Things which are absolutely needed in WW2 Enlisted!

The design was adopted/accepted in october 45, the first few units are produced by 1948 and the mass production started in 1950. (source: Wiki)

Maybe there are some earlier prototypes. They could fit as GO weapons or as event - maybe together with the Panzerschreck 54/100mm (to get a bit of varity and not influence the player base like the Stinger event). Maybe a nice anti tank event? Just an idea…

Sure the KT is a bunker, sure the US lacks a nice rocket launcher. But all nations are facing similar problems. Axis is facing P47/P38 rocket and 100rd machine gun spam, USSR is facing BRII Armaguerra and BRII HEAT spam…and US/GB sometimes has to deal with a KT hiding like a noob in the grey zone. I really dont get the problem because there are so many similar situations (KV-1 in stalingrad or moscow, practically immune to BRII AT-weapons and I am not talking about pioneers AT-gun because it is an easy target). US/GB has fair options to destroy the KT by marking the target and call CAS - I cant remember how often I got blown in pieces by those rockets!
When I am facing a T-34 or KV-1 hiding in the grey zone I have no chances to destroy it and I have to call a Stuka. Back in the day it was the way to kill tanks on the big scale.

There are way more options to engage those grey zone noobs in future updates:

  • no grey zone for paratroopers
  • grey zone timer for tanks
  • just an idea: I love the unique style of every army and the US/GB could get a special option for their radio men called “Call CAS”. A small salvo of rockets are fired to the armored target. Regular cool down and ofc more accurate then regular artillery.

There are many options. The M20 is just too much, sorry. It would open a whole bunch suggestions for korea era weapons and Enlisted will become War Thunder where 1940s equip is facing 1960/70 equip.

t74 prototypes were made during war in 1945. standardization of m20 was finished shortly after war.

and somehow they have infantry counters…

grb 39?

Prototypes? Okay, sounds good for a event-thing.
Seriously it would be a nice event: 2x T74 and 1x Panzerschreck 54/100mm, maybe a GO and some other stuff, the whole event called “Tankbuster”.

What do you exactly mean?

To find the right range with that stupid sight is annoying and with the slightest angle it is impossible to pen the KV-1 frontally. When facing straight forward the KV-1 also is hard to knock out - the armor is eating the shells. One KV-1 in the main street → hello gulag express.
You see? Same situation, same problems, there are other options to get rid of it.

p47/p38 can be countered by engineer AA gun or can even be shot down by any random gun, 100rd machine gun can be killed by any infantry, any HEAT spammer can be killed by AT rifle or bazooka or AT gun or almost any tank or plane with bomb.

it has 90mm penetration at 0° and KV1 has 75mm armor. also it can penetrate 77mm armor on 30° angle.

Unfortunately, the T74 bazooka, a prototype developed in 1945, did not demonstrate the same level of performance as the M20 Super Bazooka.

The provided photographs are from a report written after testing the T74 at the U.S. Army Infantry School. The report notes that while the T74 had similar penetration capabilities to the M6A3 2.36-inch rocket, its warhead was heavier, resulting in increased gravity effects, which negatively impacted accuracy and range. It concluded that the 2.36-inch High-Speed Rocket (T59) was more effective for pure anti-tank purposes. This report indicates that the T74, as an early model of the Super Bazooka, was essentially a larger version of the 2.36-inch bazooka with inferior performance. These issues were resolved with the introduction of the T80E2 rocket in 1948, part of the T80 series used by the Super Bazooka. Thus, the T74 is ultimately seen as a less effective version of the 2.36-inch bazooka

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well i was just making point that t74/m20 had same historical accuracy as t59 rocket. i was not going into details about its rocket performance.

personally i dont care what solution DF decides to introduce; m20, t59 rocket for m9 bazooka, panzerfaust or panzerschreck, just that US and japan need rocket launchers with 200+mm penetration.

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What I want to convey is that the T74 cannot be considered a savior for the U.S. anti-tank weapon tree.
But I agree that there needs to be an anti-tank weapon with over 200mm of penetration capability.


Same goes to KT. Any plane with bombs/rockets can destroy the tank with ease.

Yes, and still its pure luck to get a hit or even a penetration because the KV-1 eats shells for breakfast. WHEN you manage to fire a shot and not get shredded by the machine gun ofc.
There is a reason why I start to ignore this kind of engagements, focus on other flanks and ignoring the grey zone noob. It works fine. Just mark the tank and wait until a bomb is dropped. I dont want to make my hands dirty just because of this grey zone bullshit.

…and it would be great when it is a weapon from their own arsenal and not (again) a “captured” one.

Grey zone noobs just need to be punished for staying too long in the zone (timer etc.), remove the grey zone for paratroopers so they can be deployed behind the tank or make at least the combat area bigger for this unit and give US/GB a decent AT-gun (17pdr with APDS with 226mm pen at 1000m). Alternative the M26 Pershing could get the M304 shot with lots of penetration power.

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i gave you 5 ways on how to destroy heat spammers at range that you are complaining about and in return you give me only 2 ways for destroying KT… totally fair

well skill issue? germans at least have option of killing KV1 with infantry weapons at BR2(not to mention with panzerfaust at BR3).

great ideas:

  • punish tanks for shooting from range :+1:
  • make spawn camping a thing :+1:
  • give APDS/APCR shells that have shit postpen damage :+1:

pershing already has m304 shot, but it has shit postpen damage making KT very annoying to kill in frontal engagement.

it would be great if there is an option. if there is not we can always borrow from germans cause precedent already exists.

WHY has everything to be equal? I dont get it, I just dont get it why everything needs a DIRECT counterpart.
Does axis have a BRIII semi with magazine? No.
Does axis have a heavy tank in BRIII? No.
Does axis have rocket spam? No.
Does axis have premium paras with 100rd smg’s? No.
100rd MG’s for axis? Nooooo.
Does USSR have a semi on BRII? No.
Maybe a decent MG at BRII for USSR? No.
Does USSR have several types of bolt actions like US or axis? No.

Does US only have two options to kill the best tank instead of five? Yes. And now? You can destroy it, it doesnt matter how.

Absolutely no, finishing my games with 75% victory rate and 150-200 kills in 99% of all cases.
You should try the GrB39 and engage a KV-1 in the exact situation as I mentioned - you will go bonkers, trust me. And no, I am talking about BRII stuff. BRII players are facing BRIII stuff ~50% of all battles.

Instead of criticize suggestions you could supplement those ideas. Punishing tank that fire from range is not the thing, I am talking about grey zone. Grey zone tanks are in most of the cases so far away and hidden by bushes or hills that even a Panzerschreck is useless.
Spawn camping can be avoided. You are invulnerable when spawning and have enough time to engage spawn camping paras before you are able to get damage. An other thing could be that those paras w/o grey zone act as special sabotage units and consist of only 3 soldiers. Enough to kill a tank, not enough to spawn camp. Problem solved.

You can only find negative and frustrating arguments hm? Can you kill the tank with ~270mm pen? Yes? Great, problem solved.

so tell me what is US advantage over germany? after update it will only have p47. t20 will be equal to fg42 II, also stinger is event weapon, there is no KT equivalent, there is no decent rocket launcher, there is no decent AT gun.

also soviets have direct counterpart for almost everything germany has. asymmetrical balance never existed

cause that “2” option is actually just 1 for majority of grind. you need to finish BR5 tank grind to get to second option, while germans have option to kill strongest US BR5 tanks from BR3(no matter AT gun, tanks, rocket launchers or planes).

well just try again… you may not get kill shot from first shot, but you will kill crew and partially disable tank. with 2-3 shots you can kill it.

i did.

did topic to improve bazooka penetration, was supporting introduction of either m20 or panzerschreck/panzerfaust. even mentioned introducing APCR/APDS to 76w tanks as shitty solution to counter KT. also am for introduction of second vehicle slot for f2p players(whether by default or sold for silver).

grey zone camping isnt a problem, having no counters to kill it at range is

you can mostly only penetrate the turret and it is RNG if you can kill it.

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Better quipment for paras, TT flamethrower tank, very controleable and precise Bazooka already at BRII, unbelieveble good planes and CAS (M8 rocket spam already at BRII), BAR 1918A1 and A2 (semi auto rifle on steroids), nice and fun pump guns, awesome semi autos (axis semis only start to get great at BRIV).

Sure axis has other advantages, but…

… is not true. Check out the TT’s.

Believe me, I tried so many times. Yellow/orange modules was everything.

Great. I think the idea of a sabotage unit is fair and maybe a unique thing for US/GB because historically they fielded them quite often in WW2. Otherwise the grey zone punishment should be a thing. Other options are as mentioned a stronger AT-cannon and the appearence of the Super Pershing. Everything sounds fine except another fraction that uses german (captured) equipment. Cant wait until every BRV US soldier is equiped with the StG44…

… and I would totally support that.

Grey zone IS the problem. When the tank is camping far away it is pure luck to hit it with the Panzerfaust.

Machine gun port of the KT is 100mm. Before the merge I had to pixel hunt jumbo shermans camping in the grey zone of the normandy beaches. Same issue I guess.
I had to be fast. The jumbo destroyed the cannon of my Tiger I or a P47 appeared…

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Leave it, there is no point in continuing with this conversation, you will not get him to give you the reason because he doesn’t have one.

The Main Allies are Ignorants who only want to have an advantage over the Axis because of their hatred of that Faction, they want them to be the Best as they are portrayed in Hollywood movies. But you mentioned the advantages they have and he told you that their equipment is not strong

I see it different - the US/GB indeed need better AT capabilities when it comes to hand held weapons like bazooka. But they still are able to knock the latest axis vehicles out.
Just give the Panzerschreck to them is lazy and the unique taste of every fraction will get lost - so its a bad option.

I would fully support a better bazooka round/rocket or a special task unit (sabotage unit) which can be deployed behind those camping behemoths. I also fully understand if allied players get angry but they also have to admit that they have good counter qualities in other areas of their TT.

The main thing is that every nation has to face tricky situations but there is always a solution.

not TT.

such good tank that almost nobody uses it.

cool 60mm penetration(even though it should be 3" or 76mm/80mm). germans get sturmpistol and grb which both have better penetration than bazooka. not to mention on BR3 they get panzerfaust that gets better penetration than anything US can even get.

except p38 and p47 what exactly planes are unbelievably good? also wfgr rockets outperform HVAR in everything except quantity, german planes also usually have superior guns with 20mm/30mm/37mm on almost every plane vs 12.7mm/7.62mm on most planes for USA.

??? what exactly is awesome? m1 carbine? m1 garand? m1941 johnson? i would take g41/g43 over them every day.

cool USA has p47… germany has better tanks, AT rocket launchers, AT guns, AR, better smg, better SA.
compare germany to soviets and everything that soviets dont have they copied from germany or US. totally asymmetrical. maybe also compare US to japan… japan basically has everything worse than US except type hei AR and BR5 fighter planes.

it is only problem if you dont have tools to counter it. people can easily kill tank in grey zone with panzerfaust(been on both ends of this). you just need practice with determining range.

do you know why grey zone exists? so you cant spawn camp. you basically want to introduce squad that will be able to spawn camp.

have never seen KT killed through MG port. although i have killed few KT with pixel hunting commander cupola. btw i also pixel hunted jumbos in normandy with pz4 to tiger E.

yeah so much hatred that it is one of my most played factions…

giphy (6)
You good, man?

As you mentioned, it should only be weapons that were used in WW2, because if they put one in for the Allies, then the Axis should be given the Panzerfaust 250.

P-47 with the Hvar, M8, P-51, P-38, A20G5, APC-4, Spitfire, Hurricane, Tempest, Mosquito, Dauntless ETC I can continue mentioning the planes that the allies use for their bomb and rocket spam.


Low mg ammo count.

Shitty fighters with mediocre rockets. Overkill against Japan.

It’s worse than Ju 188, and no one uses it as far as I know.


Sucks and has no bombs.

Only overkill against Japan.


Worse Bf 110. Also premium.

It sucks compared to P-38 since it is carrier-based, slow, and only has HMG. No one uses it or at least not as much as Attacker P-38.

The Spitfire does not even have bombs, and half of the stuff you mention is premium or event.
And everyone can do bomb spam, including and especially the Germans.

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if they ever fix fw190 flight model, it will be better than 90% of US planes…