The removal of campaigns got a HUGE potential for new maps!

which it’s also a “funny” ( not really ) point that HA haters often broght and keeps brining up. worst part, they genually believes in.

like… do they really expect for HA to have way less grind ?

seems an hard concept for them, but no. that’s not how is gonna play out.
the grind should and will be the same as non HA players.

after all, it’s kinda on them for playing in a HA manner but will be restricted from using not HA stuff ( or to the very least, in a small manner ).

after all, that’s where boosters and premium comes to play, to skip those levels.

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Alos one could argue HA would give more revenue.
Because now you will have x squads customised for all maps.
While in HA scenario you would have x squads customised for moscow, berlin etc separately to fit the setting.

Of course we are yet to see how the new customisation will look like but so far they didn’t put much effort into it.

How many equipment will a campaign get if those weapon been give to several campaign.
Those campaign will still have a lot of copy pasted stuff.

It will be easier to have a general tech tree. Or you will have too many tech tree from each campaign in the future.

Most people are clueless/blissfully ignorant/just want to shoot things and tank go boom.

It just depends on what is behind the “quick play” button.

I 100% guarantee you 99% of Enlisted players will not complain they can’t use STG in Moscow, but only an MKB.

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And there are some people who said those ideas are not feasible.

Yeah. I still don’t understand why a few people in here just assume that everyone playing this game want to go fully arcade frenzy instead of maintain the core similiar to what we have today.

I refuse to think that’s the case.

If you wanna go full aracde monkey there so many other titles better suited for this than Enlisted.

Just think about it: If ppl were giving two matchmaking queues in the future, one that looks like todays game (fairly historical accuarate but still arcade in a nice way, a great variation of different weapons and unique and cool settings/places) and one queue similar to what is proposed.

What would they choose? …


Circling around… anway

If you dont have campaigns anymore, you cant call it campaigns.

does it really though?

because there’s actually quite more to it.

not really. it just works the same for the non HA.
the only difference, HA will play on historical campaigns with historical loadouts facing people that will roughly have the same or match the historical settings.

which it’s not about balance. i’d like to point that out.

but yeah, we’ll have to see.

i really hope they are not gonna butcher that and still allow players to customize based on their preferences as long it’s within the settings.

at this point, would be easier to create a separate tab where you can buy and manage all uniforms for each and specific biome / settings / campaign whatever. you know, to prevent white camos in normandy, but at the same time, not restrict camos that were actually used like currently.

( and let’s hope for a big expansions ).


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Yeah, and the problems they gave were:

  • split of the playerbase (that is a child play to solve)
  • not lesening the gring (makes no sense to me)
  • lack of diversity (but FG42 spam is super diverse)
  • “I f*ck your mother” kind of argument
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What did you mean? You are talking about situation when campaign is kept. So I am talking about campaign.

Could be or at least loses revenue because it doesnt hold what it promises.
But then this game/ the devs promise so much while the
Wouldnt even say HA is top issue here.

Go and solve it lol.

People will also spam fg42 in your historical Normandy and Berlin battle anyway.

Yeah. I just want some arcade authentic ww2 fps.

And my choises are… yyy… BFV… CoD vanguard?
Like at thins point I’d have to buy Red Orhestra.

well, not get confused with TOTAL HA but realistic.

i guess tus something something was right. we kinda make a big confusion about it and often depends from person to person. the total HA can be done in customs and that’s fine.

but, for people that wants realistic settings and what not ( roughly the current system yet puts somewhat of a balance to it, or don’t. because after all, stands in realism ) you can face is2s in berlin when you only have panzer IV J. sure, not equal, but still somewhat balanced and above all, realistic ).

but i don’t think you can’t really lose revenue on it.

granted, might not be faithfull 100%, but at least gives an option to those who seeks it rather than being forced to play full ape arcady. ( which i know devs stated it’s not going to be 100% arcade. but still ).

well, we can’t point fingers at other things while discussing other topics. sure, it can calls for it. but one step at a time

( and no, not shiivex steps. and no, nothing against shiivex as well. though if we keep going with baby steps, i’ll be 80s before we’ll reach even something feasable for everyone at this slow rate. but i could be wrong as well as it seems things are getting faster. as much as the rate of bugs :upside_down_face: ( ok that was meany on my part ))


Allow people to choose what campaigns they want to play (a simple check box) and notify them that the less they choose, the bigger the waiting time.

Sure, people will quit if they don’t like the campaign. But if it’s disliked by the general playerbase they will have no problem finding a different one.

This system would make campaigns similar to maps but with equipment tied to them.

I didn’t say HA will have weapon diversity. Anty-HA did.


Massive and healthy playerbase, mainly composed by bots, which have player names and are almost impossible to recognize until you see how they play in matches.

Yeah, sure, “massive and healthy playerbase” :joy:.

P.S: I’m not telling you that you actually believe that bullshit, it’s just funny af.


Giving player greater waiting time will piss many people off.

If they have no weapon diversity, they still have map diversity. It is still having more diversity than HA.

Trust the numbers


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Well. I doubt it since Keofox didnt just abandon this consumer base as they did with the LF consumers.
Even his sassy answer to us being trolls was probably some sort of “damaged control”. I mean why trying to sell the new system with historical if the consumer group is too small to give them more beyond unfun cl?

Well. I tend to think the opposite of what Keofox tells us. Sure, not the best system either.

Ultimately all those symptons have same cause: the devs. Also, some people try to come up with bullshit like this system will not only bring back tons of players but also bring back former ones which is… quite interesting. Same as saying that vast majority will leave.

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Since they release like 4 “new” maps per year… not really that big.

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