The SQUAD CAROUSEL changes, are very negative to the game

Because outside berlin/normandy axis and pacific all of other campaigns put inefficient anti-tank weaponry aganaist heavy tank something that is not gonna happen with the BR

Good joke very efficient aganaist panther and tiger with his 60mm of pen


now squads have a purpose.

perhaps you are starting to getting it.

the first reason of squads, is that some are different than others and suited for do something specific.

not a jack of all trades.

which it’s about reducing the problems that we currently are met with.

sure, you won’t get rid of meta.

but it wasn’t meant to do that.

just to, once again, limit.

as… that’s what restrictions are supposed to do.

i know. shocker revelation.

but once again, free choise gameplay IS worse.

ah yes.

the test merge server it’s not at all correlated to the game.

are you… even aware of what you type?

ovviusly brs weren’t mentioned.

but how exactly are you thinking that it wouldn’t have carried over as well to end tiers?

actually, what do you think balance is meant to be and do?

i’m not sure you have an universal agreed idea of balance if you are actively against it.

now, they are limited to only 2 flames or 2 assaulters.

easy to understand.

i’m not sure why you keep bringing it up each time. and each time i have to give you the same answer.


here we go again.

funny that you mention that.
because i did specifically told you that perhaps if you believe that’s the case, you should have suggested that again.

which… i did told you that. but in 2 hours, ( or actually, across almost 2 days ) you didn’t.

showes how really you care about that.

and, once again, as stated, score system is flawed.

because you’re effectively gonna cut out some players in the end tier if they don’t manage to score enough.

or doesn’t really make much difference in terms of spam if i can still spam the same 0 points fg squad.

or, even worse, i won’t have enough points to spawn at all.

or, takes alot of score to get the ability to use the tank i payed for just to get suicide bomb 30 seconds later.

which, you might not be a business man, but df will not shoot their selves in the foot by putting score behind premium squads. or people will stop considering to even buy premiums

hence, your whole score " balance " goes out of the window.

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Another point I have always emphasized is that this change does not weaken the existing content of the game. Just like some of the examples listed by gastanofrizzi above.

It is only used as a passive strategy to avoid corner cases that occur in the test server.
There is nothing the developers can do to combat these edge cases, other than removing Trojan spins for free players in the hope of reducing the number of times these cases occur.

This is a disguised admission that spamming meta battles is boring, something that happens almost 100% of the time in high-intensity games where both players have a ton of meta weapons and meta vehicles that are basically all in the main game. Behind a paywall.

Anyone who’s been around the game for a while has experienced these spam-filled battles, some players enjoy them, and they just don’t appeal to me. Such battles that already exist in the main game will not be affected by this change.

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BTW. These score mechanics are based on conditions, and these scores change with the number of times. or other conditions.

It just acts as a flexible switch, similar to a semiconductor, it’s not fully off nor fully on

I’ve listed numerous examples in my previous posts. And what you’re stating here is just one of those situations that you don’t like.

[0, 1000, 2000, 3000]

[1000, 0, 0, 1000, 0]


This tool has always been flexible and is not used to completely ban players, but to conditionally enable it. So I keep asking you if you know about Flex Once.

At the same time, it is also compatible with the changes described in the current news.

That is the third team [999999]

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No offence but this part clearly shows you have no idea about how score system should work.

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you are seriously naive:

You know a bazooka outside of the m1 exists?

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And it’s able for premiums to be waived, or lower scores,

do you really understand the word flexible?

It is compatible with the changes described by current developers, and allows them to fine-tune more.

not at all.

at the top tier, inevitably you will spawn with something.

and the first spawn will be " free ".

a score system can only work if both parties have the same thing and works towards their goal.

it cannot, and will not work in an asymetrical balanced game.

things are not 1 on 1.

hence, you will inevitably see the ongoing spam that those changes tries to tackle with.

so… apparently is bad if devs don’t let them use right away, but good if you can use them across points?

what happens if you don’t have enough points to call another?

effectively cutted out from the match?

are y’all insane?

The changes described by the developers are now in this model

First free squad [0]
Second free squad [0]
Third Free Squad [99999]
Premium Squad [0]

To avoid misunderstandings, the following examples

It can certainly be broken down into different types of squads. For example, some players pay attention to the paratroopers.

That shows you really don’t understand what I’m talking about. You’ve always misunderstood it as a form of War Thunder.

What I’m saying is that only duplicate squads have this score applied.

That’s what they’re doing by banning players from using a third recurring type squad.


AND? M9 still is bad aganaist panther and tiger to a point allied main are asking for the pershing or the m20 superbazooka for kill geman end game tank

And why you ask about the bazooka?

I just pointed out that you can spam 3 tank all you want with the BR and be only a burden because you end up always in battle were the enemy can kill you as you can kill him withaut issue

just like war thunder realistic battles lol.

→ spawn one time
→ die
→ spawn second time;
→ die
→ spawn third time
→ dies.

*not enough points to respawn.

( granted, enlisted is different and really hard to end up the same way, but yeah. it shouldn’t )

excpet, here, “NOOO restrcitions bad” " muh free choice "

and they want to actively push those choices behind scores…



No. Its not means to this

First spawn 3 kill dead
Second spawn killed by a tank camper 0 kill
No more point quit

No thanks


gonna be real fun fighting for a tank just to get blown up literally 10 seconds after the first engagement.

sure is rewarding.

and sure does counter the so wanted removed " spam "…

No. Its not means to this

I think you have to understand what I’m saying first. Rather than rushing to deny or refute.

If you can’t understand what I’m saying about flexibility, your response means nothing to me.

I’ve been trying to make you understand. But maybe my description is not good.

Squad Queue:

// In order to prevent players from being unable to deploy, he can allow players to place at least two different squads in the queue.

Infantry I (never cost anything)

Assualt I (never cost anything)

Assualt II (never cost anything)

Assualt II| (1000/2000/3000)

Tank I (never cost anything)

Tank II (never cost anything)

Tank III (1000/2000/3000)

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See how Battlefront 2 handles it.
You have:

  • free clases that are your monney makers
  • elite clases + vehicles that cost points but can earn most of them back for a second respawn,
  • heroes that cost a lot of points and basically can’t earn them

Makes sense.

I don’t want enlisted to have anything in common with that game.


Now Assulat III can work in queue.

Depends on player choice.

Instead of completely banning players from doing this

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Imo it was fun. Except lootboxes. And lack of conttent.