The SQUAD CAROUSEL changes, are very negative to the game

  • balanced and exactely the same equipment:

See what you don’t have compared to battlefront 2:

→ balanced and exactely the same equipment across both teams.
→ ( classes were predefinite. outside the free ones. where you had… 4/5 choises. the only custom thing, were cards )
also, i would like you to remind that battlefront wasn’t a free to play.

enlisted is.

Like BA rifles that are all the same (more or less).

That’s the true problem.

Its mean what i said because your death is decided by pure RNG hoping that you dont get killed after 10 step from the spawn from

  • artillery
  • tank
  • mortar
  • snipers
  • bomber
  • plane
  • granad and other trowable
  • lmg leaning pro

And the rest…

No thanks as a warthunder and wargaming veteran i dont want see this shit in a enlisted, it cant work and dont work


You don’t have to spend anything at all to deploy your regular squad.

Only a third same type squad is required.

And now they completely ban you from using a third identical one.

Looks like you still don’t get it, this is nothing like War Thunder.

If you set the third squad’s score to 99999,

There is no fundamental difference between it and the changes developers impose on the game

It seems like your concern is simply that you won’t be able to field any squads, which simply doesn’t happen in the model I’ve described.

And now the developers prohibit players from using a third identical squad, you cant even bring them to the battle, which is obviously worse than spending scores in my view.

And again this mean only player who pay for slot can use 3 squad in cycle? How da fuck is better? First you complain that use a premium squad for cycle is not ok and now you propose the same?

… [insert palpatine meme]

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I love the old one, that’s why I don’t like the new ones so much.
I played them only on my friend’s console using split screen.

Idk, I am just not feeling this is a right way enlisted should take. But that’s simply only my irrelevant opinion, based on my subjective preferences and perspective.

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I only played the new one, in what the old one is better just for ask?

In this model, eveyone can be use 3 squad in cycle. (If they earn enough scores)

And it can make separate adjustments for paratroopers and flamethrowers or other poisonous things.

In the developer’s news form only pay squads can be. does what you said here

I don’t think you understand that there is a difference between the two. But eager to refute.


Understandable (:wink:)
I also don’t know if this will solve all issues but I think it will be an overall improvement. Though I may be always wrong.

I love the space battles, you could fly right into enemy’s hangar, steal its ships or just simply be fighting there.
There were even neutral stations as objective, which you need to conquer as infatry.
I don’t even know if it or isn’t in new ones. I didn’t see it ar first glance, nor I was interested in. All i saw were micros transactions everywhere.


If the numbers are set to be like this, it’s equivalent to what developers are doing now

I think everyone who saw spawnCost nervously thought that this tool would prevent them from deploying anything in the game.

In reality it’s just a tool, it’s up to you to design and use them.

Of course it can have an auto-increasing score as a cooldown limiter, in which case scores greater than 0 can be applied to all squads.

But this is very detailed, and only concerns the tool itself, not the details of its design.

How it works in War Thunder is not how it works everywhere.

I always recommend this tool, rather than having this tool disable players from deploying things, it just acts as a semiconductor and speed limiter.

And now the developers don’t even allow you to bring certain counts of squads or planes to the battlefield, which is something that really pisses me off.

They can use this thing that’s already in the game, they’ve already written the code. They can use this tool to restrict the third identical squad, rather than prohibiting players from selecting them.

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In the example above, this is only for the third identical common tank squad.

This is the dramatic part of the game. It’s an uncomfortable situation, but it’s no different than if you dropped a paratrooper into the middle of the enemy and were instantly killed.

And now the developers don’t even allow you to carry a third tank. (Hell you can’t even take it from the warehouse to the battlefield, which is really interesting?)

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Old one was the best…loved boarding capital ships and blowing them up from the inside!!!


New one have capital supremacy, same thing but more,more,more Tedios a battle can last 5H

Sort of. New one was more instanced. You fought on the ground, then the whole battle moved onto the ship.

In the old one both teams had a capital ship that you could control turrets, fly fighters, bombers and drop ships.

Had to destroy each others ship. Could do it with star fighters or board them at will lol. Fight through the crew and blow the generators.


I missed the original Bf2 i played only the new one and the original Bf, idk about the second but the first one was amazing too

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How many times did they nerf (certain) SMGs, ARs, SGs or all MGs and flamethrowers now?

And what did it accomplish?

It only made 95% of the MGs unplayable for almost two years and turned SG Axis into graveyard.

So please more nerfs. After all, it worked for the past two years now.

And the 2(+1) limit created a hotpot without even being implented.


I stop now, i realise I am talking to a brick wall…

“because Meta squad B will be weaker”

How will it be weaker? How? What is changing? Less soldiers in a squad? Weapon restrictions or general nerfs?

Non of that is happening, the squads stay 100% exactly the same. You are delusional.


Completely false, you are missing the point. The game actually does ask you to stick to one single role - which is the Meta. The game wants you to pick those squads because it promotes you for doing so.

You are more effective playing those roles, but again instead of bringing the squads in line with each other with meaningful balancing, this change is gonna effect meta squads the same way as underused squads, it will literally ONLY force you to play something that you don’t necessarily want to play - thats it - on the battlefield you will encounter the same amount of meta squads. Why can’t you see this?


No worse blind than whom refuse to see

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