The SQUAD CAROUSEL changes, are very negative to the game

What do you mean negative??? this is an amazing change for us P2W players! it will finally show those pesky F2P dudes their rightful place…beneath paying players!! we pay, we should win all the time!!!

this change even could acomplish our final goal, remove all those annoying F2P blokes and actually, all of us two hundred strong community of P2Winners can finally play a couple matches among ourselves, before leaving to actually populated games!!

perfect change, 10/10 IGN, would go full P2W again, without a doubt.


Even more so for F2P players, There is less of a reason to bring Motar’s and the like due to the fact they’re so limited in slots meaning that Assulters and engineers are basically taking the inf place, Followed by a tank or attacker. rarely a fighter if it has good bombs.


I wouldnt say that. In every Campaign I have faaaaaar more kills with rifles and semi-Autos than SMGS…

but then again, Ive always anjoyed Anti Meta.

Meta be Damned


Seems I am anti all normal things

This is first time I have ever seen something like this, squad mode btw


Actually ive started 2 games this week 2 vs noone.

First time ive seen 1 vs no one though

But you can always see bots on leaderboard, they’ll join once battle starts.

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How long was that in though? In the opening warmup Im pretty sure you only see player. Bot populate just as map starts.

21 seconds…mmm, warm up is 22 seconds? ish?

That’s why we need two additional slots to be grindable with in-game currency. 6 is my minimum playable slot count if you want to stay flexible and competitive.

I was already in game, idk. Not waiting for spawn. At least I think so.
Plus when you desert, you still see exps and so

even the bots dont want to play with you :rofl:


Not surprised :sob::sob::sob:


The devs are trying to be anti-player i think everything in the merge is bad except the solider perk rework if i could id fire them all for the merge ideas. the Tech tree is going to kill progress if they wanted to fix having to unlock same thing in multiple campaigns just make level tied to army and not campaign simple easy and better then tech tree. And the merge will see people shift to costume game only or just quit over all is match making loosening 80% of it population with merge.

yes another merge opponent who doesnt understand why it was necessary. do you know that on average 30% of starting players are bots if you are playing with crossplay on? or almost 60% if you are playing with crossplay off? if they added any new campaigns premerge those numbers would go way up and they planned 2 new campaigns for this year. game would basically become coop or single player that is hosted on their server that they need to pay.


After 12d The discussion has done is course for me so im going to close the topic, if @tommyZZM think this topic should stay still open can PM me