The population problem as I have told you before

by stacks here i meant teamed up players, not playerbase disparity stack between sides.

currently (postmerge) there is smallest difference between sides and it is possible to get 1:1 balance if devs introduced bonus xp for join any. you would basically need ~5-10% players using that feature for more or less perfect 1:1 MM.

I guarantee its more then 5%. There’s half a million players

I’m just saying I have fun and am completely fine with bolt actions being at every single stage of war. I don’t see an issue

Yes yes Gun X kills better than Gun Y but it’s all about the dynamics. A bolt still has its place like everything else

and your source is?
cause i checked data personally and only saw around 100k players daily that are divided across 6 servers, not to mention playing in different time. there may be 500k players but more than 80% of them arent daily players and play one battle a week or less.
number of concurrent users is between 8-12k.

you can check data here

also idk how you think that percentages work… 5% would be same relative value even if total number of players was 10 million or 100k.

Data taken just before merge and just after

Lol yes i know this, it’s reasonable to assume that with a larger player base the numbers of stacks goes up at a higher ratio

There’s data that backs up the 10k concurrent players statement? Thats really low. Would of expected way more

and it’s working. Currently the lobbies are always full, simply now the strongest ones win, those who work as a team and often come into the game with four companions to coordinate with. I only played Russian, German and American 20 games and won all but one. In my opinion it works.

It is not my problem. If you stress others, it means they are not strong enough. I’ve carried people for the last 2 years and finally the lobbies are now balanced and I can really play with peace of mind that I can play as I like because I don’t have any noobs on my team.

that is non unique players. so people who play multiple battles per day

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BR2 Soviets can use 76mm tanks and 1hk any Panzer from BR1-3 range, 75mm going to struggle. Plus you have extremely overpowered PPS-43 and amazing Winchester. Only problem of soviets there are lack of AT launchers and lmgs (can equip Bredas).

BR5 is weird i also noticed that people mostly spawn in their T-34-85 or t-34-76 or kv-1 or even bt-7 (lol). IS-2 was found only in two matches and one was completely dominating us by camping in very hard to see spot and another one just got demolished instantly.

Dude I saw an A13 in br5 like br5 is the sweatest and weirdest br

Players always make difference.

I guess someone clueless had Garand unlocked and equipped but none of the better tanks.

I believe the AI ​​team is a unique features from the begining of the game develop.
But despite to carry it forward, they now seem perfer to make it as a copy of COD or Battlefiled to get more playerbase and fix current issue by this way. But it seem to bring more shitty problem.

Is it? or you can tell me which one on what BR is balanced.
The balance I see is a match dominated by the Allies, than the next one dominated by Axis.
This is still a bad thing of a game.

yes AI team but with human player behind them leading them. before we had full bot teams without humans inside game before (well even now we have them, but in smaller quantity).

Dominated by the best, strongest and best equipped players (Tier 5 0f course). Previously the axis Berlin and allied Tunisia were dominated because there were few people behind them. Many players have deluded themselves into thinking they are good at Lobby 10vs3 or even worse. Now the strong players win. There’s no point looking for excuses.

German axis had always the most skilled players. But they were spreaded across the 5 campaigns. Now? They only reasonable BRs for veterans to play are BR2 and BR5.
So it is not really hard to encounter 1-2 very good players in German teams.

On other had, Soviet in majority of times dominated only 1 out of 3 campaigns. They always lacked the very good players.
And nothing has changed since than. You either encounter completely full clueless Soviet team or 4 stack of veteran players.
Encountering good solo players (other than “you”) is extremely rare.


Yep this is what I experience when I play Russian it quite painful ngl

No, the team with more player or higher BR wins.
Current match is still not balanced even on player numbers.(or at least in Pacific)
You can better tell which side has more AI ​​by looking at the kills of the bottom 50% of players rather than the top few players.
People always think that after the merge’s large playerbase will fix the matching issue, but it’s not, at least what i have seem is not.