Things which are absolutely needed in WW2 Enlisted!

Hello comrades!

Enlisted is a game about WW2. It got experimental weapons and tanks, but is still missing most important things to become complete.

High BR (V) anti tank weapons for engineers:

Germany: Pak-43


Japan: Type 3 gun

USA: 3 inch M5

High BR (V) anti air weapons for engineers:

Germany: Flak 88mm
88 mm flak 18

USSR: 85mm anti air cannon

Japan: Type 14 anti air cannon:

USA: 90mm anti aircraft gun M1



What is a WW2 game without a Panzerschreck!


Needed counterparts for other factions (All BR V)

USA could use captured Panzerschrecks, just like soviets use captured Panzerfaust right now.

LPG-44 usable for USSR (and maybe captured for japanese if a fitting battlefield would be added)

Missing motorcycles for USSR and Japan:

Soviet example: Tiz-am-600

Japan example:

All of these things are just examples i found. Of course different ones could be added.

What else is absolutely necessary for a WW2 game?


Yes build able flak gun. May god have mercy on those plane because I won’t


I believe it is/was already in game files. But I agree, proper BR5 AT weapons are needed for all 4 factions. :+1:


Please no. Or atleast change the texture and stats slightly like mp 717r. Also allies could get m20 super bazooka so they dont have to use captured stuff


I may be wrong, but I was given to understand “ofenrohr” and “panzerschreck” were just different names for the rpzb-54?

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Ofenrohr is an earlier version without protective shield against gas vapors. That’s why the soldier is required to wear gasmask.

In my opinion, and the opinion of the gods, bike squad is a waste of spawn tickets. Bikes were introduced before the merge to Tunisia where the map have large open area with a smooth surface, before APC and paratroopers. So they were mostly used as a transport for engineer to set up a spawn point, but that niche is taken over by the APC.

Bikes only work well for the Tunisia maps, any other map is terrible for bikes. The camera is attached to the player who is attached to the bike, any rotation experienced by the bike directly translates the player’s POV. This make riding bikes on maps with many bomb craters or rubbles feel like you’re experiencing an earthquake.

Maps with many destructible objects also reduce the bikes mobility greatly as it cannot easily drive through a fence for example. The collision detection is trash, even if you build up enough speed to barge through a fence, at the moment of contact the bike starts to rubber band and skip back in time to where it was moments before the collision then skip forward to where it supposed to be after.

Before any mouth breather start typing with their grubby little hooves saying “The dev is looking into improving the bike.”, the devs’ statement about the bike fix is so vague that it practically means nothing.

And they look cool with gas mask tbh I would have put it on all my guy if it was an optional cosmetics

The M20 is cold war stuff and entered service in 1950. Let WW2 be WW2 and dont mix it up like War Thunder where Panther G’s and King Tiger are facing T54’s and even more modern stuff.
The M9 Bazooka can penetrate up to 125mm steel - thats enough to destroy any enemy tank, even Tigers. When facing Panthers and King Tigers you have to aim for the side armor or engine. Well, its the same when facing KV-1s with a Sturmpistole or GranatbĂĽchse.
Alternative, US/GB could get the M18 Bazooka with better optics - only 500 units are produced before Japan surrendered.

…and later they use captured StG’s and King Tigers? I always wanted to get a captured AS-44 btw.
Tha fact that the ussr already use captured Panzerfaust is joke - I wonder where the MP-717(r) went?
Hell no!

Bigger potent AT (and smaller ones), Flaks, Motorcycles - yes!


USA have super bazooka the M20

Soviet don’t need another AT Launcher panzerFaust already kill all tank with a hit and you get it at BR3 same with German, the panzershreck is worse imo because is harder kill distant tank because the panzershreck rocket fly less than pazerfaust charge

No, its cold war. M18 could be a better option. The M9 can destroy every enemy tank. Only when facing Panthers and King Tigers you have to aim for the side or rear. Fair enough when axis players equiped with Sturmpistole/GranatbĂĽchse have to do the same when facing a KV-1.

It was produced from the 1943…

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M18 recoiles rifle has a terrible penetration. There’s no way it would be a better option.

Source? The M9 was produced since 1943, the M20 was developed in the late 40’s and entered service in 1950.

for me, would be

Western Allies
T29 weasel, Sherman Easy-eight ( already in the editor ), M3 & M5 Halftracks, M3 GMC, M3a1 scout car, Cromwell, valentines, archer, (any) staghounds, Fury MkI( already in the editor ), swordfish, ( any ) catalinas/Sunderland sea airplanes, Wellington bomber & Typhoon MKi

Eastern Allies
T48/SU-57, T34-1942, su 122, isu 152 & BM-13N

Western axis:
schwimmwagen, opel blitz, sdkfz 251/22, Sdkfz 251/21, Sdkfz 222, Sd.Kfz. 6/2 ( already in the editor ) Brummbär, Lancia 3Ro (100/17), AB 43, (M)P40, 75/34 M43 & 75/46, Elefant, Marders H & III, Fw 200 C-1, DO 217M ( already in the editor ) HE 111 H ( already in the editor ) Me 262 & Me 163 Komet

& more french captured tanks.

Ho-ro, type 94 AA, chi ha LG, KI 109, H6K4 & Ki-49-IIb


I want:

Le box


My bad there is a mistake on Italian Wikipedia it as wrong date of service

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I really thought the M18 Bazooka was a different weapon as the M18 recoiles rifle.
Yes indeed, the recoiles rifle is not a good option then.

That’s what you get for not specifying the whole designation of anything American.

I thought you are one of those guys who were lobbying a weeks ago for M18 recoiles rifle as a solution for high BR weapon.

Btw. What’s Penetration of M18 bazooka?

I can just find the M18 rifle and as a 63mm penetration