The removal of campaigns got a HUGE potential for new maps!

Can be penned from a 76mm Jumbo… still cant fight inf unlike all other US tanks including TDs.

While StuG A is free in WT and premium in Wt, like the StuG III G, HEAT ammo in Moscow, the Panzer M, tracks for the J…

I don’t think you get my point. I am saying you can’t say most HA person don’t care about meta weapons as you mention above.

Just a “Soviet City” map now?

Or the legendary Univermag where Paulus was captured carefully recreated by the level designers, now desecrated by time travelling Tiger 2 or never adopted during WW2 AS and RPD?


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Then let it only met m4a1 76w.

Yeah so you can’t say it is premium or not premium in War Thunder to determine a tank is in Enlisted premium or not.

Hm System seems not to work so Japan cant really face late war stuff.

If its needed, it will be premium. There is a reason why StuG and HEAT are paywalled in Moscow.

LOL 1 tank can’t make it and you are objecting the whole thing. Late war can mean a m4a1 76w or a Pershing. Just let it met the early late war stuff and it will still have more diversity.

LOL Germany literally get a time travelling panzer4 f2 in Moscow which have better pen than the Heat.

Well, kind of since its the sole tank of Japan which can pen a Jumbo.
There is a reason why Japan Level IV stuff in WT are CW and land leased tanks and not own production and level 3 Br doesnt make it past 5.0 or lower.
Also Ive heard that people may like to play more than one tank to be somewhat competitive, not to mention that you may also encounter inf.

This again just proves the stupidity of the devs, not to mention that the tank is at the end of the campaign which won’t really help newbies… or anyone before level 39. Balance you know

even if they do, it won’t be that much detrimental as the arcady bullshittery.

like, meta weapons in HA are mostly limited.

therefore, it won’t be that unfun to play against or with.

as it will somewhat make people a bit more aware and caution. as generally automatic weapons usually limited ( outside latter campaigns ).

and people would apreciate it more ( those who are for realism or HA related )

I just wanted to cheer people up who were sad about the campaigns being removed with this post… I did not intend to unleash this hate arguing :smiling_face_with_tear:

Well. Not blame the messenger unless he gets paid for it.
Not less toxic than other threads anyway.

" hate arguing " ?

son… what are you talking about.

beside, you are correct on the locations ( and i don’t think it’s a bad thing either that campaign go away )
more is always better. which makes the level designer team less restricted as they can create whatever they want as long makes sense to be seen in ww2

( even though… they are the same ones that went ham with hescos :unamused: but i’m faithfull it was just a simple mistake. after all, they did amazing maps so far )

although, surely they are not gonna create abominations things like i do lmao:

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Still better than Berlin railway map.

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you strucked my hearth there.

how could you do this to me.

come on now.

railway is best berlin map.

( ok, maybe not the best, but i’d say top 3 )

Would you expect something different from me?


for example, liking railway map?

as they say, miracles do happens

Actually it’s quite civil.
Probably merytoricaly the best discussion about HA recently.


giphy (5)
Before that, I will like Ver-Sur Invasion.

Actually I quite enjoy ver-sur-mer.
It’s a turkey shoot :smiley:

you’re waging war now.

alright then, you’ll regreat it.

Fortified District is the best map in enlisted.


fight me :crossed_swords:

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Agree. Quite aesthetic though I dont like the spawn locations.