The place of Volkssturm weapons in the new progression tree

Why were Volkssturm weapons added to the game in the first place? To enhance the atmosphere and authenticity of the Berlin campaign.

Could Berlin have been launched with K98 Kriegsmodel instead of VG-2 and MP-35/40 instead of MP-3008? Yes, absolutely.

Despite BS weapons added to other campaigns like MKB-42 in Moscow or RPD in Berlin, were Volkssturm weapons added to any other campaigns? No, they were not. Because they only make sense in Berlin.

Will anyone shed tears if Volkssturm weapons don’t become easily available after the Update? Don’t think so.

Where should Volkssturm weapons appear in the new progression tree? Anywhere but only linked to Berlin maps, maybe on high tier as “meme” unlocks for those who want a challenge.

But definitely not spread across all tiers and maps.


there will be no “berlin” or “moscow” maps with new matchmake.
Just generic maps that could be anywhere at anytime.


I would. I like those makeshift things. I don’t like equipment BR matchmaking, but I have to admit it will allow me to have fun with them “in a safe environment”

It is what it is, the majority wanted this sort of matchmaking with BR :person_shrugging:




yes :cry:

don’t you start.

removing content isn’t the right way.

which, i think it’s the right thing to do ( having volks weapons in the middle ), because it gives an opportunity to actually play berlin earlier rather than locking it entirely to latter brs / tiers / top tier.

because of the soft rule ( allegedly. which we don’t know how exactly will work )

as much as i agree it would become weird seeing volks weapons i think it’s still a good thing to have the access more maps instead of the same ones.


Always a problem with german weapon who are ahistorical… i see you always forgot the rest

I dont see you one time starting one of your useless rant talking about

  • t50 in moscow
  • fedorov in the game as progression weapon an not gold order
  • ppd40 in berlin
  • avs36 in berlin
  • fedorov in berlin
  • as44 in berlin
  • rd44 in berlin
  • jumbo never used in overlord
  • p38 already scrapped by US from a lot in normandy
  • a13 who is scrapped in 1941 after france fall and still is in the game as progression tank in a 1943 campaign
  • italian who scrapped the ovp in the 1936 and cam be used as progression gun
  • fnab43 in tunisia despit be used after the armustice
  • wrong semovente
  • m2 carabine in normandy 44 but it get issued on the continent in 1945
  • Japanese armory who is composed for the 70% by paper gun

And i still forgot a lot of thing…

Is clearly you have something aganaist germany because until this time there are more obliviusly historical inaccuracies thath a fucking mp3008 in moscow who you never see him because no one gonna use thath shit if they have a beretta or mp34 unlocked early


Reichstag and Chancellory only exist in Berlin.

I’m not saying “unobtainable”, but merely “on high BRs so that they don’t appear on low BR maps like Tunisia”.

To be honest I’m yet to see the “majority” argument substantiated.
There was never a clear poll asking “do you want BRs without regard to history” with at least a thousand participants.

But that basicaly means going to Berlin with MP-3008 BR weapons and vehicles like PPS-42, T-70, Pz III J and/or seeing this mix in Stalingrad which also feels super EW.

Check my post history then. Most of those are there. And also shut your potty mouth, boi.


Oh boi the angry HA kid is angered when someone complain about how useless are is topic about, germany is not HA accurate


For reference and your friend @TUSUPOLISI69 can confirm you always start complain about germany equipment who is ahistorical and remember the rest only wen other people make you remember it…

How ironic is…


Bad idea.

Their (dev’s) draft is heavily biased already, with pps42 being almost entry BR lvl, with pp43 being only 1 br higher. You’d want axis to have crappy unlocks even at mid br?

Seriously. Who would even USE those at mid/high br, when their enemy spam ppsh41(box) as weakest br smg?


That’s my point. Make them available at mid/high BR and if you’re a fan of those weapons, feel free to use them.

Otherwise who will really miss MP-3008 when MP-34/Beretta M38 is already unlocked? Or VG-2 when you have Pre-war K98?

But fans of Volkssturm drip can use them in Berlin still.


Is, in fact, historical.


they can add similar text to all map loading screens. Problem solved


This is not the point and you know it, now i say something fun

If you put Veekay45 in the search option alongside MKB it exit 7 page of post of him complain about that gun and if we extend the research to panzer f2 and BR


He complain exclusively about german gun and only about the rest wen you make notice This, his last topic was

“Make MKB high BR because… bla bla bla” seriusly This guy have something aganaist germany, there are better and worst example of HA inaccuracy that some gun or tank used for balance



Simply because that’s not what “battle rating” is about. It’s all about the “power lvl”, or “effectiveness” of the tool.

It has nothing to do with HA, immersion, ambiance or whatever, like it or not.

Volks weapons, safe for the vg rifle, have poor performances. They have low BR. All is good

And anyway, YOU don’t even like them. Probably why you want to see em gone by placing them in a br nobody would dare handicapping themselves with… :smirk:


Still makes him 50% right. :sweat_smile:

Though chads like me have hated the federov and mkb alike.


Doh, while I dont disagree pps42 being a gud gun. I think it fits better & is more balanced than current moscow ppd38/40 vs mp40 at entry levels.
Also ppsh vs m38 20mag.

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Real chad are the one who complain in equal measure on everything and give solid and constructive feedback :+1:

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not true, campaigns will turn into maps, depending if you have late war weapons or earlier ones you will be put in a map. If you have fg42s you will go to berlin whilst if you have a gewher 33 you will play in mosow

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It is a soft HA rule, if stars are perfectly aligned and ~20 people have perfect setup for said map the matchmake will match them against each other.
Might work once in 1000 times.

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Not true lol, you dont need exact setups, the game uses aproximations for this system

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Intresting as they have confirmed the possibility of lets say KT to appear in moscow.
Where did you read about the certain equipment being locked to maps ?