The removal of campaigns got a HUGE potential for new maps!

Guess the complainers want to argue about that.

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thats all speculative.
most likely will be easier. but
we dont know yet. neither the numbers or XP needed to progress

on overall will be easy to get content. like play as germans and compleat the US grind. but we have to wait and test. untill then its all “what if” or “maybe will”

the above would be dope. if , we dont have to unlock them like WT does. like research it as we play

even less when it comes to simulative matches.

yet those are a thing.

so… i don’t really see your point?.

sure, as you mentioned, queue might take longer or get putted against ais, but if that’s what players are ok with and are into just that?

i don’t see why that’s not reasonable enough to accommodate those players as well.

guess we could say the same about e sports players ( which funnely and strangely enough, for how hard that is to believe. those are actually a thing. and devs did actually " pleased " them by making season events with rewards and what not. )

and the reason why @VoyoMayPL and @Veekay45 are complaining about custom matches it’s because those are less then ideal ( and in some case, not functional ).

have more issues than beneficts ( just to mention a few, no xps, no map rotation for mods, no ability to make an HA or non HA stand out from others, ( only temporary ) unavailable restrictions, and not even everyone knows the existance of custom matches ( no, i’m not making this up ).

therefore, that’s why we think a secondaty matchmaker slighlty realistic such as WT ones would please what it seems a minority on enlisted of people that would play it any day to the arcady one.

btw, don’t really get the " enough revenue " when majority of those people would still buy boosters, premium content ( bp, squads etc ) and even skins so…

again, worked for WT, why not doing just that in enlisted as well since we are heading there in the first place anyway.


Lets assume your word are correct. But repetitive grinding is also a major problem we need to fix this anyway.

Or make campaigns less repetitive as demanded millions time now… what do we know?

hopefully customs get a pass on updates and more stuff gets implemented as they plan this change.
hopefully… because i like to play there. and right now its just… meh

Yeah. Keo said they will improve CLs. But he said many things.

So unless they will do absolute wonders to CLs (what I personally doubt), I don’t see why should I accept this state of things.


without a rework on customs, you and no one should.

the huge “if” is always present… If they introduce more stuff on customs.

It is the same reason why dev move lone fighter to custom match. Just think about it.

Dev are going to improve it.

Unlike LF, the devs advertise with HA.


But how? Those faction didn’t have that many equipment to make each campaign less repetitive.

that’s what i don’t like custom matches.

it requires entire different effort for having two things to cohexists when you can have something similar to the main game mode just with a script of limitations.

i mean… is it really difficult?

except, the reason why LF has been abandoned, its because devs kinda abbandoned it first.

no kidding.

we could argue it didn’t really had much of a playerbase and i guess a fair point, but that’s what happening.


funnely enough that’s what they said for lone fighter as well.

and imo could return under pve settings. but earlier to say, speculative and whatever.

but… they did sayed alot of things. not many were delivered ( just to name stuff even more important, bipod fix, nation’s AA and the list would go on. but you get the point )

perhaps i’m letting the " anger " having the better of me. since, on a point, you are right. they did sayed that they were going to improve custom matches. and i can’t really say much since i haven’t tested them.

but i’m skeptical about it because of previous events.

and also what i forgot to mention,

custom matches are good for different aspects.

which aren’t and in some way, shouldn’t be necessarely related to a 2bnd matchmaker for realism.

because who wants to HA but doesn’t have to join a specific enivorement/settings decided by someone else and left out, that’s why a different matchmaker would please more a majority rather than strict it to a custom decided by the host ( in terms of equipment as well ).


You still can have it in custom match.
And I think they had already remove it from their page.

There e.g. obvious differences between Moscow and SG and if people dont see it, they are not target of such changes anyway.

You are still going to unlock Mp40 several times. This is what people mainly complain about repetitive unlock.

true. or have guns developed late like kar98k with tank grenade at level 30+



And there were like 5 ideas proposed to have tech tree and HA at the same time.


Hmm SG has lots of minor Axis squads and weapons.
Oh never mind. Still same as Moscow because two or three guns out of 40 levels still same.
Not to mention make campaign tech trees and give bonus to already unlocked stuff (bypass or boost).

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Not to mention that were was no real official post about the ad “changes”, so this makes it even more bad.