Things which are absolutely needed in WW2 Enlisted!

Do you happen to found a hack to dodge grey zones?

Nah, 100rd MG42 and fixed Fw109 would be enough I guess.
And ASS-44 is worse Fed anyways, which itself is counter to Mkk or StG.

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An MG42 with its 1800 rate of fire, 250-round belt, the BF 109 G10, G14 with 250kg bombs, the K4 with a 500-round bomb with its 20mm cannons under the wings and the FW 190 with its 1000kg bomb and Panzerbli

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Yes. The hack is called “ignore”, “seek cover” and “fight at other places”.
Btw: The only good medicine against grey zone noobs is CAS or a tank - no bazooka, no panzerschreck (only if you manage to get to the grey zone and manage to hit it all that way without beeing killed by infantry).

It was a joke. I am perfectly fine with axis stuff - some is good, some is bad. It was just an example how stupid and unecessery these “captured weapons” are.

they are not unnecessary. germans and soviets can kill all tanks with panzerfaust, while US and japan can do shit against anything BR4+. there is only degree of stupidity you want to introduce to get better rocket launchers
 either m20 or panzerfaust.

when you have tanks that cant pen even 100mm of tiger/panther armor
 or majority of 76w tanks that cant pen KT without pixel hunting
 btw i have even spawn camped tanks with panzerschreck couple of times, so they are not useless

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They can. Just flank those tanks or get a decent pilot.
Axis have the same problems and no one is crying.

Because the M20 is cold war stuff! Whats next? M48 Patton?
The US should get their own weapons and not captured ones.

Exactly the same when I faced the Jumbo Shermans in my Tiger I, looking for that one machine gun port pixel. Welcome to the situation the axis faced over years and no one cried. But I guess the axis just have to deal with it while the allied players are demanding a “captured Panzerschreck”. It really seems to be a l2p issue.

You are right that the Panzerschreck is bad ass in closer combat. Absolutely.
But real grey zone noobs are far more away and no captured Panzerschreck will safe you from this situation. Get a decend pilot or jump in the Pershing.

Not a single one of those is “Absolutely needed”, and a heavy flak gun designed to attack a/c flying at 10,000 feet and above is the least needed at all.

you cant flank people in gray zone. also i am talking about non CAS solutions.
axis doesnt have same problem cause they have AT gun with ~145mm penetration (vs ~101mm for US and ~77mm for japan) and they have rocket launcher with 220mm penetration (vs max 100mm for US/japan). not to mention german BR3 tanks can penetrate every tank including those on BR5.

and what should US get that isnt post war? t59e3 rocket for bazooka that was made post war? or rcl that wont pen tiger II H

MG port is infinitely easier to hit than and is OHK when you hit it, while commander cupola is much harder and it is RNG that mostly kills few crew when it actually hits (you usually need 3-4 hits to kill tiger 2 H through cupola). btw that jumbo couldnt do shit to tiger

had kills over 100+m and sometimes over 200+m with panzershreck. CAS and pershing are an option, but US also needs to have decent AT guns and AT rocket launchers.

So no flanking of greyzone tanks.
Got it.
Thanks for nothing.

Wow. Amazing. No one knew that one for sure.
Still no flanking.

Panzerschreck and Panzerfaust can pen almost all Allied tanks frontally.
But not flanking greyzone is better.

Not really. Your joke sucked at humor and at its critique.

Its okay, I got it. US suffers and axis has to deal with similar situations because otherwise it would be wehrabooism.
Praise the day when US has the best of the best in every category and five extra M2 Stingers for free.

Funny how most people can handle grey zone campers (me included).
KV-1 in Stalingrad in grey zone, axis only equiped with Sturmpistole and GranatbĂŒchse: “dEaL WiTh iT”.

When M48 Patton, DF?

I bet you are one of those who stand in front of those tanks and waving happily - and wondering.

You are welcome.

→ no words needed. Here you go. June '45 is not post war.

It is in the game, it just has the shieldless variant.

It’s called the Ofenrohr

Thank you for your post.

I support all these ideas.

I also like the various ideas suggested in other people’s comments.

If balance for late war anti tank weapons is needed I wouldnt lose any sleep over a Superbazooka in the game.

I actually made a thread regarding the Korean War as a high rank last tier addition for way in the future when weve covered WWII to a reasonable extent
(I cannot emphasise enough I wouldnt want Enlisted to go any further than Korean War, and I believe Korean War is acceptable given it was fought almost exclusively with WWII era weapons. Ignore jet fighters and its pretty much just a current BR V battle)

More APCs/non tank vehicles generally would be great.

My addition to this conversation would be more squads that come with vehicles. APC squad could be a sort of generic rifleman squad.

Then there’s a recon squad with an M3 Scout Car or Daimler Dingo for example which has say 4 members with emphasis on longer range.

Medic squad comes with an ambulance that heals friendly troops within a certain radius.

Engineers get a truck or artillery tractor that can replenish engineer build points (maybe 2 or 3 times max) plus tow AT and AA guns. (I suggest adding the Bofors AA gun).

Then other squads just get jeeps, halftracks and so forth. A machine gun squad could have a halftrack for example while an assault squad gets a jeep.

Note I’m using American/Allied vehicle names just because they are the ones that spring to mind, naturally each faction would have its own appropriate vehicle.

Maybe each squad starts off with a small vehicle like a jeep and you can then research a truck and then halftrack depending on the tier? These vehicles would also have upgrades like a jeep with .30 cal machine gun and halftrack with either .50 cal machine gun OR mortar (you can only choose one).

These upgrades would be limited to basic infantry support, small anti tank rifles (eg Boys), and mortars would be the ‘most powerful’ weapon you could employ (i.e people couldnt add flamethrowers or turn their M3 Halftrack into an M3 GMC)

I also argue that if the Germany-Italy and US-UK trees arent going to be separated then we should have a squad and vehicle/AT/AA gun/tank for each major nation.

For example USA Studebaker truck, UK Australian Universal Carrier (I say Australian since its a different variant to the event UC).
Yanks get M13, UK gets Staghound.
Yanks get M3 Halftrack, UK gets Canadian Military Pattern truck.
Yanks get M1 Howitzer, UK gets 25 pounder.
Yanks get M4 Sherman, UK gets Valentine tank.

Etc. etc.

It goes without saying the Lewis gun and M3 Halftrack should be added to the Allied tree. Why they are stuck in USSR and not in their actual countries of origin/main use, I don’t know.

Yes yes and yes! But let’s take it a step further, Japan also needs another mortar lol they’re the only faction that has only 1 mortar. A tier IV mortar would be good for them!


I think the point that matters most here is that there are plenty of times where flanking to hit a tank in the side is not possible due to terrian/building or most often the gray zone. The only tank that exists with impunity in the gray zone is the Tiger II H. If there is one far enough back especially against the US it is more often than not invincible unless the driver is completley incompetent or there is CAS in the air. Berlin maps are especially enemic in the way they funnel infantry down streets without the ability to go around, allowing tanks to turn the lanes into meat grinders.

Since not everyone can fly or is not premium player therefore restricted to one vehicle slot lets imagine CAS is not a factor. the M9 bazooka 9.8 out of 10 times will do nothing to the Tiger II H if you hit it from the front. Even from the side I have had multiple bazooka rockets turn the ammo rack yellow/red but no explosion.I have hundreds of hours playing both Germany and US, never once have I been killed by an M9 bazooka in the tiger unless I drove it into flanking danger. On the other side I think I’ve had maybe 2 scenarios where I was able to get a bazooka round through the front out of who knows how many run ins with tigers. Yes the sturmpistole sucks but the Panzerfaust 60/100 and Ofenrohr are able to 1-tap any tank from nearly any angle or range.

AT guns take time and are easy to spot while they are being built and being used, the Soviets get a break because they (for some reason) still use the german gun which is quite potent and can easily kill BR5 tanks, but the US gun is trash and will be of no use here.

So jump into a tank right? Wrong. The long 88 is so strong that you actually almost have to try to not penetrate an enemy tank. The 75 on the Panthers is no joke either. Any sherman variant but the jumbos will instantly die, witht he Kwk 43, jumbos will also pop like w waterballoon. The Jumbo 76 is pretty good for anything short of a TigerII H, but it has been out this long that most german players have it by now. The pershing has the ability to kill these tanks but the margin for success is very slim. 90mm AP is just “ok” but more likely to fail if you dont have the time to properly aim and the APCR despite its better penetration has no HE filler. So you may penetrate the target but it probably won’t blow up, which means they can just shift crew turn and insta kill you because the pershing is big and squishy. Hide and shoot? Sure, but your easy to spot and can’t use binoculars in the pershing for long distance engagements like the Tiger can. The further you are, the harder it is to pixel hunt, doesn’t help that the pixel you are looking to hit reqires the gun be pointed right at you, unless the turret faces a strong alngle elsewhere. If they shift even slightly, your not getting good effect on the target and have now given yourself away. Even if they don’t see you, they will likely retreat to a safer position or pop smoke. Not to mention german tanks starting with the Sd.Kfz234/2 at BRII can one-shot the pershing through parts of the frontal armor, as can every one afterwards excluding the ones with snub nosed 75mm guns which are designed for infantry support. How many tier II tanks can kill a Tiger II in a combat scenario?

This doesn’t includes stuff like the Missile halftrack or even the Sd.Kfz.251/9 APC which can an also 1-tap the pershing from the front, but I don’t focus on premium stuff.

Meanwhile sherman with a 75mm M3 can roll up to the falt broadside of a Tiger II and fire multiple AP rounds into it before it will explode. Yes I’ve spent a lot of time at the range in addition to combat scenarios.

So the reality of it is, in the case where a Tiger IIH is in an unflankable spot and you have no choice but to engage it at range from the front with no pilots in the sky, you have to rely on a lucky shot with 90mm APCR (IF you have the pershing) which may or may not kill it, and if it doesn’t expect immediate return fire which will almsot certainly delete you with neglibible degredation in the tiger’s combat efficiency. If you don’t have the pershing, your screwed, if you do but get killed before being able to get a clean shot or upon return fire-screwed. Even if you get close or have paratroopers it is the only tank I’ve seen survive literal salvos of det packs with minimal damage.

What tank can inflict such a predicament upon the germans? None. Between their tanks, handhelf AT and AT guns they can bring any BR5 tank to heel regardless of range or presence in the gray zone. One time I even had a guy penetrate the front of my pershing with a sturmpistole. I don’t say this because I’m a salty US main who wants the super pershing for American domination, I’m a german main who enjoys both sides of the fight and does not care for the “easy point and click mode” the tiger IIH gives you. I would rather have the challenge of fighting the super pershing in a tank battle than be popped by 500lb bombs/rockets everytime I spawn a tiger because the US has no other reliable way to kill it and are forced to use CAS.

German players like to point to the strength of the P47 as an excuse, and make no mistake it is extremely strong. My german experiences are plagued with losses to allied teams who did not deserve to win but did so due to excessive HVAR spam. But lets not forget the german CAS is not lacking for potent weapons either, 250kg bombs/"woofer"rockets/30mm auto cannon can wreak havoc on allied infantry and armor alike, having all the same capability to turn the tide of a fight in the hands of an able pilot. The power disparity between US and German CAS does not justify allied lackluster options to fight heavy armor on the ground. You can alwasy shoot down a plane with an AA gun, the same cannot be said for AT guns (certainly not the US ones).

Bottom line is that either you have a plane, or resign yourself to suffer, thats not balanced or competetive. People screaming about keeping the Super Pershing out just don’t want the King Tiger to have actual competition.


june 45 is post war for anything regarding germany.

Are you really going to be that pedantic about it? It’s not postwar tech when the War was still on.

It’s not like people are asking for AK47s or SLRs.

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yes cause he has double standards.

Me? Sorry, cant stop laughing.
I support new weapons for every nation, new mechanics for every nation to make them more unique as long they are historical or at least in the WW2 era and support logical and fair/equal BR changes for all nations. I even SHOW you the text and research an other user made for the british AT-gun built in 1944 - and dont tell me that WW2 was over or do you still want the Panzerschreck as US? Holy moly

Can’t see my double standards but I can give you an example of a double standard: Yelling out loud that US suffers (after they got the T20 and Stinger and have excelent CAS) and demand the best of the best like the main soviet player base. While crying they point with their finger on the axis playerbase and call them wheraboos.

You dont need to act like a kid → june 45 IS WW2. Since when does DF get the historical appearence right and since when does the playerbase care in general?
PzIII N and Puma in Moscow, P47 in Tunesia
 yeah, so correct. But lets not forget that 1945 twenty whole US squadrons crossed the Rhine river all equiped with captured Panzerschrecks.


british gun is inadequate against KT, so doesnt solve the problem.

if only i was US main player
 unlike you who is axis main, i play all nations having finished german, US and soviet grind, while currently finishing japan grind.

should we talk that m20 was developed during ww2 and was adopted in 1945 for military use? also t59 rocket was declared unfit for mass production and was only produced in lab condition while being tested after fall of germany. having t59 rocket fighting germans is on same level of historical accuracy as m20.

180mm of pen should be enough.

Yes I am an axis main, but also play US and USSR. Every nation is unique - the axis has the best tank, US the best CAS, USSR the best smg’s,

No. It entered service in 1950.

And now? AS-44, Cönders, 
 all of them never saw action during WW2 but where developed back then. The T59 rocket is far more historical and accurate then the M20.

No. There are 5 years between them.

to pen what exactly?

or maybe angled hull?

i havent said entered service, i said adopted. m20 was finished design in 1945 iirc.

iirc t74 rocket launcher (or later called m20 super bazooka) was made in 1945 (i am too lazy to dive into searching for specific documents with dates).

check its development history.

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