The removal of campaigns got a HUGE potential for new maps!

Agree. Quite aesthetic though I dont like the spawn locations.


wasn’t expecting a man of culture.

majority of the normies despise that map.

I like it once the Allies get from the freaking beach. I prefer Ver Sur Assault because at least you dont fight on this stupid beach.

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I like the beach. I have a few nice camping spots for my MG.
(Assuming they get in the prox of the bunker/objective.)

Although it would be better as PvE.

We dont need to have very same preferences. Would be boring.


not much of a war as well.

alright then,

RIVER CROSSING, AND SELOW HEIGHTS are the other best maps following fortified district.

That looks really great… Will you upload a new mod? :upside_down_face:

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Please, we all want more iconic locations and maps.

I’ve been saying for the longest time: rename Berlin into “Eastern Front 1944-45” and add not only Berlin Zoo, Tempelhof, Flak tower and Reichstag assault, but also Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Koenigsberg, the whole Operation Bagration, etc.

All of this can work (and imo only with era appropriate gear, because T-26 vs Pz II at Reichstag is ridiculous)

there could also be battle of kiev 1941, and 1943

another great idea is that we could have northwestern moscow battles, such as battle of khimki, and that is around 30km away from moscow’s kremlin. this would be a good way to make the gameplay more interesting, and make the players feel like they’re basically at moscow

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eh… idk.

looks a bit shiet and i don’t know how to improve it.

unironically, i have 3 mods ready. too bad the site and editor limitations prevent me from uploading anything :confused:

but yes. i am planning on uploading something :stuck_out_tongue:

some sort of bf5/bf1 v operations. but we’ll see.

i can spoil it’s pve related

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To be fair Khimki in 1940s didn’t look any more Moscow-like than e.g. Pokrovskoe map:

but you do realize that with khimki, there is a option to give us a very distant view of kremlin towers, which would give axis the idea of how close they are to moscow

Have you been to Khimki or the location of the furthest German advance near Moscow?


Trust me, you can’t see any Kremlin from there, neither now, nor in the 1940s.

It’s ~30km from the Kremlin and there were no scyscrapers in the 1940s to look our from.

And moscow looks like posnan, monastery can be the citadell

In Tunisia the panzer 4 f2 is the only tank that can reliably pen a sherman. So if Tunisia can why Pacific can’t?

Only some Premium player will prefer that since they have many slot and other premium player will prefer to use plane with tank instead of many tank. So it is not a big deal.

So what? It breaks your if its needed it will be premium thing. Dev will still add good stuff at the high-level of tech tree.

I don’t understand what you mean? You can still spam meta in HA in later campaign. In other hand, you won’t meet those meta weapon in low br when using no HA.
So how meta weapons in HA are mostly limited when you can avoid it by using low br weapon in non HA?

well, no and somewhat yes.

you can spam metas, but not as much as you think.

because, in HA, you’ll never be able to reach the 100% full auto.

as, vg1-5s were a thing, semi auto were still used and so bolties.

as there’s a limit.

the pictures you often see of 7/9 men stgs, were ideally the volkgsrenadiers.

but germany had some struggles to retrofitt those as originally planned.

which at the end of the day, meta weapons in HA would somewhat make sense, but again, it’s not gonna be detrimental as arcady.

especially since if you have equipment related to a campaign / location, you will be putted there instead of facing " meta " aboosers.

which once again, HA / realism people tipically don’t abuse meta weapons too much. because they are there to play a ww2 game and have fun with others felleas that are somewhat roughly on the same idea / spot.

which low br arcady it’s still no where near a HA or realistic matchmaker.

because entirely depends on the BR system rather than loadouts or having to do with historical stuff in the first place…

I think it is only your version of HA.
I see there are other version of HA that only wants time appropriate weapon, they didn’t aim for restricting automatic weapon in squad.
So you cannot say most HA player want to restrict meta when there is many version of HA.

You keep picking up good ingame examples I guess.

You dont really get I guess.

Because so far they failed to do but suddenly they will?

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it really depends who they are gonna listen, ( which i guess it’s a challenge on their own )

but, still. meta weapons do not effect in the slighltest HA so…

i don’t see what or where you are going for.

all i can say, the weapons you put and use, are gonna be matched with others so.

the meta will only be seen in the latter levels ( perhaps berlin and what not )

and you are not really gonna play there since at the beginning ( or historical compositions ) did not have many autoamtic weapons ( 1941 to 1943 )