The place of Volkssturm weapons in the new progression tree

Ngl I’d rather have authentic bot matches than abomination like that. (In fact I’d just leave the game in both cases, but still)

Then why do you choose to play a game with detailed recreations of Berlin and Stalingrad over Fortnite or BFV?
(rhethorical question, point of the thread is Volkssturm weapons link to Berlin, because we who choose to play WW2 games care)

Because it is a fun game. Duh. It has very different gameplay than Fortnite and BFV.

Reducing queues it what matters most. I would happily fight in Berlin as US vs JPN if it meant full 10v10 games.


Then why do you even stick here even after devs openly admitted they made wrong advertisment after years of ahistorical content?
Why dont just stick to HLL at this point? Or just wait for better customs.


What is wrong with playing a game with somewhat realistic maps? i personaly wouldnt care if they made up half of stalingrad aslog as it feels somewhat right. And i certainly wont leave a game coz it used a realistic map instead of fantasy (aslong as its playable) so idk what your point here is.


Which I agree fully.
Ive got no issues having KT2 in moscow or anywhere, as long as games are balanced.

Eitherway, the soft rule theyr implementing doesnt exactly hurt the game far as I consider.
if the stars are perfectly aligned and theres that 20 people that could in balanced manner fight in moscow map, so be it.
But I highly doubt that will happen frequently.


It’s the only ww2 game that doesn’t ignore the eastern front.

I haven’t seen them admit that.

And I’m yet to see the “soft rule”. It will indeed make or break the game for me.

I play that sometimes too. But different type of game, more of a walking-before-getting-headshot simulator.

When a developer goes as far as recreating city streets, a couple dozen buildings, ads and toys of that city, it’s counter-productive to then destroy that with mixed salad “haha” skirmishes without an authentic option.

They just made a map. World of Tanks makes “historical” maps and then has fantasy tanks fighting on them from every nation. You are pretty much the only person getting worked up about this. Tho that does seem to be the standard for you from what I have seen. There is a reason you are the laughingstock of many a discord.


Keofox said game was never meant to be HA.
Its indirect adimitting and other than that I dont know what else needs to be interpreted there at this point other than HA debates are waste of time at this point.

RO2, HLL, Easy Red 2?


Oh no discord I don’t even know spends their time chatting about me, how terrible.

That’s why I don’t play it?
I’m surprised you even recognized what Volkssturm is if your standard of fun is “Tiger II vs IS-2 in Moscow”.
Which is, your spam aside, the point of the thread.

?? quote?

50 years old and hardcore.

Hardcore and Tigers/STG in Stalingrad. Though as I said worth a go sometimes.

Looks like it’s from 2002 and I never checked it for the eastern front factor.

→ Responds to me despite me talking to someone else
→ Continues responding
→ Complains about spam

Hmmmm. Looks like what has been said is true!

To make it on topic for you: Volkssturm weapons should be BR 1 and lead to the better versions. For example: Kar98k Kriegsmodel → Kar98k → Prewar Kar98k


would also point out that pps42 regardless its a good gun should be as well around low tiers against mp40 / mp35 what ever is suitable.
Instead of current moscow ppd38/40 vs mp40
and my all time favorite ppsh41 vs beretta 20mag

Yeah tears will be shed, but few buckets of tears doesnt exactly outweight the balance.

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It’s doubtful Fedorov in real life would be anything like STG. But in this retarded reality of Enlisted it has to counter MKB that was added for hell knows what sake to counter PPSh. Chain of idiotic decisions was made and kept making instead of keeping assymetric balance.


100% agree. BR should be on weapon effectiveness, not early vs late war. Otherwise Fedorov would be BR 1 and Kar98k Kreigsmodell BR 10 lmfao.

PPD 71 round vs MP40 makes no sense from a BR perspective. PPSh41 vs Beretta 20mag had me rolling.


Its what makes this game retarded korean crap, thanks.

So much to unpack there. But sure thing buddy. Continue to cope and seethe to your hearts content. I’m going to keep enjoying Enlisted :slight_smile:

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The worst joke in this whole game.


At the end its just another dick move from them.

I guess constant Soviez botfarming in Moscow and SG must affect a thing or two.

Looks more appealing and realistic than the cartoon war we currently have.

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Keo explicitly says “authentic: looks acceptable, possible and balanced.”
Volkssturm weapons in Moscow/Stalingrad/Tunisia/Normandy are not possible and do not look acceptable.
However, in Berlin VG-2 would be perfect against M1944 Mosin.

huh? Different types of games, simple as.


theres this easy solution, remove maps names.
Then they are just bunch of generic maps not related to anywhere.

Much like they “fixed” the shady marketing descriptions simply by removing them.

Giving a bad gun a stupid high BR just for Ha would just feel bad to research. Long grind only to obtain a severe downgrade of what you have.
Ppl already complained why they should research weapon X in the current system not realising that unlocking X would put them closer to unlocking weapon Y. I dont want forums to be flooded by ppl comlaining about that balancing aswell because thats what they will do.