The German Faction is dead

They definitely do, it’s how they tweak caping time differently for each factions…

It would be a piece of cake to implement.

(Heck even H&G managed to do it)

We just saw it was unnecessary, so unbalanced this match was. Enemy couldn’t do a thing. Next cap was starting being captured in 30 after the last one got taken.

I lvled my Corsair squad after my initial squad finally died…

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Or by the time you get to your rally setup area the german capture point is already being taken.


Where are the Germans??

0 Ue1oqQ-SwUreAbje

This is so “funny”…
I play USA and after the merge playing was no fun due to being destroyed by Germans in 90% of the battles.
But things have changed, now playing is no fun due to destroying Germans in 90% of the battles.
I played BR 2, 3 and 5.
Maybe I should try BR 4, hoping for more Pacific battles, hoping there are still players there…?

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I also switched servers and noticed that the Soviets are overwhelmed when Eastern European servers are included.
It seems that many players want to play their own country, just as there are a certain number of Japanese who play only the Japanese faction.

That’s what I hate about BR. Monotony. Thankfully I have BR III to spare me of that

I regret that I have but one heart to give to this post.

Thank you for this! I was exasperated the other night after getting continually thrown into hopeless matches defending as the Germans in Normandy.

I changed the options to allow for matches on the European servers, and, while not total, the notable increase in both map variety and the quality of my teammates saved me tremendous aggravation!

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I play at least on two servers, sometimes all of them of various reasons. mainly cuz I will get less vulnerable to match with “not so good” players.

How so?

My experience is that the sequences going on at the same time, moving the same set of players, are more evident during non-busy hours.
And if you find yourself in the right loop you’ll have a great series of matches. In the wrong loop - you’re doomed.

For example: had 2-3 bad games in a row (with more or less the same set of players) on “EU only”, decided to desert a conquest battle, and all of a sudden I got into this other loop with different sets of players and I had 2-3 great games in a row (on EU).

Queuing on multiple servers is a good way to keep your sanity.


I agree Axis team is now full of turds.
So much so that even I cant carry them to victory anymore.