The population problem as I have told you before

Its working but not in the way it was meant to as we are seeing more people being up tier and down tier and facing enemies they cant beat IE M3 Stuarts fighting Panthers meaning one of three things one their is not enough players playing lower tiers as the player base is focused on high tier games so they get up tier and others down tier two essentially the the same as the first example a lower player count in general leading to the same issue as fore mentioned the third option is the tier system is broken in general causing this imbalanced game play

The only solution to the dwindling player population is for the Devs to focus on PVE mode.
It seems that many players in this game are not looking for an even match, as evidenced by those who complain about the King Tiger in BR5 and the game’s customary spectacle of numerous soldiers deserting when they see that it is not an easy match.
By redesigning the game so that PVE mode is the main mode and PVP mode is played when the user feels like it, the game can withstand the population decline.
If PVP is left as the main mode while the population declines, it will lead to more one-sided matchmaking and create a lot of unenjoyable user experiences.
It would be better to fight bots, even if it is a bit boring.
Implement CO-OP and make it the main mode, make sure PVP mode always starts with an even number of people, and instead of doubling the rewards you get, multiply the penalty for desertion by 100.

i said it many times before, and i will say it again just cause i feel like it.

stacks versus solo is the absolutely mos unbalancing factor in the entire game. not gear, not BR, not merge, not bots. STACKS vs SOLO.

the problem cannot be solved by facing them each other, since it will stretch their queue to the infinite and more.

BUT…there is always a way to alleviate the suffering. and as usual, the way is MONEY. give the stacks less earnings in silver, or to make it psychologically positive, give solos that face stacks a bonus IN MONEY.

dont show the bonus untill the end, where it will add to the multipliers of battle hero, best engineer, best wc cleaner, etc. they can call it “against all odds bonus” and PAM! more silver to the pockets.

if the reward is high enough, noone would care if they get their ars3s kicked while laughing all the way to the bank. hell, if you have the feeling you are against a stack, you could even stay to the bitter end just to taste those sweet sweet mony mony silver ingots.

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Yeah, incentives for players who did not give up the game at a disadvantage are absolutely necessary.

Lol, nazi lovers make me laugh. Is truly astonishing the things they say.

I usually play in US/Soviet. :upside_down_face:
If I am in a situation where I have aircraft at my disposal, King Tiger itself is not much of a threat.
If I have an incompetent who has abandoned CAS and has exclusive use of the aircraft, though, it becomes unmanageable.