The German Faction is dead

German BR5 in USA Server is the biggest $hitshow of all time!!! Nothing but Bots. My job is not to farm XP by dying while fighting alone or with only 1 or 2 other real players. Always steamrolled now for many reasons…
I get it, you can beat on Germany and no one is allowed to Bitch and no one will listen anyways…

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Because the current version of the USA is too braindead, because they don’t need guns at all. They only need planes to send bombs and rockets and infantry to send explosives, and they can easily win with the tremendous capture speed advantages and ticket quantity DF gave them, just press w into the point and send impact grenades and rifle grenades everywhere.

Playing as USA is too easy and brainless, and being their opponent is too painful, so why play with the German faction instead of joining the USA to achieve a relaxed and enjoyable victory?

Note that even in this version, I still believe that if there are many good players on both sides, German is no weaker than USA, but the German players just need to pay much more effort when Americans does not. So why choose a faction that is tiring to play with?

Delete impact grenades, reduce the capture speed bonus and ticket recovery advantage of USA in Normandy, appropriately nerf overly brainless aircraft(aircrafts used to be more balanced before Corsair was implemented), and as compensation, provide USA with better infantry weapons and tanks, making this faction more focused on infantry combat, rather than relying on meta to achieve brainless victories and kills, destroying the opponent’s gaming experience.


There never seems to be a shortage when I’m on. In fact just the opposite when I’m playing as the Soviets. Usually there are twice as many German players as Soviets.

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What server?

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US and European

My sample size is not great (I do not main one faction or BR) but I feel like Germany high BR is a little light the last 1.5 - 2w. I also see more German players using BR3 so there’s that. I strongly suspect many bail as soon as they realize they are uptiered but I’m sure there are some who stick it out.

Maybe robihr will share data soon.

So here is some of the observations in terms of what I’ve seen post-merge, and just recently:


Players were playing a ton of Germans. Mostly due to people trying to get their hands on the Tiger II and Tiger II (H), as well as the MG15.

At that time Germans outnumbered both Americans and Soviets about 4-5 to 1.

Now that people have them, about 50% of those people seem to have shifted their attention elsewhere.


There are still a lot of German Faction players, but not as many as there were before, plus now there are a lot more people quitting out of games as Germans.

Predominately I see people quitting for 2 main reasons:

  • They are going against Soviets, instead of Americans
    (as the Americans don’t have as much of a chance when the Tiger II’s come out. Meanwhile the Soviets actually have the IS-2, Panzerfaust 100, and my personal favorite, the 80mm mortar which can kill tanks)


  • They are put on defense. On average I see 2-3 people quit out of defense games either immediately or within the first couple of minutes.
    In comparison, I only usually see a maximum of 1 person (if that) quit out as the attacking faction within the first couple of minutes.

I think this could be true. i also think that a lot of high tier German mains have had a really easy run for nearly 1 year and they quit because adversity is unfamiliar. German equipment is best in class.

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A lot of it, but not all of it.

One real problem IMO is that they get a mix of equipment that the other factions they face don’t have a counter to.

  • Tiger II vs Americans
  • White Phosphorus vs Soviets
  • 80mm mortar vs Americans
  • Ampulomet vs Americans
  • High Capacity AA vs Soviets
  • Ju188 vs Soviets
  • and others.

I know you guys don’t like hearing my suggestions for defense, but its things like this that I try to bring attention to. Less people currently like playing as defense, and it shows.

Even when their equipment is overall better, its still less enjoyable for people to play on defense CURRENTLY, so much so that they would rather quit out.

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Because defense games are either borring wins or steamroll loses. More often than not, when I win in defense this is because the offensive team cannot even cap the very first point, thus you just wait until the game is finish and the enemy waste their ticket.

On the other hand, the attacking team can easily snowball when taking points in quick succession, easily earning a victory.

Finally, that might be minor but there are many BP task that ask you to capture point, you cannot do so in defense. Also capturing a point is something that gives the player quite a bit of xp points, while defending gives you nothing.

Imo, defense is just boring while attacking is more fun and provide more xp overall.

I don’t like your massively game altering suggestions that have little to nothing to do with what is going on currently. You’ve been beating the same drum for many many months (or years).

I don’t want the game to be more cumbersome or restrictive or require the purchase of more specialized kit.

I just want balance in map/objective rotations and teams.

Nearly all the rest that you suggest will just shift problems from one place to another.

This has been going on for many days

Good. Bout time the Krauts got what we had to suffer through when the Merge hit

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On EU/EEU Axis suffers enormously in high-BR.
Steamrolling invasions in 7-10 min (!)
Sometimes there are only BR III and uptiered BR II players, for Axis. And sometimes there are fully equipped gold ranks players that are totally clueless how to play this game.

Also worth mentioning is that the level of BR US is very high at the moment. You always have competent teammates. Not as common for USSR. But still


I believe the majority of the best players who queued Axis right after merge are either playing something else or not playing at all (waiting for the next event). Sure there are stacks here and there, and one or another really good Axis main truthful to his faction …
but it really doesn’t matter. Axis is overall “dead” atm in the sense of competitiveness.
However, as everyone knows, this can change next week …


It honestly needs to though, otherwise the games always play out pretty much the exact same every game. It’s turning into the monotony of CoD where the same meta gear is being spammed every game, rather than games being played in a more dynamic manner.

Different designs of fortifications would change every game, and since each game would then be a little different, players would need to bring more specialized kits instead of just one-size-fits all kits.

Its to keep the game interesting as well as fair.

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Let me be a jackass - ha! Shame on you for not placing rallies, ha!

Why place rallies when our onslaught is so constant and uninterrupted, that we don’t even need to respawn to win?

That’s what an unfair stomp is…

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I don’t even think this is a population problem, its rather that those “popularity trends” that you folks are talking about mostly only effect good players.

I don’t see my German team full with bots, instead the noobs that don’t care about trends keep playing what ever faction they want.

Bonus Silver for playing a faction that is loosing alot at the moment due to popularity could fix that - heck I bet the devs have access to the daily winrates of each faction - implementing such mechanic can’t be all that difficult right?

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Or in other words “we are chads, we don’t die, we don’t need rallies”

I like it ha