 3 years…I doubt double dropping crossed anyones mind. Just “o0o Big bomb!!”

aaannnd all that I said was “thats not unique to soviets”…everyone has fighter planes without bombs…and more of them.


No1 cares about a bailed out tank being blown up after time.

And like USSR planes they never get played, wow amazing.

Make up your mind.

Its a practice tank…which you need to ammo rack or burn out to destroy. No German Tank has top armor the 37mm cannot pen and crew/component snipe. Theres is just no one trying it. The IL-2 with 37mm shreds, its so much fun.

even the 20mm on the First IL-2 pens any tank it will see in its BR

Maybe people will pay more attention to cannons when more 30mm HVAP and 50mm planes show up in Germany…OMG OP!!!

Irinically in the dataminer stat, 100kg and 250kg funny enough doesn’t have substantial differences somehow

Not really, just like having a capture rate advantage in Stalingrad that a 5br can get in on

The difference is significant - 6 and 9 meter radiuses

I did that with the Boys ATR once. Very satisfying

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:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

what the fuck are you talking about why would you ever turn fight against a Ju 188 killing the Ju 188 is the easiest shit ever, but If I have to explain you how, you have no business talking about planes in the first place


This just proves you are completely clueless and probably a 1 kd kid

Let me guess , you actually think altitude exists in this game roflmao

uhmm no?

There is something called speed, and not just stalling/slowing behind 2 machine guns? and a 20mm cannon I dont know who that kid is, and I dont really care whoever you wanna blame, all that I know is that you are kinda retarded, the Ju 188 has ok speed, but not great by any means

you know? call me clueless if you wish, but im not the braindead piece of shit dying in a turnfight against a Ju 188 god my family would be dissapointed if I was that dumb :joy_cat:


This ain’t War Thunder, there is no diving, there is no altitude or climb meta. A P47D28 flies around at 480-500 and the 188 is 440 in a standard match where people don’t spend 2 minutes building up speed and never turning. Wow, a big 40-60kph at most.

No duh the enemy planes win in a turn fight or speed, but it takes ages to reverse and the entire time a 188 can be shooting with turrets. The 188 is far better than people think. If two planes merge and one is 20% better at turning it still takes 5-10-20s (depending on starting speed) to get behind.

Yes we already know you are a 1kd andy.

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I don’t even know what 1kd is supposed to mean, and no one said nothing about climbing and diving, if you are using a normal ass figther plane you can literally just turn another way and gain speed, acceleration is a thing if you didnt know, and then, without losing that speed, you can turn back and shoot, if the Ju 188 gets behind you it wont ever get to shot you down because the frontal gunns are bug

ffs 1 by 1 me bitch Ill show you, you use that plane I will destroy your ass