The game is unplayable for axis for over 3 weeks now. Axis players are worse than AI

ah yes the “Hitler buzzsaw”

there are noticeable differences between US and EU servers
both in faction population “curves” over the day and in playstyle
so thats where the confusion might be coming from
For the past week it seemed that Japan/Germany BR2 pop on on EU was slowly dying during the EU daytime, to the point of “the game feels like 1v19”
I was almost exclusively put on german/japanese teams recently, with very underwhelming teammates, or outright bots


Its best practice to play with friends. Makes even the games where your team is severely outmatched more tolerable.


Japan is pretty similar right now. It’s the last nation for me to grind and it’s been frustrating

3 Germans walk into a BAR


And they order 5 beers.
[this picture violates community rules]

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for me its prety even on win/rate across the board, even tho i play german the most.
i would suggest to try diferent BR, Axis and ussr BR 2 is prety relaxing and with lovely fights, i wish i could play berlin maps with tier 2 coz High BR is hard for me now a days :frowning:


It’s bad matchmaking rather than player skills I think. I’ve met very good teams but look at what we have in the screenshot. I doubt if most of my team even had the chance to learn how does the game works before being massacred by the US automatic arsenal.

Where is your warrior spirituru???
Your inneru samuraï?

Warriors who don’t fighturu to the death, bring SHAME to their familyru!

(Why no Japan??? :open_mouth:)


i dont have the time i used to have and when i play with others, we go germany , ussr, or allies :slight_smile:

but, even if i had, i dont enjoy much japan gear :confused: i cant even recognize or know most of the weapons or “type this type that” :confused: all is strange for me

Looks like Mannor Adsault - which I haven’t played in months, since I promised myself to never play this map ever again.

I quit them every single time.

This is the worst map and gamemode imaginable.
The Assault gamemode in general favours the defender, but the Mannor map? The Attackers have zero cover and cant place rallies - while the defenders can place rallies super close to the objective.

This map is ridiculously imbalanced.

I call this Tunisia reappears
At the beginning of the merge, my Germany had a 90% (50 games) winning rate, but now it is only 74%

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This shit surge is real, I made similiar thread about it too few weeks ago.
Apes have taken over Axis, I don’t know what happened.

My back hurts and I don’t want to work anymore.

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I mean there was a point where on tunisia you could build rallies INSIDE the capzone holes. Not the long tunnels. Any larger room would let you put rally points in it. It was just a total nightmare and we are basically back to that nonsense. There are capzones where I’m trying to cap and I can hear several rally points beeping at me

I refuse to believe they are players. I dont care how shit you are, getting 10 frags in a 10-15 minute match while getting squad wiped 15 times isn’t even dad gamer level, its just bots. I’m pretty positive that there just isn’t enough axis queing, the MM is setup like before the merge to fill underdog teams with bots so that no one has to sit in que for more than a few seconds, and what we have now is mostly just bot farms for allies and unfortunate axis players that have to deal with less players on their as a result which is kind of a big deal when the game is only 10v10.

Germans don’t wanna be stuck as defenders for life fix it and you might see them again


i’ve seen someone who got 0 kills and 12 wipes before leaving so yes they can be players


wtf i was telling this in a post, i got banned and everybody told me “sKiLl IsSuE” why u dont get the same answers? Hello moderators? why u dont ban this topic? :clown_face:

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Probably because they have to wait till the faction is dead before they realize what’s happened and not seeing the writing on the wall

Hell, Soviets are a mixed bag. They seem to be as damaged as Axis right now, lol. The only factions I’ve noticed playing well are Japan and US of A. Shame, because I really like using my IS-2 and KV-1 tanks. Easily get 9-10k on a good day. Though no faction is really dead, you could bring a stack. But by the sounds of it, it doesn’t look like that’s easy for some here. This is from my recent observations in the game. Ooo, is this going to be something with the steam release…