The removal of campaigns got a HUGE potential for new maps!

What greater waiting time?
It will be lesser or equal at best wo what we have now.

With HA you still have map dicersity whith weapon diversity caused bu limitations (you can’t run with FG only).

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With HA, player with late war weapon can only play late war map. But without it, they can play much more map.

Except not really. You cant play in Tunisia and Asia depending on stuff and US cant play Berlin and Moscow and SG. Not to mention that Italy and Japan cant even leave Pacific/ Africa.
At least until the playerbase is “healthy enough” again to screw that.
And since no wants to play early and mid Axis, still Soviet ghost towns.

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Then what is the notify them that the less they choose the bigger the waiting time for?

What do you mean by you cannot run with FG only. Which of version HA are you using?

More campaigns you choose = less time.
Less campaigns = more time but comparable to current time.

One where you have many squads presets tied to campaigns and one tech tree.

And you are giving example that only some specific faction encounter?
Late war Germany now can play on Moscow and Stalingrad.
late war Soviet also.
If we have have late war Italy stuff in the future they can join Tunisia.
late war US and British may join Pacific if Japan receive late war vehicle in future.

This is the solution, late game player definitely have early war weapons, HA weapons on specific maps gives even more diversity in terms of weapon and combat style.

No, Moscow will be all the maps from battle of moscow

It’s not confusing at all

will be just a winter map to be played on.

i have 0 issues with the above pic. for me, its just a map with snow.

Why? All weapon * All map should be greater than Some weapon * some map.

Dunno man…

I dont know what you think about Japanese and Italian stuff but if you think it will be competitive against Jumbos, Pershing and whatnot, the result wont be entertaining.
Heck, sure. Japanese stuff is so wunderbar that almost all of their current tanks get rekt by a driving pair of M2HBs…

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I fixed it for you.

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There will be br so why is meta weapon * all map?

Other faction can play more map and you said it have little difference because some faction can’t . There is definitely an increase lol.

Chi Nu? Chi To?

Because people naturally will gravitate to meta.

Br only causes people to use br meta before reaching the ultimate meta. Because why would anyone voluntarily give up on an advantage?

Then how is your ha method didn’t have this problem?

I like this “I don’t care about HA” 15min later “gtfo with your HA” rethoric that seem to be present in those discusions.
I wonder when we will see one here.

  1. people go for br meta, then for ultimate meta
  2. people go for br meta, then for meta in this campaign

Instead of one meta for all, you have meta for each campaign.

Lol no, if we have a united tech tree people will go for ultimate meta according to you. It means that all people will be in Berlin in that case.

Exactly not. Rethink it.