The removal of campaigns got a HUGE potential for new maps!

I’ll rewrite it because you seem to not understand.

If a thing is liked by a minority, it doesn’t necesairly mean it’s unpopular. For example if something is liked by 30% of players, it’s liked by a minority but it’s far from being unpopular.

Even a minority of players can generate a revenue big enough to caretake them. And that seems to be the case in WT.


The problem is War Thunder have enough player base to let the minority generate enough revenue.
Enlisted doesn’t have that many player.
If Enlisted have that many player to maintain a new queue then it is fine.
But for now we need to rely on custom match first.

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According to community manager it has masive and healthy playerbase so I don’t see a problem.


Did you really believe this or just use this as an arguing material?

I don’t believe him untill I see it in game.
He is a community manager, his main job is to sweet talk.

But people seem to argree with him and who am I to stop them.


If you don’t believe him about the player count then how should you solve the problem that I mentioned?

Basically do opposite what the devs do.

If devs say there is no such problem, why would they act to solve it?

You can’t solve a problem is you pretend it doesn’t exist.

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Opposite of what? Dev want to merge all campaign level into tech tree. If you want to do the opposite we should have the existing campaign being diverge into more mini campaign with more copy paste stuff.

Future of the game
getting hard to introduce stuff on campaigns
more campaigns = more player split

all of the above are present on the devlog or official answers around thread

sometimes a company needs to inovate and change, or will be left behind . like nokia, philips or xerox. coz business did work, why bother change? .

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We can argue that dev speak those word when there is not as much campaign as now. Things will change when more campaign is being added.

I am yet to see proofs from devs that campaign system is main issue for player drops if really most of the time people complain about bugs, gameplay mechanics and the AI. Sure, also slow grind.

We already had one sided campaigns since beginning of OBT.

Well, people asked for this since there were 4 campaigns. And all we got was “all good” answer.

So unless they’ve changed their approach, I don’t expect fireworks.
Alternatively they have a huge delay between problem occurring and solving a problem. And that’s kind of a problem.


Offical answers dont make any sense and speak against their actions and past official answers.


Campaign system led to slow and repetitive grind.

Or because you get like average 10k max per battle without premium.

so what answers do you want? we aint entitled to data.

ofc i would like to read and see more… i would for sure.

Then dont argue with data (Keofox).

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The grind is actually not that hard if you don’t need to unlock the same weapon for several times.

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true. some issues are still present in the game that honest demolish the fun.

on top of my head, g41 reload or, any striper clip reload gun makes them no fun for me. i avoid them and still have fun with the game, but, i would def use said guns more if the reload wasnt as time consuming or as is when one shoots a bullet.