The removal of campaigns got a HUGE potential for new maps!

meta in this campaign may be normal weapon in other campaign. So they will still look for ultimate meta.

I mean for late player, early weapon * early war map + late weapon * late war map, gives more different combat style compared to only late weapon * all maps.

I agree this is more diversity, however as there is always a balance between different demands. If the developers have the ability to achieve this level of diversity, and there is enough players to fill it, then why do not give different options of game mode like War Thunder.

No because for each campaign you have different loadout.
So you have loadout for campaign X with itā€™s meta etc.

Meta from one place may not even exist in other (that has itā€™s own meta).

Imagine what we have now but with nation tech tree, no transfer cost and with queueing for many campaigns.

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Ehm yes because at the end, only Soviets and Germans really have more maps and iirc we have more factions beyond them.

Cant pen Jumbo.



Wouldnā€™t it be harder to find match if you have br in campaign? Because you need to consider the br for each campaign.

because majority of meta weapons are limited in ha.

andā€¦ majority of the people that plays HA do not care about tryharding or meta weapons.

thatā€™s the difference.

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And I said if other faction had late war stuff they can also do similar thing.

Same as panzer 4H but dev put them on same level lol.

So people may switch to their early war low BR equipment preset to play other maps happened in early war and corresponding to lower BR. In this way, both diversity of weapon and diversity of maps are achieved for late game players.

Doubt it. I see many of them are just disagreeing with time travelling stuff.

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And it worked out very well. Not like Axis Normandy was ghost town for most of the time before they added the Pantherā€¦ oh yeahā€¦

Not if this stuff sucks and cant compete BR-wise.

Instead of one check for BR you will have 6 checks (one per campaign) so acheaving a mach may be not that difficult.

Add the Ho ri then.

If you are playing specific nation only there will be less check. And I think most people will still grind 1 nation at a time.

Imagine the sole tank being able to counter entire late Allied stuff is an ass slow turretless TD with no MG. ā€œBalanceā€. And that only works if the devs even add as a free tank and not as premium as in WT.

well, iā€™m not sure what you are getting or understanding in the first place.

andā€¦ not in a negative way.

as to be honest, from what iā€™m reading we have different opinions ( talking about me and @VoyoMayPL. or maybe iā€™m getting it wrong )

but, ideally, you donā€™t get to face time travelling stuff.

it kinda works like br + era.

so HA people will face each other ( or bots ) that will roughly have the same equipment.

time traveling or prototype stuff wont appear at all.

therefore, to make an example, people with BA and mp40 will most likely face others people with same loadouts or to the very least, HA.

which itā€™s up to devs decide whether pz III J/E will face t34. because after all, itā€™s kinda historical accurate. or, they can go for the realistic approach where things are similar and balanced in a manufactured way ( somewhat similar to current campaigns levels. something like a 1 on 1. ).

but yeah, you play with other people. and depending your equipment date ( hence, something similar the ERA in war thunder ) you will face other opponents.

if not, they will mix the era together as long itā€™s somewhat historical.

not a 100% but something very closely.

hence, will avoid stgs, tigers and those bullshits in moscow.

but will be plausible in normandy and so on.


I agree with this idea, some HA players might still run OP weapons available at that period, but just different sets of meta for different period of war have more diversity then one set of meta for all.

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not to mention, itā€™s heavely stricted to only one or only few per squads.

making things more interesting and fun imo.

stgs can be devastating, but are limited on how many you can ran per squads.

or thatā€™s at least the idea.


Unless you want to play some ultra unpolular campaign, it shouldnā€™t be a problem.

And how does devsā€™ system solve that?

which the campaign gets decided by the matchmaker based on your equipment though locations will be random.

the whole campaign system will be gone for good just like the game goes to.

if you want to play a specific campaign, with specific stuff, custom matches will allow that to go in deeper details. to make a comparison, the realistic matchmaker works just like the main game ( rather, the upcuming arcade ).

except has more limitations on equipment.
you know, realistic as itā€™s ww2. but the rest is pretty much similar.

hard to explain a bit, but not hard to understand it.

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