I just realized, if the campaigns get removed and there will only be maps, it got a huge potential for variety in enlisted! new maps from big events, but to small to be a campaign at its own, could be added! All the smaller but important battle could become part of enlisted… What do you think?
Examples of maps which could be added for the german vs soviet faction. We could easily get maps like:
Variety. If is2 and tiger compete in berlin as the only map of enlisted which can be played on, who would play enlisted? Maybe a month or 2 but always the same map is way too boring, we need more content…
Variety can be achieved without getting unthinkable crap like is-2 in Moscow. There are plenty of late 44/early 45 locations and settings in which those vehicles can fight in open areas
But have you thought about always the same set of top tier weapons might also be boring?
Diversity may not only mean diversity of maps but also diversity of weapons, and moreover diversity of combat style based on historical weapons on specific maps. Custom preset of equipment like in War Thunder will enable quick switch to low tier battle even you have already reached late game.
Anyway more maps is always good, I do not expect everyone agree with historical accuracy, maybe the devs give an option or improve custom game is good enough. With more active players, and more maps added for each period of the war, the contradiction between diversity and historical accuracy will eventually be solved.
Its like they are telling two opposing stories but actually wanna stick with one. Either because they dont see it/ ignorance or because they know that saying new maps and new gear for tech tree sounds lame.
The word “campaign” is just to describe a bigger location, map is just smaller location. Like Berlin campaign have 3 map: Seelow Height, and 2 Berlin map. Besides that, it seems like they will be some stuff like weapon ,items and unit will be released together with the campaign.