Tier V western Allies is a complete shit fest of plane cycling

because it was the most accurate confirmed LMG in game though right now the only major difference between the 2 is the 30 round mag, actual recoil and a slightly faster reload on the 97

Yep but is not BR2

96 isn’t 97 is

Im suprised that the madsen is so poorly regarded, it still performs and is pretty comparable to mg-13. Just less RoF and not as good sights. I still like it.

Then ofcourse vets have bredas aswell, and i like the breda

Im enjoying the shadow being removed on some smgs and lmgs

The Madsen is great for 2-3 round bursts at close to medium range. That’s bout it

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To be fair thats the best way to use “most” MGs. 2-3 round bursts.

most efficient anyway.

Nah man I like the disrespect of mag dumping into bodies

Completely wrong but whatever, Russia is terrible compared to germany

I’m completely right but whatever.

Again, I’m talking about battle rating of stuff only.
Not faction popularity.

Learn the difference.


Completely fake news reply.

??? schizo hour is at 6?

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Which BR is the worst?

Basically every Russian plane is complete and utter garbage for the type of gameplay in this game yet they are br/tier 4/5, like the IL-10, LA7, 9T etc. It makes no sense, fighters mean nothing in this game and a “fighter”-bomber like Il-10 with trash t2 bomb load + flight performance is tier 5 br5 yet PE2/il2 v2 which is far better in all ways is t3. In fact there is a br2 plane that is better than the br5 one in all roles (dogfight and cas), I will let you do the treasure hunt, from stalingrad campaign.

Su-85m at t5 also makes no sense.

Russia loses like 90% of games right now, every time someone spawns a plane it is a lost 12 tickets instantly. Unlike Germany or USA which have planes can blow everything up, re-arm 2x fast and dogfight at same time while being lower br.

I think they can be important in certain maps/matches!

What’s wrong with the bomb load?

I don’t think that’s due to equipment with possible exception of KT2.

There are a lot of players with max German equipment and a lot of USSR players who have been avoiding them pre-merge. My opinion. When I ground Axis Berlin it was an absolute torture chamber. USSR was absolutely dominant. Not too much has change since then other than the very latest tanks. Mostly it’s player movement based on what’s easy.


No ones play soviets right now, so most team are either bots or clueless BR 3 players. The equipment balance are fine, the player base balance is not.


You make it sound like the soviets are the only ones with a heap of fighters in their tech tree

2x250kg bombs. And which other Br 4/5 fighter-bomber/strike aircraft carries more than that on another nation…

and seriously…if you cant remove something with 2x250kg…free up the plane slot.

you are right here, but neither do anyone elses Tank destroyers


Well… P-51 has 2x500 lb (equivalent to 250kg) at BR3.

(The problem might not be the IL-10, that P-51 seems… undertiered)

Yeah that bomb load should be enough to kill any tank I guess

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there are alot of planes at lower BRs with similar load outs starting from BR 2 on all sides.

I don’t think the Soviets will have an issue with the P-51 though :stuck_out_tongue:

The only planes with loadouts not matched in KGs that I can think of is the Stuka D-3 and the Ju-188. One isnt even at BR 4/ 5 and the other is not a fighter bomber.

Stuka D-3 vs the IL-2M type 3 (3x 250kg and machine guns vs 4x 100Kg, 4 rockets and cannons). I know which one I would prefer.

Ju-188 is unmatched at BR 4 (6x 250), but the Soviets get their unmatched Carpet bomber at Br 2 (6x100)

Me 410s, FW190 d12 carry no more than the IL-10,


Also some fighters aren’t doomed to just plane hunting. You can imagine what it does to lesser tanks…

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First, a fighter is a complete waste of time, if the enemy has no air than you are useless and a NEGATIVE to your team. Enemies get fighters with bombs/rockets so can always be useful. This is big problem for USSR.

You mean how it’s 1/10th the enemy? No 8-12 rockets, no 1000kg+ ordinance loads, no flight performance.

If USSR was meta, more people would play it than now.

Why don’t they play it mr big brain?

Umm yes…

Other factions get fighters with CAS ordinance and are dual-role / multi-purpose. The P51D5 is tier 3 yet has more bombs than every IL2. Ok… The P38G/J gets rockets, D9/D12 get 5-8 bombs, the 188 has more bombs than all USSR plane put together and is a 5 man smg parachute team.

USSR fighters are pure low alt fighters, something meaningless in this game.

You don’t understand how this game works though.

Dual drop and triple drop are far more important than single drop garbage.

Imagine if a thunderbolt had to fire all 10 rockets at one place, it would be complete trash.