The removal of campaigns got a HUGE potential for new maps!

LOl you just contradict you self .If panzer4 f2 is a good in game example, you can’t say they so far failed to do.

Ever heard of sarcasm?

No I am just disagreeing with you saying HA player don’t care about meta weapon, nothing else.

So panzer 4 f2 is not a good stuff?

Good point. But don’t worry, devs will continue to do with method. That’s why it takes time

I alread explained the F2 in Moscow so I dont know why you want to talk about that since its almost the same case there.

Your explanation didn’t talk about it LOL.
You just said it cannot help the newbies. But it is still considered good for high level player.
With Br implemented only high br player will meet jumbo. So only high level player need ho ri.
If they can add panzer 4 f2 at high level they can add ho ri at high level.

Except F2 will not meet Jumbos and bascially all after PV F1s are F2 unlike the Jap tank where there is still only one tank being able to pen a Jumbo,

If they do that, even less people will play Axis than they already do beyond Berlin and Normandy.

They would need to rework some maps if they really want us to play heavier vehicles on some Moscow and Stalingrad maps, honestly even Berlin should be cleaned up or let tanks to destroy obstacles with sheer force we shouldn’t be stuck by a woodpile or a small car that we can wreck but then for some reason we are immobilized on the top of that vehicle and can only go in reverse but not forward. Plus buildable ATs need to get fixed they are shaking and levitating like crazy. It seems like in this game not a single object or vehicle controlled by players seem to have any weight it’s like we are playing as a at guns or tanks made out of cardboard or rubber balloons.

Useless word, we are talking about the similar situation between both and you are talking about F2 will not meet jumbo. Why don’t you talk about ho ri won’t meet t 34 1941.

Br exist, if you are the very top br player with ho ri will meet jumbo.

In Normandy Panther and tiger are in high level but people still using it?

Pretty much summarizes your replies because at this point you want me to give same answers to similar stupid statements to the point I don’t know what the fuck you actually want from me.

Again, nobody will play Japan late BR because they (will) suck.

You can’t say a thing suck if it haven’t been release.

The past so far wasnt impressive so there is not really a good reason assume for the best.